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Miss Scarlet

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Posts posted by Miss Scarlet

  1. From that UC Hastings interview:



    I am intrinsically drawn to underdogs. I like talking to outcast people -- they are more interesting to me -- and when I have an opportunity to get paid to interact with them and bring them justice, that is like my crack cocaine!

    It doesn't seem like she finds outcasts that interesting, based on what we've seen of her with Nina, Max and Shirin and the video above. Yes, she was nicer to Nina than Jenn was, but still. It seems more like she's (somewhat) tolerated these people, than taken any interest in them.


    I'm starting to think that one of the reasons she comes off as less judgmental than Jenn is because of her voice. She always sounds like she's totally out of it or something. When she said "Max, that's disgusting!" in confessional about his wart, it came off as funny rather than mean.


    A lot of people have been thinking that Jeff's excitement about this season means that a man wins. i thought that too, but I actually think that could also mean Hali wins. In that pre-season interview with Gordon Holmes, Jeff was talking about the No Collars and said that he "fell in love" with Hali when he met her. So I could see him being pumped up if she wins. I think she's playing pretty well so far and has a good edit. She seems pretty smart.

    • Love 3
  2. I finally got around to watching the Meet Jenn video. She comes off as really judgmental and immature in that one. Just the way she talks about how people with 9-5 jobs are boring and you'll never meet an interesting investment banker is just dumb. And then she also talks about how she doesn't understand why people would ever take on jobs they don't like. Look, I understand that from a theoretical perspective, but she's old enough to know that that's not how the world works sometimes. She says in the video that she's not a trust fund kid, but she does come across as very privileged. (Aside - she's a sailing instructor. Isn't sailing kind of a wealthy yacht club kind of thing?) In her other video she mentions that she doesn't like to be friends with girls and, as I mentioned in the episode thread, I feel like she can't be friends with girls because she's catty, not because they are. 

    • Love 3
  3. I saw the secret scene of her singing the Survivor theme song and I thought it was hilarious. It was probably one of the best secret scenes I've watched. I don't know how I would feel about it if I was out there on the island with her, but as a viewer I think she's great. I much prefer the type of entertainment we get from someone like her than from the Rodneys and Brandon Hantzes of the world that CBS mistakenly believes are entertaining.

    • Love 7
  4. I get what posters are saying about Jenn's snarky tendencies and I'm sort of conflicted as to whether I think they're funny or not. I have been around people who will not stop talking and it is extremely irritating. I had to take a day-trip with someone like that once and almost died from their non-stop blathering. My thoughts were pretty much in line with the things Jenn was saying in this episode. And I'm not on Survivor where I have to live with these people and hear it 24/7. I thought Jenn's horse race confessional was kind of funny.


    On the other hand, I don't think that Shirin seemed that annoying. I can't stand when people talk incessantly because they're being self-promotional, but I think in her case it's just genuine excitement of the game. I don't think she does it to brag and she's not a mean or unsupportive person. But the main issue I have is that Jenn seems like someone whose default is to be irritated by everyone and think everyone sucks and roll her eyes at everything everyone says, except for a few special "chosen ones" (Joe and Hali). It seems like she wouldn't like anyone who was excited or happy about anything (except for maybe surfing) and like she uses this to create in-group/out-group dynamics where she can then complain about the "annoying" people all the time and strengthen her friendships or whatever. Being around people like can be really hard because they just hate on everything you do and say. I remember in one of her pre-show videos she talked about how she doesn't like to be friends with girls and prefers to be around guys. She's probably the type that thinks girls are too catty for her, without realizing that the reason she has problems being friends with them (besides Hali apparently) is because she's the catty one.


    I also think she's really hypocritical. Like she thinks her complaining about killing the chickens was totally fine and legitimate because she did it, but you know if Shirin was the one doing that we would have gotten several confessionals of "she suuuucks", *faceplam*. The other thing is besides her horse-racing confessional I don't think her commentary about anything has been particularly funny or insightful or interesting. It's just "they are, like, so annoying" and "uuuuggh" and *facepalm*. It doesn't really add anything. It can come off as kind of bratty or like a moody teenager sometimes. 


