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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I assume the potassium we saw Chen with in one of yesterday's episodes means she's going to OD her dad on it (which will stop his heart), but I missed how she wound up taking care of him in the first place. Her parents were in an accident in China, she went over there and then brought them back with her, and now what happened to her mom? Did she say peace out and go back to China? And is her dad's condition now a result of the accident, or did something medical happen to him? Edited to also ask: Holy hell, how many times is Chen going to quit?
  2. Barnes & Noble (and Borders) caused the death of most independent bookstores, so there was a certain schadenfreude in seeing Amazon come along and kill them off. I still have one independent bookstore in my neighborhood, so I have them order me anything they don't stock, but who knows how much longer they can hang on; they may very well be one more increase in their lease from having to shut down. I think the local B&N still exists, but I haven't been to that shopping center in quite a while. I don't think I'll ever make the switch to e-books other than for extended travel, so I want there to be someplace I can go browse/buy books in person.
  3. When Bailey first showed up (my parents live in the hills, and dumped strays aren't unusual), we discerned no balls under all the white fluffy fur and thought him to be a female; we named "her" Zoey. Our vet was on vacation when we took "her" in to be scanned and checked out, and even that vet went looking for a spay scar ("she" wasn't a kitten, instead about three years old as a best guess). Only a follow-up with the regular vet revealed she was a he. Thus Bailey, an androgynous name. Plus, look how pretty he was; of course one would think he was a girl, heh. Continuing the inappropriate joke, when Bandit - a tomcat about three years old at the time - showed up, he was instantly and completely enamored of Bailey, so we further joked Bailey was so pretty he read as female (especially when he came down out of the hill with a flower stuck to his head):
  4. Of the many things I hate about the film, that might be at the top of my list. I'm supposed to be so horrified by this alternate life of hers, but she's living in an interesting city, supporting herself with a stimulating job. But, but, no husband?! Poor dear!
  5. Toby hopes other vets come forward Toby's embarrassed "I'm an influential person" conversation
  6. He did (beating Red Buttons, nominated for his return as Ruby, along with Charles Durning, Ossie Davis, and Martin Landau).
  7. How have I never heard of this donkey? I just looked up the song, and made it through 30 seconds before I couldn't take any more.
  8. Everyone draws the line between proactive and pest differently when it comes to follow-ups from applicants, but I think one short email reiterating your interest (saying you understand from HR they're looking to make a decision before Christmas, look forward to hearing, blah blah blah) would be fine with most people. But HR will probably let the group know that you followed up with her, so it's not necessary, either. So, just do whatever you want (write or don't write), and then get back to enjoying your free time.
  9. The cop investigating the rape of the woman in the ER is played by Tony Denison, Lt. Andy Flynn on The Closer/Major Crimes. I was just half-listening to the episode as it played it the background, and I'm so used to hearing him ask detective questions it took my brain a moment to register that this was ER, not Major Crimes, and make me turn to the TV. I remembered the Ray Liotta episode as soon as it started, so I was still watching at this point, sporadically at least -- I don't know if I'll ever be able to pinpoint when I quit.
  10. "... with a brand-new flavor, it's dandy for your teeth." And now I have Bucky Beaver in my head. In another thread, someone mentioned Feliz Navidad, and that ran on a loop in my brain for a good half hour. I don't think this is an improvement.
  11. Me too. I also like when she told someone (Morris, maybe) to go out and "play Tiananmen Square."
  12. She's Sherry Hickman from a multi-part episode of Major Crimes to me now, but when she turned up in that, I recognized her voice and her general appearance, but couldn't figure out where I knew her from, until I pictured her with longer hair and realized I'd seen her in many things. When her episode of ER first came up in this syndication, I spotted her immediately.
  13. I'm too lazy to come up with thread titles until seeing if it goes beyond a handful of episodes (like the show about overweight pets), but go for it!
  14. Crown molding is also, in the grand scheme of home buying and renovation, quite easy to add, so the absence of it shouldn't lead to more than a simple notation on one's pros/cons list.
  15. Same here - I've absorbed a couple of things via pop culture osmosis, but I've never seen it. I've either disliked or never had any interest in watching pretty much all the Christmas specials/movies that infest TV every year, though.
