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Miss Scarlet

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Posts posted by Miss Scarlet

  1. Peachmangosteen, thanks for reading my incredibly long post! I wasn't sure if anyone would.


    It really bothered me the way they diluted the misogyny issue into etiquette/"girls don't want to be around guys farting". Ugh. That is not what that issue was and they all know it. They did not want to deal with the real problems. I have almost quit watching this show several times because of the blatant sexism and horrible representation of women on this show.


    I'm amused by Jeremy and it's smart that he keeps it to confessional. I haven't seen him act antagonistically to any other players or anything like that and yes, it has made it easier for me to accept that he (or Jon) is going to win.

    • Love 2
  2. Jaclyn is from Vegas? I thought she was from Michigan too. She definitely has that Michigan accent. They're billed as "college sweethearts", but apparently they've been together for about 3 years. So that would have made them 22 and 23 when they started dating. Most people have graduated college at that point. Oh and also *shallow*, but I don't find Jon attractive at all. He seems nice and funny, but that's it for me.

  3. Enough with the tiaras and crowns, Helen and Kate.


    I used to think that Kate was authentic and level-headed/smart, but based on this episode I can see that she does deliberately try to craft a "good girl" image and is aware of using this as a facade. So maybe I was wrong about her. Also, enough of her awful princess dresses that she thinks are amazing no matter how awful they are. Her "girly" aesthetic is awful.


    Michelle is the wooooorst (Jean-Ralphio voice). She is crazy inauthentic and a mean girl, probably to try and feel better about her own numerous insecurities.


    I know Fabio is popular, but none of his designs ever really impress me. He just makes clothes that are trendy at this point (like jumpsuits) and doesn't really add anything to them.


    I really did like Sonya's outfit and thought it followed the challenge requirements the best.


    Alyssa really shouldn't have hosted this season. She seems completely tired and out of breath all the time. Her styling has always been awful and maybe she's aware of this, but is too nice to tell her stylist that she sucks at her job? I know this seems unfathomable for someone who's been in the business as long as Alyssa has, but maybe that's the case.


    Chris made me sad. I'll just pretend he was never on this season and only think of him as the Chris from season 4.

    • Love 2
  4. Cold Open - This was amusing enough. I liked when McConnell just went "You're black!!!". I thought that part would have been funnier if that had been the only line and then they had cut immediately to "X number of drinks later...". They really just had Sasheer play Michelle Obama in this sketch just to prove that they can do that now. Was what she was doing even an impression of her? Didn't sound at all like one.


    Monologue - I actually groaned out loud when Woody picked up the guitar. I think he really was stoned during the monologue because I could not understand anything he said. Enunciation is his friend. Then the Hunger Games people came and the monologue became a trainwreck. I was sort of amused by it, but also sort of put off by it, because it just seemed so in-group ish. I'm sure there are people that think Jennifer Lawrence purposely (or even subconsciously) got the line wrong to show how "clumsy" and "relatable" she is. I did think it was funny when Woody said she was the real Taylor Swift.


    The Dudleys - I thought this was funny and on-point. Not that studios make so many to their casts based on Twitter feedback, but these are the kinds of complaints that are Twitter/forums/in the zeitgeist right now. The only show that I can think of that changed its cast and it was very apparent that it was from this type of feedback is SNL itself. I thought the sketch ran a little long though and got a bit boring by the end.


    Match'd - I did think the "twist" was clever and the audience's reaction to "you can't shake hands with a ghost" might have been just as funny as the line itself. I'm pretty over the whole dirty = funny thing though. For some reason people automatically assume talk about penises, ejaculation and sex is edgy and hilarious. It's really not. I realized in this sketch that Kyle Mooney uses his stilted 90s sitcom delivery for everything, not just the Good Neighbour digital shorts. Maybe that's why he isn't used in many live sketches. I usually enjoy Taran's reaction shots, but his wide-eyed one after the father reveal came across as too hammy for me.