    And yes, Carolyn and others have mentioned that Shirin and Max are annoying. To me, Carolyn seems humourless and uptight and Jenn comes off that way too (unless, like I said, she's the one making the joke, in which case it's hilariouuuus). But the difference is that it feels more hypocritical when Jenn does it because she's all "oooh I'm such a laid-back, free-spirited No Collar". If she really was like that then she wouldn't get so annoyed by Shirin and feel the need to bash her all the time. She would get annoyed, sure, but it would roll off her back more easily or she would try to be more accepting. Jenn is very judgmental and I'm not sure labelling her as a No Collar is a good fit. I think in this case, she's someone who probably just finished their undergrad degree and whose parents still pay for everything for her. That's why she can afford to have no job and no responsibilities and claim to be a No Collar. 

    • Love 6
  5. From one of Lindsey's exit interviews (http://realitytvmagazine.sheknows.com/2015/03/19/survivor-worlds-apart-interview-lindsey-cascaddan-sacrificing-my-beliefs-was-not-worth-1-million/)


    Ryan Haidet, RealityTVMagazine: Was your dispute with him primarily about his comments about women or was there more to it?


    It’s really hard because they can’t show you everything. I’m sure they wish they could. But with 39 days and 24 hours a day, obviously, it’s a family show, so a lot of what comes out of Rodney’s mouth is not even airable. I think dealing with that every day, and once you’re stripped from food and sleep and it’s a nagging thing over and over and over, you just get pushed to the edge. I’m the type of personality where I am gonna stand up for what I believe. Hearing about how he hates kids, he hates women and he hates gays, he hates all these people that aren’t himself. It just got to me.

    • Love 15
  6. I don't know, I listen to (and respond to) the men in my life differently than I do to the women in my life.

    I don't know that I would apply those methods to strangers, though. And I'm not a patronizing dick about it like Dan.

    Or we could just listen and respond differently to people based on how they are as individuals. Not because of anything having to do with "men are like this" and "women are like that".


    It's horribly sad how many Survivor contestants make sexist remarks. I liked Malcolm enough and he was super popular, but he also had that gross confessional in Caramoan where he talked about "being an accomplished liar when it comes to women". And it seemed like part of the reason he said that was just to look "cool" and because his mind went all bro-y after spending so much time with Reynold and Eddie. Yeesh. At least he apologized for it post-show.


    It would be nice if we could go just one season without these types of comments. But it will probably never happen because casting loves the jerks. 

    • Love 6
  7. And yet ... that's one of the things I love about the show, because, unlike in real life where sexist men go happily along for years, never paying consequences, often totally unaware that they're even being offensive, here we get to watch and wait for that wonderful moment when women vote them out. Snuff. The tribe has spoken.


    Rodney has probably been spouting his inane viewpoints all his life and never been called on it.  Now he gets to go home and read what we think of him on the internet and probably get hate mail and hear remarks made by strangers.  I'm almost feeling sorry for him just writing this.  The valuable thing is that thousands of men like him, or borderline like him, will hear how they sound to others and maybe learn something.


    I honestly think this is a socially valuable show and that the viewer's tendency to pick it apart is a good thing that helps us learn about ourselves.

    Those are definitely good points. Unfortunately, when it comes to Rodney it seems like he won't be learning anything. 


    He wrote on Twitter: Rodney Lavoie Jr. ‏@Rodney_Boston

    7 Billion people in the world, and Some of You Won't Like me..Do I need to Finish the rest?! #HatersGonnaHate #HavingFunbaby #Survivor


    So...let me see if I have this straight. We're haters because we all want to be misogynistic and unintelligent bros and we're just jeeealoooooous of Rodney? That seems like what his "logic" would be.

    • Love 4
  8. I don't think he meant it in a sexist way. I just think that he was frustrated with Dan and he was (unsuccessfully) trying to make him say that he was sorry without looking like an ass.


    I think that sometimes Americans tend to be a little too oversensitive about comments like that. Most of us probably said some pretty dumb things too we just didn't do it on national TV.


