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Everything posted by DelicateDee

  1. Sometimes people have no choice. Most times, when people say they have the flu, they really don't have the flu. Most likely some forms of the cold virus, and although contagious, not life threatening, whereas a real "flu" is life threatening and if you really had it, you wouldn't be traveling, drinking alcohol or eating. Bethenny most likely had some 24 hrs. stomach virus. Excuse me if point has already been made, but we're 7 pages in already and I'm not caught up on all the comments yet. Drunk Luann, though! BWahahahahaha! I'm dying, ??????!
  2. Now why'd you have to go and post this? Now I have a compulsion to play this and sing along, since you put all the lyrics up. ???
  3. Good grief! They are just two friends talking. Did you forget they also discussed Carol's current situation with her dude? . I also don't understand this point about specifics. What is so specific about saying a "barrage of emails and texts". Heck, I wish she had exposed what those texts said. That would be the real dirt! In any case, by the time Bryn is old enough to be aware of this stuff, it will be ancient history and as long as both parents don't trash each other to her, she'll be fine.
  4. When did Bethenny "brag" about all the American Girl dolls Bryn has? I didn't know making one comment about your kids dolls when filtering out her stuff is bragging.
  5. I don't think that when Bethany leaves it's because she can't handle it. I think she leaves because she doesn't want to go all "Luann" on the the broad, meaning Ramona. When Bethany went off on Luanne, she expressed regret about it later and I think she's trying to avoid getting that angry again. As far as Bethany talking about her daughter being a hoarder, well that's her own daughter and she can insert her daughter into her conversations at her own will, plus she was only being saying that in jest. That's a lot different then another person bringing up your daughter under the guise of concern into a conversation that was meant to make you look bad.
  6. It looked like she had her left leg/foot kind of resting on the drivers side door, like she was a 20 something carefree silly thing.
  7. First time chiming in in a while and I'm surprised that no one has brought up the T-shirt with the quote "A Woman's Place is in the White House" issue. Thought that phraseology was kind of odd as it could be interpreted a number of different ways. Weren't women always (living) in the White House? I know it was meant to convey in a leadershio position, but the phrase is so open ended that I could see people making a lot of snark of it, especially if they are not Hillary fans. Oh well, overall I thought this episode was pretty good but like other others said I hope we don't have to hear too much politics anymore on these shows. I dont really want to know their politics as it reduces my enjoyment of watching them and possibly liking them if their politics don't match mine. That's sad I know, but it is what it is. I actually appreciate Bethenny not waxing on about her politics. That's exactly what I want in my silly HoWIves shows. We watch this crap mostly to get away from OUR realities! FWIW, I don't think Ramona looks horrible, quite the opposite, but those needles in the Face! Eeewww! Gross! I think they all look great for their ages.
  8. I can join you at that table also as I don't think B is Evil, monstrous, mean girl, psychopathic, etc. . Of this bunch, I believe she is the smartest and gets frustrated at the slower mentality of these chicks she's dealing with. I wish I could site examples but I can't remember so much of what these women say. It's just that, in general, a lot of hubris is taken at an innocuous comment B might of made and the target of the comment, whether Jules, Dorinda, or whoever, take that and hold it against her forever. Jules said that B was always talking about her marriage, but I don't remember that, yet if it was constant, I'm sure it would be remembered. I do think she got a bit unhinged at Dorinda's Berkshires house when she called Luann those derogatory names. That I didn't like, but as I said before, it wasn't totally unprovoked - IMHO. In any case, as far as your perceived table of one, that's only because the haters of Bethenny dominate these here boards, maybe because they have more time on their hands or maybe the non haters don't wish to spar with the haters (they do seem relentless) but her Twitter seems to garner more admirers than not. As for me, I would post more commentary, but am not adept yet at posting in a timely manner. As is evident right here, 2 weeks after Reunion Part 2, I'm able to get in! Lol! Now I have to catch up on the Reunion Part 3 comments!
  9. Giiirrll, you ain't lying. In the voice of Nene Leakes, the (thirst) hate is REAL!! And seems to have taken over these boards! Sigh . . .
  10. Yes, my birthstone and love them too! But, not that cheap anymore. I love a nice size aquamarine surrounded by diamonds, so pretty.
  11. She does have a choice. Because it doesn't matter if she treats them as beneath her or not. As paid assistants, they will do as she wants anyway, being that's what they were hired for. It's a credit to B that she treats them like real people and not robots.
  12. No worry. I actually like the original marguerita and always keep a bottle for its quick, easy access. I don't host guests frequently and therefore don't want to be mixing and blending several drink ingredients for just myself, so I could just grab that and pour over ice. The few other SG products that I've tried (non-alcohol) were decent. At least not any worse than any other average priced snack or beverage out there.
  13. So is it going to be the new norm now on these shows to show the women in the gynos office with their legs in the stirrups? I think it first started with the Married to Medicine crowd, but at least a couple of those women were gynocologists practicing their trade. But I still don't want to see the women with their legs in the stirrups! First Sonja, which was cringe worthy enough And now Jules, letting them actually film her coochie coo!!! Don't these women have any dignity left? Why do I even ask, they are on reality tv after all. Geesch! Yes, they have been throwing the word vagina out there a lot, too. But we can thank that play from several years back, The Vagina Monologues, for bringing that word mainstream and I hated seeing those billboards promoting that play and I hate the hearing it all the time now on these shows. All these shows, not just the NY crowd, have words that relate to our male and female private parts that they like to say over and over and over. The OC crowd seems to be fond of anal and penis. They're all gross. I wish we could dial it back to when we used those words, proper though they may be, only in conversation with our significant others, our doctor and close, personal (really personal, not fake) friends. ENOUGH ALREADY! Rant over. Carry on.