  16. Toby hopes other vets come forward Leo tells Jed he'll raise up an army Toby's embarrassed "I'm an influential person" conversation
  17. I followed the wrong man up the mall escalator when my dad and I were Christmas shopping, thinking it was him. I think I was about five years old. I heard from below, "[First and Middle Name], what are you doing up there?" just as we'd arrived at the top, and was briefly quite confused. I think the only time I deliberately wandered off as a child was when my mom and I were at a toy store selecting a gift for a classmate's birthday party. I got bored and wandered off to the books, selected one, and sat down to read. The books were in sort of a nook in a back corner, so that as my mom walked the main aisle, looking up and down each perpendicular aisle for me, she couldn't see me. She had me paged on the intercom, and I emerged.
  18. I like Christmas Wrapping and Christmas in Hollis, too. There aren't many traditional Christmas songs I like (in fact, right now I can't come up with anything other than Carol of the Bells), so my Christmas playlist would consist of things like Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis (Tom Waits), River (Joni Mitchell), 2000 Miles (The Pretenders) and Fairytale of New York (The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl). Elvis Presley's rendition of Blue Christmas is about as "traditional" as I get, as I just don't care for most Christmas ballads or carols. Oh, I do like Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, but with the original lyrics. My Christmas music peeve is the very existence of Paul McCartney's Wonderful Christmas Time. That song is astoundingly awful, and if I walk into a store when it's playing, I turn around and come back later.
  19. Thus far, it seems it will be like My Cat From Hell - every once in a while, you'll get a real jackass or someone who is permanently stuck on stupid, but for the most part it's a bunch of people who love their pets but are surprisingly clueless at how to manage them. Jackson (now Jackson and the dog expert) comes in and talks sense to them, there's some resistance with the homework, they finally embrace it, and voila - happy household.
  20. If you quoted the text from PRGal's reply that itself quoted the text, rather than quoting it from ebk57's original post, that's why - the system will always attribute to the author of the post from which you're selecting the text, even if the text you're selecting is from a quote of a previous post. If not, I've got nothing.
  21. I saw the Weremonster episode at a screening before the revival season began (along with the first episode, but - meh, and all but forgotten once I saw the Weremonster) and knew immediately that no matter what else happened in the revival season, I'd be glad it happened because of that episode. So Darin's episode (episodes? I thought he was doing two, although that seems unlikely given how long it takes him to write) is what I'm most looking forward to in this season, too - I love his episodes for their take on the characters and the human condition in general and their intelligent humor, and they can salvage just about anything.
  22. Hopefully she'll be smart enough to break up with him for a third time, and stay gone this time, and then Boo can live in peace, but that leaves poor Girly with the guy who'll probably put that huge fucking chain on her again to bulk her up. I think he's someone who got a Rottweiler for all the wrong reasons, and her looking intimidating is important to his ego. My cat seems to like this show, and no wonder; it's always the human ultimately at fault, the dog misbehaving, and the cat the only one acting right.
  23. Maybe the parents are Top Gun fans? Of course, if so, they didn't listen to Charlie when she thought that was his name rather than his call sign and asked, "Did your mother not like you?"
  24. I've now seen First Person Shooter for the first time in its entirety. Lucky me. But, I have to say, if you put a gun to my head and tell me I have to watch either FPS or Alpha again, I'm going with FPS, because Scully's reactions to the nonsense emanating from all the men around her are good. Plus, like with the vastly superior Kill Switch, it's her and another woman understanding each other and teaming up to save the day. Watching Mulder have to keep diving for the ground while Scully saves them is worth a smile. But everything else is pure crap. Mulder's VO at the end gives lip service to questioning these games, but the episode is one big endorsement of them -- and of sexist behavior. I had never seen Theef. It's fine, but filled with so many horror movie tropes I truly expected the killer's eyes to pop open in the final shot. At least Scully is the one who shot him, rather than Mulder busting in to save the day while she crawled around on the floor, blind. I can't get into En Ami for the same reason I can't get into Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man; not a single thing we learn about CSM can be trusted, so how can I get invested in 44 minutes of what he says and does when it's ultimately meaningless? The only thing interesting about it is the look it gives us into William B. Davis's mind, and what it tells us is that when given a chance to write an episode, he promptly sat down and came up with several excuses to show Scully's cleavage. This section of the season is a long slog; once we leave The Goldberg Variation behind, we have to go all the way to Je Souhaite to get to another one I really like -- everything in between is either good, okay, or no thanks/haven't seen it. And so far there's not a single episode in this season I love; my favorites only rise to the "really like" level, whereas each previous season has had at least one I truly adore and re-watch. But I am determined to make it through. Even though that means I have to watch Fight Club. Two Kathy Griffins?
  25. I keep my Amazon shopping to a minimum (maybe twice a year, when I can't find what I want at a retailer I'm more inclined to patronize), so maybe that's why I've never received one of these requests for customer feedback being discussed.
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