    Uh, no. It doesn't matter if he was or wasn't thinking "I want to say something sexist". His statement was sexist. And it wasn't just "some pretty dumb thing" he said. It was indicative of the way he thinks about women in general. Talking about how women want apologies and want to be told that they're right in a way that was completely dismissive of women and basically being like "we have to do this because women are so emotionaaal and irrationaaal" is wrong. Just because he's not as awful as Mike and Dan doesn't mean it's okay. And viewers (both men and women) have a right to be offended by that. It's not over-sensitivity to not like it when someone puts down an individual or a group of people, especially when that person or group of people is constantly being shat on. 

    • Love 4

    I really hope Jeff was just puffing about this being the best episode of the season (although I doubt it).  Because, if he's serious, he's even worse than I previously thought.

    How does he not understand that there's something wrong with thinking an episode rife with some of the worst sexism on that's ever been on this show is "the best of the season"??? And he can pull the "well, Survivor is great at starting conversations about important issues" crap, but we all know it's because he agreed with every horrible misogynistic word that was uttered. This show really, really needs a new host. Probst's biases are totally insufferable.


    We never got an explanation for why Kelly went with the men, as opposed to Sierra/Lindsey. Maybe for challenges, since they didn't know a swap was coming? It was surprising to see that her and Mike are so tight, because all we've ever seen from that tribe is that Mike and Dan were tight, but were fighting with the others.


    I'm pretty the reason Rodney and Dan are so sexist is because they're bitter that most women can't stand to be in their presence for more than a second. So of course instead of looking inward at their own behaviour (which would take too much self-awareness and intelligence for them) it's all "women suck!!" And then Rodney pulls the "I'm just saying women should respect themselves" and his thinking is so warped and he's such an idiot that he probably thinks he's amazing for saying this about women or is doing us all a huge favour. Disgusting. I called out his Napoleon complex last week. Seems about right. I also love that his mom is still worthwhile because men will still want to hit on her. Of course women are only useful if they're attractive. UGH.



    Thinking that all three and a half billion of us are just alike is my pet peeve and when it comes from these prizes, none whom have probably been close enough to more than a dozen women combined to voice theories, it's particularly hard to tolerate.

    True. It's really amazing how people can stereotype and say horrible things about a group of people when they barely know any of the people in those groups! Dan and Rodney have probably learned everything they know about women from TV and the internet because I seriously doubt women in the real world would have anything to do with them. (I'm going to believe that Dan is only pretending to be married until convinced otherwise).


    I don't get Carolyn's utter disdain for Max and Shirin. They might be annoying, but at least they're not hateful. Basically what I mean is, at least they're not Rodney.


    Based on the preview I think Rodney's legitimately in love with Joaquin. He looked at him with incredible infatuation.


    The only way this season will be at all redeemable to me is if the women completely run the game from here on out. I cannot deal with seeing these horrible "bros" on my screen all the way until the end.

    • Love 6
  10. As a few other posters have mentioned, I don't know why Hali was getting mad at Max for sticking his feet in the pot. Jenn told him to do that and brought the pot over to his feet so he could stick them in. Between that and the unnecessarily rude way that she spoke about Nina at the beginning of the episode, I am starting to like Hali less and less.


    I don't think Carolyn made a good decision to work with the NC people. She kept saying that Max and Shirin were annoying. Suck it up and deal with it. I get that she felt they were w power couple and would never turn on each other, but she was at least 3rd in that alliance. With the NC alliance she'll be 5th after you add Joe back in.


    It is unfortunate Shirin and Max are being so socially tone-deaf. They'll be used as examples that superfans are nerdy losers who can't do well on this show and that's why the show has to cast mactors instead. Never mind the fact that players like Malcolm and Andrea were big fans of the show.


    The editing on the episode was weird. When Dan was talking to Sierra about how she was mean to him was he referring to that incident where he was mansplaining the shelter to her and she laughed in his face? Because he deserved it and I would have done the same thing. I'm glad Sierra recognizes her tribe for the crappy people they are instead of thinking there is something wrong with her and she should internalize their misogyny. Oh and as for Dan criticizing her performance on the challenges? That's ridiculous. She's been awesome. And I don't care how many shots she missed that were edited out of the basketball challenge. She was still awesome. It's sad too, because last week we were complimenting the fact that the BC tribe had enough faith in her to let her do that part of the challenge. They had to go and ruin that.


