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  1. I would love another season but without Brynn and to a lesser extent without Erin. They're both liars. Brynn will definitely be called out for her lies at the reunion, but I hope that Erin is, too. And then Brynn shows up to the photo shoot wanting sympathy? What a bitch. She needs to ditch the support group and seek psychiatric help.
  2. I had to look up circle jerk (eww), too, lol!
  3. I have American friends who do that, too.
  4. She has developed her own weave/wig line. Not liking what I'm seeing, though.
  5. Kim's house is gone. On the auction block. Not sure if it has sold yet, though we'd likely have heard. One of the girls did a farewell to my childhood home social media post on Christmas. Mia needs to slow her trashy roll right down because a lot of people are saying she's too low class to be on Potomac--and they're right.
  6. Is that where all of his money is going to?
  7. Bronwyn had just been attacked by a fucking dog. Did you see those bites? And she's drinking and has probably taken something for the bites, surrounded by women who are not really her friends. She also called him that night to tell him what she'd shared. It's like so many people relish looking for faults and wishing their marriage would end and predicting its demise, in large part because of Todd's gruff manner and age/looks. She has said in interviews that being on the show has forced them to address some issues in their marriage and things are better. That's a good thing. He sat in the WWHL audience with Joe Gorga, wearing his silly sweater and, as always, just being himself. Love that Mary's his favorite. Guess we'll get more answers from Todd at the reunion.
  8. I cannot believe she watched that footage of herself and thought, "Oh, yeah. I'll easily win a jury trial." She should be committed for making such a delusional, crazy choice. And now she wants to appeal, which given what we've seen on those recordings is completely insane. What is she thinking?
  9. She also apologized to her daughters and at her shows with vickie, acknowledging her wrongs and fault. Karen acts like the incident was something that happened to her instead of something she inflicted.
  10. Also, didn't Erika offer both Garcelle and the son what appeared to be sincere apologies?
  11. What was with all of the brown bag meals? Surprised Jackie is the only one who mentioned that. Loved her lack of substance remark, especially since they're all thinking it and it's true. Not a fan of Tea or Cone-tessa.
  12. Did we know that Moriah Huq is still an executive producer of this show/ Just noticed it tonight!!!
  13. In the after show, she said, "I take it back, Lisa," because she was able to grow closer to the women in her villa. That's what I thought when he said he felt like a "stain." Poor thing.
  14. Boz has launched a weave/wig/hair products company.
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