  14. Loved Bethenny's look for the candy products launch. She looked fresh and refreshed and her dress was perfect for her look. Those treats looked yummy too!
  15. Yeah, who does she think she is, Elizabeth Warren!
  16. Questioning the layout of someone's new under construction home is not AMBUSHING them. The placement of that pool was odd, at least on first appearance. And as far as their choice of where it was, I think that was a private convo between Beth and Carol as they were driving up there. Me and my husband have had similar views when on the rare occasion we will accept a friend's invitation for an event and they live an hour or more drive out of the city and we know that the only reason they moved so far out is because they can afford more real estate further out. And that's okay if you're retired or work from home, but it's also true that that property will not sell for more than real estate that is closer to the city. So why Beth and Carol are such self righteous superior mean girls cause they had a private convo along those lines is ridiculous. Did Beth 'Bully' Jules into admitting she had an eating disorder? I didn't see any 'bullying'. In any case, when they did meet for lunch, I saw 2 people who found something they can each relate to and were empathetic to each other. Ramona may have never changed, but needs to. Even her daughter was appalled at her treatment of Luann.
  17. I must admit that there are a lot of details that I don't recall on each episode. It's only after reading these boards and on 2nd viewing do I catch some of the specifics of the dialogue that happens. However, Luann saying she moved in with Sonja to help her and mentor her WAS funny! It was hilarious. Then when B busted out laughing, Lu was all, "so you think it's funny"? Well, Yeah, what are you mentoring her in, how to nab another rich dude? How to have a good time? But that's not what set Beth off, it was when she insinuated that she had a hand in B's business or brand. Then she says that maybe B needs to get laid. So it wasn't all a one way street. There was some provocation there. Also, I read several opinions that Beth entered Dorinda's house loaded for bear, but that is just projection on the part of the haters of Bethenny. She came in, sat down, they exchanged pleasantries, with Beth, at Luann's prompt, saying she was in a good place and that she was happier than she has been in a long time. Freezing Sonja out of the show? No, she's freezing Sonja out of her life. With good cause as far as I'm concerned. Now, whether she gets air time on the show is up to TPTB. And if Beth happens to have any such power, so be it. She shouldn't have climbed on the back of B's brand when she didn't work for it to try to make a buck. Whether Beth needs this show like Nene does is highly doubtful because unlike Nene, Bethenny is SMART, Nene not so much so she probably will/is running through her money faster and once she's off TV will revert to an average middle class citizen. I think Beth is more the hard working entrepreneurial type who also will be more protective of her money thus will always maintain a higher lifestyle. I don't see Beth and Nene as being alike at all.
  18. I believe she did apologize to Luann. But what about Ramona, who also has acted badly toward Lu with the statement about her sexual piccadilos and then slamming her with the Tom has a girlfriend thing when Lu was opening up to her on how happy she was, etc.. How come she's not hated with a thousand suns? As another poster has pointed out, B doesn't come for you without provocation, but she has a sharp wit and a biting tongue so when she does, it stings. I don't know, I just don't see this monstrous hideous person that others take her to be. If I did, I probably wouldn't continue to watch the show. I stopped looking at Atlanta HW because I can't take that big mouth, self important, I don't really need this gig (but I need this gig) Nene!
  19. THis a thousand times! Not everybody HATES Bethenny or thinks the show is worse off because of her presence. I've enjoyed a few seasons without her and barely tolerated others (the Aviva years - ugh).
  20. Yeah, posting in real time is a problem for me. When reading thru the posts, I might find several that i'd like to response to, but since it could be a few days before I could spend time on the forum, my response would go to the end of the string (one of my peeves of this format), and there might have already been responses similar to what I would have responded.
  21. It's not the exact same behavior, though! Luann would hook up with a complete stranger, married or not, whether that same person had bonked one of her cast mates the night before while she was in a relationship or not. I have not seen any evidence that Bethenny behaves in this manner. Yeah, her current beau is technically married, but separated, and it appears they have a budding "relationship". She is not hooking up with other men, let alone strangers met on vacation while professing love for another. At least I haven't seen it.
  22. I got the sense that she wasn't feeling that bad when she first met Dorinda at Home Goods, and she did say that she has a scheduled appt. later. I think she had a sudden episode that dictated that she get to the doctors stat. Never having those kind of health issues, I'm surmising that it's not always extreme, hence you don't have to be bedridden 24/7. I'm sure those who have dealt with this issue will clarify that. Also, some people just won't acquiesce to an illness, till their forced to. Different strokes and all that . . .
  23. All TV programs are paid for by the advertisers, so what's wrong with also promoting those who are aiding in keeping the program on air? I enjoyed the Home Goods scene, as I also love shopping. Unfortunately, the scene had to end too soon because of Beth's emergency ?
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