    Oh and Joaquin? STFU about Shirin being a sociopath. She said she killed the rabbit to practice for Survivor. Not because she thought it would be fun. But as we know Joaquin hates "paranoid, panicking WOMEN".


    I'm glad Lindsey pointed out that she was voted out for insulting a man's ego in her final words. She didn't play the best social game either, but that did have a lot to do with it. And I'm glad she doesn't regret it. We need less bible belt contestants and more Lindseys (but with better social games).


    The blood on Kelly's buff grossed me out. Could they not have given her a clean one for the rest of the challenge? Between that and the heat, it must have smelled disgusting and it was covering her whole face.

    • Love 11
  11. It is interesting to me that the last two seasons, the sexism inherent in a lot of Survivor seasons has been a lot more out in the open, story-wise. I actually think it's a positive sign that more women seem willing to call it out. 

    I remember Rocker getting called out by Natalie for being racist and homophobic. I'm blanking on anyone getting called out for sexism. What happened? I think I've deleted San Juan Del Sur from my memory.


    This sexism from this episode is the kind of stuff the makes people stop watching the show forever. I was absolutely repulsed. 

  12. The Blue Collar tribe disgusts me. This episode made me enraged.


    Rodney - STFU. He is an idiot and Lindsey and Sierra were absolutely correct in calling out his misogynistic bullshit. And trying to rationalize it by saying it's okay because his mother is the most important person in his life? He is the worst. I wanted to reach into the screen and hit him over the head.


    Dan - STFU. It was really amazing when his response to Lindsey's complaints about Rodney's misogyny was to give a confessional and be just as misogynistic as Rodney was. He has a mind-boggling lack of self-awareness and social skill. It would almost be comical, if it wasn't so offensive. Oh and saying that women like to empathize and men like to solve problems? Yes, because clearly women don't like to solve the problems and don't have to ability to. *sarcasm* Lord, I feel sorry for his wife. And his constant over-the-top way of mansplaining everything and attacking Sierra was gross. In the first episode I felt a bit badly for him when Lindsey and Sierra were making fun of him, but I can see now why they would have been at their wits end with him on the first hour of day 1. 


    Mike - Yes, women want apologies and to be told they're right all time because women are just so emotionaaaaal. No man has ever wanted to be told he's right.


    I hate the fact that, unless they throw a challenge, these 3 guys are likely to make it to the merge. I do not want to see them on the jury. Oh and it doesn't surprise me in the least that Rodney and Joaquin are going to "bro down". Gross. I hope Sierra orchestrates all of their blindsides.


    Jeff's constant degradation of the white collars is gross. I'm sure he's absolutely delighted that Shirin and Max struggled out there. To quote Linda Holmes on twitter, has there ever been anyone on TV more resentful of people who are considered to intellectuals than Jeff Probst? He has a serious inferiority complex. His laughing and enthusiastically nodding his head when Mike was saying that white collars just take whatever blue collars build was so dumb. And I think he would have agreed with all the sexist crap being thrown around at the Blue Collar TC, but he is too aware of the "millions of viewers" that he referenced and said would hate Rodney. 


    I thought the Nina stuff was painful, but this episode was worse. 

    • Love 12
  13. So now we know why Probst is so high on this season - it has the most sexism of any season that I can remember.


    Does Survivor specifically look for disgusting, sexist men? Or is it just coincidence that they always find awful ones?


    Lindsey: "The winner is going to be from this tribe"

    Me: "I hope not because if that's true then I will never watch another season of this show"

    • Love 6
  14. I feel like he said that about Missy as in she's going to make it further than Jon Misch because she's a goat and people will want to take her to the end. It wasn't because Rob thought highly of her gameplay. And I really disliked Missy, but I felt that she should have been given credit for forming that main alliance after the merge and keeping it from totally imploding. Chocolatechip, was that sort of his take on Baylor too? That she was a goat? I've already forgotten most of San Juan Del Sur. 


    Yeah, Stephen seems to get hung up on alpha males with big edits. But I do feel like when he's not analyzing the edit he gives more credit to female players than Rob, like my aforementioned example of Trish. I remember he even called her the star of the episode (I think it was the merge after Kass flipped). It's great when Rob gives credit to female players too and we can definitely cite examples of some female players where he's done that, but I just find that it's usually the exception, not the rule.


