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  1. Infie

    S01.E10: 4:00 P.M.

    E 1.10 - 47:29 (a longer one!) Its weird to see so much variation in episode lengths. Given that Langdon had pills, I am hoping that the vials actually have nothing to do with his issues with painkillers. Opiates and stuff like Ativan are completely different classes of drugs. I could have done without McKay's ex. I like McKay, but it felt like it was unnecessarily distracting to me. I suppose it was nice to get a reason for the ankle monitor, but I think I'd have been perfectly fine never finding out. I do continue to really enjoy Dr King and Whittaker. To me, this was the weakest episode of the bunch so far.
  2. I feel like the underlying theme of both Suits is that lawyers are fundamentally backstabbing unrepentant liars.
  3. re: Santos and Langdon vs King and Langdon If it were me, the big difference would be how clearly Dr King is trying to work *with* the people she is around. With Santos, Langdon had already spoken to her privately twice about not jumping ahead without talking to him. Both times she then immediately ignored him, and seems to feel that he's coming from a position of prejudice against her. With the discussion in the episode of unconscious bias, I wonder if Santos has a bias against men, possibly for good reason. I think that Langdon is clearly at this point biased against Santos, but I do think *that* bias has been earned.
  4. If this was real life, Santos' unwillingness to use medications therapeutically would end up costing someone - maybe several someones - their minds or their lives. As a parent of a child who had several episodes of status epilepticus - where a seizure starts and does not end - if the docs hadn't been willing to drug her into surgery-levels of anaesthesia, she would have died. One of her seizures lasted over 10 hours. I find Santos enraging and not in a good way. Good job Whittaker! Matteo is adorable. He let Javadhi down so gently. Mel and Langdon remain my favourites. I think my favourite part of this show is that they are showing how everyone are professionals and how much is accomplished through quiet competence. Yes, tempers are fraying, but the patient care is seeming to be thorough and delivered with compassion to both the patient and for the most part with each other. I like that.
  5. Ep 1.09 : 43:00 re: Langdon yelling at Santos - I completely understand where he was coming from and I actually mostly agree with him. Maybe not so much dressing her down in public, but there is no question that the dressing down had to happen. I don't understand why the woman who hit the other woman wasn't arrested for battery. It doesn't make sense to me. I'm glad that they're showing the aftermath of the little girl's death.
  6. I liked it. Stuart bailing on them was unexpected and I do like surprises. The fascination that writers have with forgiving your parents for unforgivable things is absolute horse hooey though, and I am sick to death of that whole argument. You DON'T need to forgive your parents to heal your wounds, and blood relatives don't have a magical get out of bad behaviour card just because of DNA. Stephen is doing a good job here - it's clear that Ted has a lot of rage and that he is a rocky personality. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  7. For those keeping track: ep 1.08 - 45:37 I thought the honor walk was extremely well done. Langdon is not stealing meds. The spider bite catch was great! That whole patient story was an example of how to write these things; a compact storyline that went from 'drug seeking?' to 'ah! actual patient.' to 'spider bite!' in just a couple of scenes and a few minutes of screen time. Dr Javadhi going from distraction patsy to heroine and stepping out of her mother's shadow a little! There is no question that a lot of folks are having a terrible day. Robbie, Collins, Whittaker, and of course the patients.
  8. Characters I love to hate are characters I want to see more of. Kerry Weaver from ER would be an example. She drove me crazy but I always looked forward to having her on my screen. Every time Santos is on the screen I just want her to go away. I don't think that the character adds spice to the show at all. I find the stories compelling and the characterizations excellent and not bland at all.
  9. For the folks who keep saying "it feels like the episodes are going by faster!" They are! Here's the onscreen time, from the first frame of the camera (excluding the black screen credits) to the start of the end of episode credits: Ep 1. 51.20 Ep 2. 48.29 Ep 3. 48.38 Ep 4. 47.52 Ep 5. 45.41 Ep 6. 44.40 Ep 7. 44.10
  10. I guess I'm in the minority - I thought it was absolutely ridiculous and not in a good way. The Verizon product placement was egregious, and the very concept of a paramedic asking 'who has a drill' and doing an in-place trepanation with the DIRTY DRILL is just... no. Then, the whole Tommy dragging herself to work and everyone being all 'absolutely, Cap!' as though someone who is on death's door and also on a whole bunch of different medications - some of which are psychoactive - would be competent to give treatment. Which she wasn't! Dirty drills in the brain in the hallway! Just. No. What an absolute horror show.
  11. I too was all "Pee, Robby!". Glad to see he got to go. :) Santos is annoying me. While I see some similarities with ER, the consistent timeline and the one hour per hour approach, plus not really spending time on the non-patient stuff makes this a completely different viewing experience for me. I am liking it very much so far.
  12. It's the patient Vera (or some such? The older lady in the wheelchair) that is calling Dr Robby fruitcake. I don't think that Santos has called him any names as yet.
  13. You can sometimes see a dimple or a bulge where there is a lump, yes. That being said, most of the time the answer is no.
  14. Sure, but they had also clearly discussed that Hen would ask for the shift off so that she could go with them. When Hen asked, Bobby had said that one of Hen or Chim could take off, and without talking to either of their spouses Chim and Hen decided that they would both work because otherwise 'it would be unfair'. This is saying to Karen that Chimney's feelings are more important to Hen than Karen's or her kids' are. To make it more offensive, Chim and Maddy had already both decided to skip Hallowe'en with their daughter to give her time with the other kids. Chim clearly wouldn't be broken up about it, and Karen knew that it was an excuse; Hen was looking for a way to skip it whether Hen knew that's what she was doing or not. Karen's statement about missing the big events was about making Hen aware that Karen knew that Hen had made a choice to not be a part of their family event for a spurious reason. As the spouse of a first responder myself, this is actually quite true to life. When your primary interaction with other people is in the most dramatic moment of their lives, the less dramatic moments in your own life become unimportant to you. Why not miss father's day soccer, or grade 8 graduation or first halloween with your foster kid? It's not like there won't be other mother's days or birthdays or Christmases, and after all, you have to work. But the fact is, just because it's not the most dramatic moment in the first responder's life doesn't mean it's not an important dramatic moment in their family member's life, and ignoring that just means that the first responder considers their family member less important than their job unless their family member is also in utter crisis. It's infuriating, and it's a choice, and you never get those events back, and Karen was right to say so.
  15. I haven't yet finished the episode, which I had been enjoying, until Hen was all 'he's my son! I must be allowed to be the primary treatment for him!' and tripped my OMG second most hated trope button. I absolutely loathe the TV and movie scenes where everyone completely throws away their professional ethics and code of conduct because it's 'one of their own' and *everyone is all right with it*. Instant rage spike. The Buck parts were fun, loved the haunted house set up at the station, hated the kids pranking their vice principal, hated the resolution to the Karen / Hen fight. So - mix of emotions for me in this ep for sure.
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