    Pot Freedom - This was a funny concept and shot really well, but didn't really go anywhere for me. I did love Vanessa Bayer's judgmental mom turning out to be a pothead too. 


    Safe Tackle - I thought Kenan was really funny in this one. I thought it was weird that the back row of "football" players was extras. They have enough males in this cast for this sketch. I also liked that they kept it short and knew when to end it, instead of dragging it on forever. 


    Young Tarts and Old Farts - I know that these sketches are completely formulaic and not that creative, but I am always a sucker for them. Kyle Mooney did a really good Macklemore and it was hilarious when Diana Ross went "I invented gay people!". Woody did a great James Taylors. I loved when James Taylor told Sam Smith he was too depressing. That was hilarious! I find Sam Smith way too melancholic and for James Taylor to say that to someone? James Taylor, who writes some of the saddest music of all time? That was great. Loved Kenan in the duet with Aidy and Blue Ivey with Elton John. I wonder if they auto-tune the pre-taped sketches that involve impressions. The cast members sound so much like the people they're impersonating and then sometimes when they do the sketches live I notice that the impressions don't sound nearly as accurate.


    WU - Meh. I don't like either of these anchors. Why can't Michael Che read cue cards? I used to say that I couldn't pinpoint what was wrong with them and didn't know what made a good anchor, but I watch This Hour Has 22 Minutes (the Canadian version of SNL) and their cast is really good at their version of WU. In comparing the two, I can see how Colin is bland and bringing no personality to the desk. I think one of the reasons the Canadian version works so well is because none of the anchors try to find a "type" and stick it. It seems on SNL the anchors typecast themselves (like Norm was the sarcastic one, Jimmy was the enthusiastic one, etc). The anchors on 22 minutes change up their style to suit the jokes and have a lot of energy. I would say Colin should watch them for help, but then he'd probably just try to mimic them exactly and that wouldn't turn out well. I did like the joke about how the message being sent to pedophiles was that they should start working in teams. I'm conflicted on Leslie Jones because on the one hand I do like that she brings energy, but on the other hand she's too over the top and plays into the "sassy black lady being sassy" stereotype. Also, some of her material seemed a bit repetitive from her last WU stint, like the part about men's spirits being inside women and all. Also, I'm not feeling her "crush" on Colin. It seems like they're trying to re-create the Seth/Stefon dynamic (unlikely anchor/character pairings), but it doesn't work for me.  I do like her overall though. Loved Taran's Matthew McConaughey. The part where he did the Mario Brothers theme song was so funny. Also liked his nicknames for Colin, especially CoJo. Woody almost broke several times. I wonder why instead of each anchor getting a guest, it seems to be that either Michael or Colin gets all the guests one week and then the other gets all of them the next week.


    Crack - This one was boring to me. I did like the ending where it turns out they all have done meth.


    Apples - I thought it was funny when Vanessa Bayer told Woody's character "That guitar was your only possession!". I think I would like this one more if I watched it a second time. The first time I was kind of just like ...whaaat?


    Last Call - I had a feeling they were going to do this one! I didn't think it was as funny as the one with Louis CK, but some of the lines were pretty good. I liked Kenan setting the bar on fire at the end. Does that mean we won't see this sketch again? Or maybe we'll see it at a different bar or with a different bartender.


    I think they're either to bring in Leslie Jones as WU anchor with Colin or bring back Cecily with Michael. I don't even know what I would do to fix it. I feel like they should get rid of Colin and Michael, not bring back Cecily and try someone like Kate. Of course they would never do that because she is too great at WU characters. 

    • Love 2
  5. I'm a bit late to respond to this, but what Michael Che wrote about the street harassment issue disgusts me and no, I don't think this was meant as a joke or that he should try to pass it off as one. Every time I watch WU I just can't look at him the same way anymore. I really wonder how the female members of the cast feel about this.