    I didn't really pick up on this when I listened, but this sort of thing is my only real complaint about his podcasts. It is so often a bro-fest and can devolve in to some borderline sexist comments and attitudes. I don't think Rob means any of it maliciously and probably isn't even aware of how it come across, but it irks me sometimes.



    That's kind of the point, though. They see him as harmless, even funny, while many if not most women would have immediately picked up on the creepy controlling vibe and likely been uncomfortable with it. It's a larger problem than a podcast or TV show, and like I said, I don't think Rob is intentional with these types of things. I just think that he, like many men, is not aware of how some men's behavior can seem threatening to some women, or how some comments from him and his guests are a little demeaning. Again, I don't think he's malicious or a woman-hater, just unaware, and I wish it didn't show up on his podcasts.


    Yes to all of this. This is absolutely my number 1 complaint about the podcast. Like Turtle says, I know it's not that Rob's a Men's Rights Activist or anything like, but he does have a lot of ingrained (passive?) sexism and as a result, can be really oblivious and insensitive to gender issues. He is often really dismissive of female players, especially younger attractive ones, and I find it very disappointing. So far this season there's been a lot of talk about Joe's potential and Tyler's potential, but Hali could go far as well and neither Rob or Stephen has mentioned that. I find that he is usually quite dismissive of the female players in his cast assessments and even when some of them make great moves he doesn't give them credit. I remember in Cagayan he only gave Trish a bit of credit after Stephen brought up that she was playing a great game and then last season he was talking about players that float along and don't do much and he said "like your Trishes". He has also made sexist comments that he's clarified by adding "I'm just speaking about women on reality TV". I think that's a cop-out and I don't think that makes his statements any less sexist. And I get that he doesn't want to anger CBS, but he talks about all of this as though this is just how women are. He rarely addresses the problems Survivor has with casting and editing. 


    I've seen discussions of sexism on the Sucks thread for the podcast and it's ridiculous because inevitably one (or more) of the posters, who probably actually is an MRA in real life, just totally flames the people talking about it. Anyway, I agree with what I read there in that Rob talked a lot in the Amazon about how he couldn't get dates and maybe his sexism stems from that bitterness. And in his biography section on his website he talks about how he didn't have many friends growing up and so he watched a lot of TV. It sounds like he has a lot of friends now, but that most of them are guys. So the only women he really knows well are probably Nicole and his family members and I think stereotypes on TV probably feed a lot into his perceptions of women, which is problematic. 


    ITA that the issue with Vince is the fact that men would be so oblivious to it. And I'm not saying that Rob should have said "Vince is a creepy psychopath that never should have been allowed onto the island". I understand he has to maintain diplomacy for the podcast to work. But he also didn't have to say "Vince was so hilarious! He was giving us gold! More Vince!" He could have taken a middle ground like "I don't know if Vince's approach was the best, I'm not sure how that will affect his long-term alliance with Jenn" or "I feel like a lot of viewers will be put-off by Vince. I'm not sure how entertaining people will find him". Especially since he does read comments on other Survivor message boards and has to have seen that a lot of people were uncomfortable with Vince's behaviour. 

    • Love 1

    Though if women players are more likely to play the 'under the radar' game (not sure that's true) then I can see them showing that game less in footage, because there's not much to show.

    In some cases women may actually be playing an "under the radar" game, but in some cases maybe they're not and the editing just makes it appear that way very often for women. An example of that (and I'm sure there are better examples that I can't think of right now) is that Jefra appeared very under the radar in Cagayan and then in post-show interviews it turned out that she was much more proactive than what was shown. Apparently Jefra had an instrumental part in convincing Kass to flip sides after the merge, but that wasn't shown. And I really don't think this was just revisionist history on her part, because several players confirmed this was true. So if this happens to a number of female players on the show it's hard to justify their poor edits by saying, "oh, well, she just played an under the radar game". 


