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Everything posted by OnceSane

  1. Vote for your favorite tag line! (I'll add the most popular after next week's episodes.) For Brittany and Yazan: Cry Me a River Jordan, click the pink heart. For Brittany and Yazan: Brace Yourself, click the orange smiley face. For Brittany and Yazan: 90 Day Beyonce, click the yellow lightbulb. For Brittany and Yazan: Big of Him and Bigamy, click the blue sad face. For Brittany and Yazan: It's all Relative......, click the green surprised face.
  2. Damn, Jesse is SO butthurt that Darcey got a spinoff! Just for that, I hope it does huge numbers.
  3. Y'all, do not use the current situation to come for each other. It has been noticed and needs to stop. Now.
  4. I love the Thin Man series (already did a rewatch during this pandemic), anything Katharine Hepburn, and old musicals (in color for the last, but still).
  5. Y'all forgot about "All That She Wants"! All that she wants Is another baby She's gone tomorrowwww, boy But all that she wants Is another baby Ye-ah Classic.
  6. Monday at 8pm. Live Chat will be open.
  7. Discuss the latest 90 Day iteration here! Please remember that the forum rules still apply.
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