    • Love 3
  6. I don't see Jon as being dumb. I think he's articulate and has some good points about strategy, like when he told Jaclyn not to play the game emotionally. He and Jaclyn are annoying as a couple though. I'm sure they're really into each other and that's nice, but the constant PDA/you're beautiful/whatever else is going on is not something I need to watch. It has that "let's show everyone how awesome we are and how we're the best couple eva" ring to it. It's self-indulgent.


    I thought that Jon/Jaclyn would have been better going off with the Josh alliance just because other than Josh it seems like they would be able to beat anyone from that group. Who is going to win over either of them? Alec? No. Wes? No. They (especially Jaclyn) might have a harder time against the people in Jeremy's alliance. I get the point that they have to make it to the end first though. In thinking about it that way, I guess it wouldn't be good for them to go with Josh's alliance, because that alliance is composed of 2 couples and 1 single. Jon/Jaclyn become expendable because each couple could just pick up Alec and then get to the final 3 by voting out the other remaning couple. So they could get rid of Jon/Jaclyn before the final 5. On the other hand, maybe Jon and Jaclyn could have paired up with another couple and taken out the 3rd couple and Alec. In the Jeremy alliance it seems like Jeremy/Natalie and then Missy/Baylor will take out Jon/Jaclyn. Again though at final 5, whoever is left from Jon/Jaclyn might join up with one of the couples to take out the other couple. So basically, all of my rambling is to say that I'm not sure which side they should have gone with. I think either one could have been okay if they put in the work afterwards.


    I thought it was interesting how the misogyny issue was really ignored and instead framed as a politeness/etiquette issue. I don't have a problem with farting or burping on Survivor. The issue is when you say you're going to make the female contestants smell your farts and engage is other misogynistic behaviour where you choose to treat the female contestants like crap. The show and Jeff at Tribal Council decided to present these issues (misogyny vs. politeness) like they were the same, but they're not. I think they really just didn't want to delve into the sexism that was going on (especially since Jeff probably approves of it, being so incredibly sexist himself). 


    I don't agree with Jeremy's brand of chivalry. Women are not delicate flowers who need to be protected by farts and burps. Although he comes off better next to Alec, Wes and Keith, it seems that the idea behind his chivalry is that women are not capable of doing things themselves and need to be coddled/taken care of. Like how he was saying he felt he had to protect Val when he went against her back in the first episode, despite the fact that she is a COP and seems like she's tough as nails. This is disappointing because I do like Jeremy. Some people have mentioned that he seems to have a poor attitude and is always complaining about the other players, but I think it's hilarious. That is exactly how I would be if I were stuck on an island with people like Alec, Drew, etc. Actually, I'd probably be worse. 

    I wonder why no one tells Alec et al. to shove it? I guess when you're playing, the best move is really to just keep quiet, do all the work, work your way to the top and then maybe say something once the show is over? Meanwhile, people are constantly telling Baylor she needs to do more work, but that's probably horrible gameplay. It would be hard to suck it up and continue doing everything for her until the game was over though. What is the right play in this situation?


    Oh and Baylor does seem very lazy. This is a situation where both parties (the guys and Baylor) are in the wrong. It's not either the guys are awful and Baylor is great or Baylor is awful and the guys are great. They all seem pretty awful. There is a reason why all the contestants in the post-show interviews say that Baylot was the most annoying person out there. Keith mentioned that anytime he asks Baylor to do something, Missy says she'll do it instead. Yeah, it's pretty easy to see why her daughter is so spoiled. Hopefully Survivor will be a learning experience for both of them and this will change, but probably not. Again, this is not good gameplay on Keith's part, but I would have a hard time silencing myself on that as well.  I thought Baylor's confessional about expecting gifts and not expecting anything back was pretty telling. That's a great way to justify being entitled and not doing anything for anyone else. She didn't need to bring up Josh's Christianity either. That's outside of the game and doesn't matter in this context.