    Also, does anyone know if Jeff has ever been directly called out on his sexism? I mean to his face. I know Linda Holmes wrote that article on sexism on Survivor, but I don't think Jeff ever commented on it. The closest thing to him commenting on this issue that I remember was in some EW interview with Dalton Ross where Dalton asked how returning female players were chosen or something and Jeff made the dumb comment about how it's hard to cast the returning women because female players aren't big enough characters or aren't dynamic enough or something.

    • Love 2

    For sure; this is what sets Survivor apart from the judge-based reality shows (Project Runway, Top Chef) that I sometimes watch and have slowly come to hate.  This is what I was thinking of when I said the players are ahead of the producers.  No way Nina Garcia or Tom Colicchio takes Cirie or Sandra seriously.  No way Tina or Chris from Vanuatu makes it anywhere near the end.  Regardless of talent or skill.  But there's no prejudiced judges to get in the way on Survivor, only a frustrated Probst powerlessly scolding at tribal.

    That's true and it's something that I should tell myself whenever I get angry about how sexist the show is. But I think the problem that I have with sexism on the show isn't so much that women can't win, because clearly they can, but it's that women who win (or most women who play the game) are not portrayed fairly. They are usually under-edited, have a low confessional count compared to male winners, are dismissed by Probst at the reunion or in the media and are viewed as "weak", even when they played a good game. So at the end of the day it's great that they won and got the check, but they're not represented well and that's really bothersome.

    • Love 1
  18. Ah yes, the "rustle feathers" incident. I also remember him saying that he wanted to gouge his eyes out with a spoon so he wouldn't have to listen to Monica talk. Because I guess in Tyson's world we hear things through our eyes. He's definitely not super bright, but probably just looks smart compared to everyone else in the world of reality TV.


    Not buttoning the shirt and tie is so fake. He has repeatedly said that he lived in the Philippines for 2 years doing missionary work and I once heard him tell a story about ejaculating all over a suit he was wearing after falling asleep on a plane (Yes, it was so gross. I wish I could remove that knowledge from my brain.) His whole "I'm just a laid-back bro and I don't care about anything" is such an act. I think he's actually super anxious and insecure. 


    I'm starting to agree about Rachel secretly wanting the spotlight. It's like she wants it, but doesn't know how to get it and knows she isn't really loud enough for it. But all the ridiculous bullying of Aviva made me see she is just as much of a drama queen as Heidi. And if all these fights were caused by people badmouthing other participants to each other then we should have seen some of it. The editing on this show was so horrible and choppy.


    Even though I think Rachel and Tyson are a poor fit for each other, I think they'll last. They'll see it as too much work to ever split up and try to find other partners.


    Every time Heidi was on screen it reminded me of how sad it is that there's so much pressure on women to have perfect appearances that she felt the need to get insane amount of plastic surgery, yet Spencer is hideously unattractive and no one was telling him to get plastic surgery. Not that I want men to get the same pressures. I want women not to have that pressure.

    • Love 1
  19. People like what?  People with scripture tats?  Have we actually seen Mike mention anything remotely religious around camp?  If not, I don't think you can really just assume he's an obnoxious evangelizer from a tattoo.  There are plenty of quietly spiritual people.  

    I was thinking of the religious types they usually cast on Survivor. Which probably isn't fair to the contestants on the show either, but I can't get the crazy Coach "on your knees!" and Brandon Hantzes of the show out of my mind. But yes, I definitely agree that there are quietly spiritual people who shouldn't be lumped in with those nutbars. 

    • Love 2
  20. RedheadZombie, I have no idea who would try this hard to marry Tyson. He always came off as such on a jerk when he was on Survivor. I still remember his first season when he was so horrible to Sierra. And while I don't think he's dumb, he's definitely not as smart or as funny as he thinks he is. Is there no else in Utah that Rachel could have dated?


    When was Marriage Bootcamp filmed? Is it possible that Rachel was pregnant when they were filming? Because it would actually make a lot of sense if that is the true reason they got married. I wasn't surprised to hear they got engaged, but I was definitely surprised they got married so quickly and that Rachel is already pregnant. I figured Tyson would drag his feet for years on that issue. Or maybe as soon as they got married Rachel just figured it was okay to throw her birth control away and then got pregnant right after. Also, for all the focus throughout Bootcamp on Spencer being too immature to be a father, I think Tyson is just as immature and ill-prepared for that. 