    I don't like Missy, but I don't think she's getting as much credit as she deserves. She is responsible for her and Baylor getting to this point and for building up/maintaining the alliance with Jeremy. I suspect one of the reasons she doesn't get that much credit is because she's female and "older". Like Trish last season. Natalie is doing a good job too. I thought her comments to Jaclyn when they were sitting by the fire about how awful the guys were acting was good gameplay. Subtle, but good.


    I am not going to enjoy the inevitable teasing/confessionals about Jon next week from those dimwit guys about how his woman is controlling and how he has no balls or whatever stupid things they're going to say.

    • Love 1
  7. The best parts of this episode were the references to FNL and the title. 


    Also great: Phil saying "mother nature!" when Andy scared him by standing behind the refrigerator door. I loved the tag of him from a seasons ago where it's clips of his "swearing".


    I feel like I don't even need to watch this show anymore because I can predict every storyline in every episode. Jay/Gloria: one or both need to prove that their marriage isn't a sham and that they both love each other despite their shortcomings. Mitch/Cam: argue about something (usually who is the more selfish one) and generally act as though they don't even like each other. Phil/Claire: neglect Alex, trying to prove the other one wrong about something. Throw in a couple scenes/plots based on misunderstandings (like they did with the first scene between Gloria and the tutor, where Jay thought they were making fun of him) or something being misheard between characters. That's it.

    • Love 3
  8. Yes, David acts as though he lives a very isolated life, with little contact with people other than his parents, so I was surprised he mentioned a girlfriend too. I could see someone thinking that he wasn't interested in women and was sort of asexual-ish. I used to see him that way too, but he's gotten excited about female pitchers a couple times this season. The weirdest time this happened was a few weeks ago when the pitchers were coming down to t he den and the Dragons could only see their shadows. Arlene asked him if the woman coming to the den was his favorite model and David goes "no, that's not her profile". 


    David and Arlene do so many deals together that I'm starting to think they should get married.

  9. I have a cold, black heart and don't like the student episodes. They're just too precious. For that reason I couldn't enjoy Mya's pitch.


    I thought the nanotips was an interesting idea. I hate having to take off my gloves to switch my music on my MP3 player. Arlene didn't seem to get that the liquid only left a black smudge if you try to swipe while the glove was still wet.


    There was too much fawning over the women pitching the boots. Yes, it's incredibly hard and admirable to come to a new country and do what they're trying to do and I think they should be commended. It just felt a bit over the top. Maybe the dragons were trying to make up for the fact that the knew the women weren't going to get a deal.


    I got second-hand embarrassment from the fitness pitch. There are sooooo many websites like that and them insisting that their education put them above the competition/should count as part of their valuation was totally wrong. Also, I thought they were a lot younger than they were and so cringed when they took their shirts off. After I found out they were in their 20s it was fine, but before then it felt weird. I think Arlene thought so too.


    I loved how in the Screamin Brothers pitch the kid that sat on Arlene's lap just kept eating ice cream the whole time and looking like he didn't give a crap. I felt badly for the other brother when Mike Wekerle told him he had a great smile and the kid seemed to become self-conscious of it and only smiled with his mouth closed for the rest of the pitch.

  10. Something that's been bothering me all season: Lori's dress in the credit sequence is awful.


    Now that I've gotten that out of my system, on to last night's episode. 


    The sharks are super moody. They (especially Mark) were greatly offended when the first pitcher talked back to Kevin, but other times they love it when someone does that and laugh like crazy or join in on the Kevin bashing. We got more of Mark's disgusted face when the popcorn team went "pip pip hurray!", but then he started the "Heidi Ho" chant for the cheese pitch. So I guess he just doesn't like other people to have fun without him?  


    I think it was smart of the popcorn pitchers to go with Barbara. She's who I would go with if I had came in with a food product and she seems to be the most involved with her entrepreneurs. 

    • Love 1
  11. How is it that someone like Alec has never been told how repulsive he is? I guess by just always being surrounded by like-minded people, who think his repulsive qualities are hilarious? How is that really great, lovely people receive tons of criticism all the time about everything and it seems like he never has?