    The financial responsibility part makes sense to me because I don't think Tyson works a real job. At one point he worked part-time managing a bicycle shop, but I don't know if he even does that anymore. And I don't think he has any desire to work. So he basically has his Survivor and Bootcamp money, but after that runs out maybe it will be hard for him to provide for a while family.


    I get what you mean what Rob and Amber's dynamic. They probably are dissimilar in that maybe Amber does to make a lot of decisions for her and Rob and Rob was always very into her. But I think the reasons he's with and into her and the reasons Tyson's with (but not necessarily into) Rachel are very similar. It also seemed to me that both had a lot to do with being an insecure wannabe alpha male who wanted to get an attractive female partner because that's what they think alpha males are expected to do. Both of them seem to want to be the personality of the pair and they get validation from the fact that not only are they with the attractive woman, but she never outshines them in any way and her role is to tell their male partner how great he is all the time. Even the way that Boston Rob and Tyson describe Rachel and Amber are very similar. But yeah, Rob doesn't manipulate and lead Amber on the way Tyson does with Rachel.


    I think it's funny that all the couples staying together or progressing in their relationship will lead to the Bootcamp people being like "see, our show is awesome, it really does work". Which, no. These couples probably stayed together in spite of the Bootcamp, not because of it.

    • Love 1

    And sorry but I thought the God and his beard comment was funny as hell. You just know that if someone has  to cover their entire back in some bible verse he isn't keeping quiet about his "beliefs". I'm sure it's irritating as all get out and I probably would have said the same thing.

    Yep. I'm sure Mike discussed it around camp. People like that think their beliefs are amazing and that there's nothing wrong with sharing. And if the other people don't like it then it means there's something wrong with that other person, not with themselves.


    I didn't love the comment, but Survivor has so many ultra-religious Christians every season that it's about time they had some atheist/agnostic types on. Just because Mark Burnett is some type of evangelical Christian doesn't mean that people of other religions/faiths shouldn't be cast. It just goes to show the only reason that they cast for a bit of diversity in gender, age, race, etc. is because they don't want to get called out for not doing it. 

    • Love 4
  22. I haven't even seen the new episode, not sure if I will because this season has been so unpleasant to watch. (Is that why Previously TV stopped recapping the show?)


    I read online about Rachel and Tyson's update and maybe this makes me a horrible person, but it makes me sad that Rachel stayed with him. Yes, she got what she wanted in the end, but the whole dynamic of their relationship makes me uneasy. Opposites attract and that's totally fine, but that's not what this relationship is. A lot of Tyson's affection for her is built on the fact that she defers to him and she is easily manipulated by him and that creeps me out. He obviously likes her because she really fits the "be seen, not heard" expectation of women in relationships. He always gets to be the funny, smart, personable one, while she stands in a corner and says nothing except to validate him and tell him how great he is. He gets validated by the fact that not only is she taking on this role in the relationship, but she's a very attractive woman who's taking on this role, and I think he feels that this makes him look really awesome to other people, especially other men. And he needs that because I think he's actually very insecure. I don't think he could ever be in a relationship with any woman he truly felt was intelligent or personable. (They kind of remind me of another Survivor couple, Rob and Amber, who I always thought had the same dynamic.)


    I've heard him say that he loves Rachel because she's beautiful, fun and his best friend and I think that supports my perception of their relationship. I really think the "fun" part means "does whatever I want" and the "best friend" part also means that. To me those are not good grounds for a solid relationship. But I guess Rachel is so unintelligent and boring that she can't see or doesn't care about any of this. Now that they're married and expecting a baby she probably thinks it's fine that she defers to Tyson for everything else for the rest of the life.


    I also wanted to say that throughout the season I've been disturbed that the main complaints from almost all of the men have amounted to "my girlfriend/wife works too much, is too independent and doesn't cater enough to me". I get that in certain instances spending too much time working or being too independent to the point where you're distant or emotionally detached isn't a good thing, but there was too much emphasis on this and the attitude of these contestants and of the boot camp people smacked of "women should be more subservient to their men". It just smacks of misogyny and defining relationships by dumb gender role divisions.

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