    From the edited version of the show, the contestants just referred to the group of guys as "frat boys" and "arrogant", etc. I wish someone had singled him out and told him how awful he specifically is. Although that probably wouldn't have been good for that person's game and that is why they're on Survivor and I'm not.

    • Love 3

    Probst said in his Dalton Ross Interview he thought Jeremy would of been blindsided if there was a tribal so I don't think Parvati was that off base.

    Sorry, I don't know if I wrote this clearly enough in my original post, but I meant that Parvati said that if Julie hadn't quit Josh would have been voted out and Rob had to correct her, saying that actually Jeremy was the one who would have been voted out.



    I don't really like Parvati as a player and I think she is overrated, but I thought she was good this time and much better than in the past. She was a lot more honest finally admitting why Amanda didn't like her and the reason why she lost Heroes vs Villeins in the past she tried to blame it on the fact Sandra was just a mom.

    I don't remember what she specifically said this time about why she lost H vs V, but in general I'm not a fan of her "I lost because everyone was jealous of me" argument. For someone considered to be such a good social player, I thought that she would realize by now that one of the reasons she lost is because she did not try to form enough relationships with the Heroes and alienated them by mocking them with Russell all the time. Jealousy may have been an issue, but that is something you can try to work around too.



    I actually thought her comparing Eliza the way she did to Russell was accurate. She pretty said Eliza will fight until the end during her original season Eliza was the target almost every boot and survived until the Final 4. Mostly because she fought back Jeff pretty much told her at one of the tribal councils she was crying wolf because she would say she was the target at every tribal council and survived. Now if Parvati did not mean it that way because she was never seen Vanuatu than yeah I agree it was disrespectful, I agree though I have always had the impression she thinks she is better than Survivor. I remember one of first appearances she said she would never date John Fincher because he was on Survivor.

    I thought the part where she called Eliza the "chick Russell" actually made a lot of sense. What I was referring to was when she was talking about moving to New York and said she had Eliza at her "beck and call". She tried to pass it off jokingly, but her tone was really gross and degrading. I don't think she was fully joking. 


    I too have always gotten the impression that she thinks she is better than Survivor and is throwing the show/fans/everyone else a bone when she deigns to be involved with the show in any way. Why in the world does she think she's above the show or that what she does makes her too important for to be involved in it? I find this hilarious because A) She chose to go on the show 3 times. She didn't have to, but she did. B) Pretty much all of the real jobs she's ever had have come from the show. She has parlayed Survivor into a whole career, starting with hosting the After Show and then using that to get a job at CBS News. C) She is now dating John Fincher, who she met through the show. I also find it really funny that some fans on other boards are like "How could she date Fincher? She's the Queen and he barely made it past the merge!! She's too good for him". I think the consensus of people who meet them in real life and know nothing about Survivor would probably be that he's too good for her.

  13. It was interesting to hear the behind-the-scenes parts about Parvati's interviews with the contestants. I was surprised at how much Rob had to prompt her while they were talking about that. He would ask her if she liked someone when she met them pre-game and she would just respond with "yeah" and then he'd have to ask "well, what did you like about them?". Since she's done interviewing and hosting too I'd thought she wouldn't need so much prompting.


    I was also surprised by how bad her reads were on a lot of the strategic discussion. Rob had to correct her on several issues (like the fact that Jeremy, not Josh, would have been voted out if they had gone to Tribal last week, the way Josh was trying to sell himself to John/Jaclyn, her thinking that Baylor had been in charge of the tribe at Coyopa). They talked about how part of the reason Val got voted out was because she was on Exile and didn't have time to integrate herself in the tribe. Parvati suggested that Jeremy should have sent himself to Exile when asked to choose a member of his tribe to go and said that's what she would have done in the situation. It was weird though because she and Rob had just finished discussing how going to Exile is what ended up dooming Val. So it doesn't make sense that she would suggest Jeremy should have gone.


    There was a comment at the bottom of the page about how she speaks about Eliza in a disrespectful manner. A couple people pointed out that it's because they're friends, but the original poster said the way she talks about Eliza is still disrespectful. I noticed this as well and I agree that it is disrespectful. She constantly talks about Eliza (and others) like she's throwing them a bone and they're lucky that she's deigning to be friends with them. It's gross. 


    I also laughed when a caller asked her how she was enjoying New York, which she apparently just moved to from LA. She said something like the only difference between them/something she liked about New York was that restaurants stay open later. I thought that was kind of a weird comment, considering that she's supposed to be interested in culture and travel, yet doesn't point out any differences between LA and New York culture/activities other than "restaurants in New York are open later".


    This podcast was just kind weird to me because although I don't remember her last couple podcast appearances, I remember really liking her first one. Then I scroll down the comments and everyone is just "Parvati so amazing!! Best podcast ever". I know Rob's fans tend to be pretty positive, which is great, but I was kind of like..am I missing something here? I've felt the same way after some of the Aras podcasts too when I scroll down to look at the comments and they're all super positive, whereas I felt the podcast was sort of boring. 

  14. Other than Emily enjoying the trainwrecks that were Howard and Stuart, I didn't like this episode.


    Yes, it was nice to see Penny and Leonard having a good time together without constantly making digs at each other and bringing out each other's insecurities. If the writers had more pleasant moments between them, they might be more believable as a couple. On the other hand, the only reasons Leonard mentioned for being so happy with Penny had to do with her appearance. He was happy because he was "getting to dance with the prettiest girl at prom". He didn't say anything about enjoying spending time with her or her personality. So it just confirms that the basis of that relationship is Leonard liking her for her appearance. Penny was basically saying things about how it was surprising that they got together. There is no substance there. I think it's pretty gross. Why is it so difficult for these writers to write characters with have a mature, dimensional relationship? I guess because then it's not "funny"?


    When I first heard of this show, I thought "Great! This will show how nerds are cool too and maybe debunk some the nerdy stereotypes". Instead, it has really played into all the stereotypes for laughs. That's fine, but I think they could have the characters and their world more dimensional than that. All the stuff with Leonard and Penny, including the scenes from this episode which were some of the most "pleasant" ones the show has ever had, really just reinforce the idea that underneath the nerdy exterior all nerds just want a hot girlfriend, that they'll always feel inferior to other people based on their own appearances and that attractive people still rule their social circles. I find all of this disappointing.


    The Amy and Sheldon moment was unexpected and sweet, but almost a little too sappy for me. I think they're slowly moving Amy and Sheldon towards having a "normal" heterosexual relationship (although Amy and Sheldon will never really be considered a "normal" couple). I think that's chickening out on the writers' and network's part. It would have been unique and way more interesting to keep them as this couple of two asexuals, who have a unique relationship that's not sexual, but where they enjoy spending time together. This is what it seemed they were going for when they first introduced Amy. We have enough "typical" heterosexual couples on TV. 

    • Love 4
  15. UsernameFatigue, I've always been kind of creeped out by Jim too. I don't think he would make the same offers to unattractive pitchers. He doesn't even try to hide his pervy-ness and the other Dragons just laugh at it. Mike Wekerle and David are starting to do the same thing, which is disappointing, especially because David is my favourite current Dragon. I guess people think of it as an even playing field because Arlene tends to objectify attractive male pitchers too, but I think both things are unfortunate. 


    It's still early in the season, but Vikram hasn't really added much to the show so far. It seems like he'll only go in on food deals and won't go in for deals in other areas. I feel like this case of Dragons has no chemistry. I miss the dynamics between them when Kevin, Robert and Brett were there.



    As for the new guys, Michael totally seems like someone who really wants to be on reality TV. With his look and all the hand gestures it is like he is trying to be some mini-Trump kind of guy. Not necessarily the same personality but more trying to market himself as a character rather than a person. I am surprised he doesn't have a catch phrase yet.

    Definitely. He tries waaaay too hard. If he stays on for several seasons it will probably get super annoying.


    Also, $30 is too high for one pair of underwear. I guess it'd be fine for somewhere like Holt Renfrew, but I would never pay that when I can get 5 pairs of underwear for $30 at other stores.

    • Love 1
  16. Ugh. This is very upsetting. I live in Canada and we're dealing with Jian Ghomeshi-gate (information coming out that Jian, a famous radio broadcaster and media personality, has been sexually assaulting girls/women for over a decade), so between that and Michael Che, it's been a horrible week for this kind of stuff.


    Michael Che also has an instagram photo of a child dressed up as Ray Rice with the caption "this is why I don't buy into mass outrage". I don't even know what to make of that. I looked at his twitter and it's...controversial. He has a tweet about white women always stealing cabs from him. I think that's toeing the line of appropriateness. 


    Taran is now defending Michael on twitter, which is disappointing a) because Taran seems like a cool guy and b) because for some reason I thought the current cast was pretty feminist. Sasheer posted a link earlier today about how women can handle street harassment. Several people commented that she should send it to Michael Che. I also saw a video a few weeks ago for a magazine where she answered questions from fans. One was how to handle street harassment and she gave really great and thoughtful answers to it.

    • Love 2
  17. I felt really bad for Kini. I thought he was the best overall this season and wanted him to win. They did give him an impossible task, having to re-work his collection so soon before the show. 


    I thought it was very smart that Amanda said she wanted to build a brand. She's probably a very good business woman. I liked her clothes, but there was nothing in there that I hadn't seen before. People (on the show and these boards) have commented on her being inauthentic. I think it has to do with the really sloooow over-enunciated way she talks. I think she let it show a bit when she was talking about the mess Kini was in and she had a big smile on her face. We never really got a resolution to Korina saying to Amanda that she thinks Amanda is fake. Maybe at the reunion show?


    I don't think I've ever seen a designer as mediocre as Char make it to Fashion Week before. If this is what's going to happen with the Tim Gunn Save then it should be dropped from the show. Also, I still dislike her because of how rude she was to her model in the real people challenge where they got models off the street and then she blamed her model for "busting" the zipper. That was so rude of her.


    Sean. Sigh. So the judges really are just interested in having a young, male winner. There was nothing in his collection that was exciting and I don't like fringe. He seems like a nice guy and some of his talking heads are pretty funny, but I don't think he should have won. Also, the judges referred several times to the risk he took in his avant-garde challenge dress. It was risky, but one thing I thought during that episode was, could he not have made the design of the dress avant-garde in addition to the dying idea? I don't understand why he sent out what was basically a white sundress and then thought, even with the dye, that it was avant-garde. Making the design more avant-garde would have also helped him in case the dye didn't work.


    I thought it was nice that these designers all got along so well and there wasn't that much drama between them. 


    This show needs to stop focusing on having everything look "young". I get that they do understand when designs look too young and will comment on that, but I think a better goal would be aiming to make clothes that are "age-appropriate" rather than young. Not everyone wants or needs to look like they're in their 20s all the time and we need to stop perpetuating ageism and the idea that old = bad (and I say this as someone in their 20s).

    • Love 3
  18. Kate was at her finest in this interview. She was more, I don't know, enthusiastic (?) than I've seen her in other interviews. I haven't seen many with her, but in the others she has seemed more quiet or calm or something. Maybe it was the wine in this one. Also, I have never watched Kathy Lee and Hoda before. So Kristen's Wiig impression was all the wine guzzling is actually pretty accurate. Lol.


    It was interesting to hear that they're given impressions to do the night before a show. Wow. Obviously I knew that there were lots of changes made on Saturday, but for some reason I always assumed that they would have more times to work on impressions. So I guess one of the reasons Cecily gets so much screentime is because she's reliable and they can give her things really last minute that she can pull off pretty well. I liked when she was talking about Kate and Aidy being nominated for an Emmy and she said "They can't say it, but I can". It's sweet that she's proud of her friends/fellow cast members. 

  19. Cold Open - I don't have much to say about this one. Kenan's line about his mustache was really funny to me.


    Monologue - I did not get why Jim Carrey was doing a monologue as/about "Helvis" at all. I read that this was based on a video he produced a few years where he sings the Pecan Pie song. I'm sure most people were like me and were totally lost with this one. Did like Bobby as the devil, though.


    Lincoln Commercials - I think Taran does the better Matthew impression, but these were pretty funny. I liked the parts about the booger, the kids that weren't his and the question about why he was doing this after winning an Oscar. Uh, yeah, why is he doing these ads?


    Carrey Family Reunion - I thought this was a funny premise, but didn't remember that it was taken from a Christopher Walken show. As I watched these impressions I realized how unfamiliar with Jim Carrey's work I actually am, since the only one I understood was the one from The Mask. Despite that, the sketch was still pretty amusing to me. Taran does a pretty good Jim Carrey.


    Graveyard - Bobby and Kate were good in this, but overall, I wasn't really a fan.


    WU - The way Michael Che scrunches up his face when he's reading the teleprompter is distracting to me. Not sure about his anchor character being annoyed and off-put with everything, although I do like that he is developing some sort of role with it. I thought Vanessa's Daisy Rose character was a good idea. It was funny and has potential if they ever choose to bring her back. I must have been really tired when I was watching this (or uninformed) because there were some jokes I didn't get. I was like "Huh?" about the Brett Favre one. Liked Drunk Uncle's line about the goji berries in the dropbox. So Colin Jost is Seth-lite and I never though Seth did a good job as anchor. Too smarmy. Colin seems less smarmy than Seth though, which is good.


    Secret Billionaire - This had some amazingly funny and creative lines. The part about the 250 Dennises and 1 Brian was one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time. I liked the part about eating with dullards at Applebee's. I think this sketch would have worked better in a different context other than a game show. Like maybe having him be a weird co-worker at an office or weird relative at a family dinner. The sketch ended abruptly too.


    Ghosts - Taran was great as the host in this. I liked the shot of Leslie Jones's makeup running in the dark, but not being able to see that when the lights were on. The premise seemed a bit incomplete or something.


    Zombies - This was awful.


    Costume Contest - The dancing was funny, although is there some rule that Jim Carrey has to do a crazy dance sketch whenever he hosts? He did one parodying the Black Swan the last time he was on SNL. Like many people, I hadn't seen the video for Chandelier, but I still found this funny. I was worried about Kate having a wardrobe malfunction. She kept having the pull up her leotard. Some people mentioned Jim Carrey being out of shape, but I didn't notice that at all. I was actually pretty impressed at how agile he was and how he wasn't totally out of breath at the end. I liked how they involved the other characters in this sketch and had a real ending, which was funny and unexpected (Aidy winning the costume contest). Not sure if their guess that Aidy was a meatball had to do with the colours of her outfit or her weight. If it was the second one, then that was unnecessarily mean.


    Geoffs Halloween Emporium - This just seemed like they wanted to do a Former Porn Stars sketch, but either couldn't come up with anything, felt like doing Wisconsin accents that day or were worried people were too sick of the Porn Stars. This wasn't funny to me.


    I know I've said this after every episode this season, but what is the deal with so little screen time for Kate? Is she just not able to write sketches for herself this season? Did one of the writers she worked with a lot leave or has she not been able to establish a relationship with any of the writers? Or did she kills one of their dogs? Or maybe she's just conscious about being overused and then having backlash? I don't get it.

  20. My favorite part of the episode was when Beverly is talking to the girls and she goes "Let's talk about boys. I like Murray. Now you go, Lainey." Wendi McLedon-Covey's delivery totally made that moment.


    I wonder if they'll ever run out of video from the real Adam Goldberg's archives to run at the end. I read an article where his friend, Chap Kremp, said that he sent Adam 40 video tapes they had filmed together, so maybe they never will run out.

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