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  1. I think it's the way the producers want the cast members to behave. (With the exception of how Brandi dresses and Dave Hester getting physical with Laura that one time.) Are there new episodes for this show? I've seen nothing but reruns for the past few years.
  2. How about this one: TLC producers must be smoking crack. I'm close to DONE with all of their stupid shows.
  3. Maybe nobody asked her back then? I'm not sure, but I don't think I've ever seen any comments/thoughts from other people who worked for her. Like Norman or Wendy's wig stylist. I still don't know what to think or believe about this whole WW debacle. But I do like coming here to read the updates!
  4. I wonder what behavior/symptoms she was showing and what exactly did her doctors/parents think was going on with her? Maybe this was mentioned in one of the episodes but I haven't seen all (3?) of them.
  5. Looks like the back door entrance to a "massage" parlor.
  6. Alexis and John J must be seething with jealousy! I hope Gretchen doesn't become Tamrat's bff.
  7. I wonder how Lilah is doing? Any posts about her on Tori's IG? Or the other two kids? I don't care how Zach is doing. I'm pretty sure he's still doing NOTHING.
  8. This family reminds me of another TLC show (that seems to have not been renewed.) I've forgotten the name of it but it was a 20-ish year old woman who looked/talked like a very young girl.She too, had controlling/codependent parents. IIRC her stepdad did puppet shows for a living. Anyway, I'll watch Baylen for now but I can feel the boredom setting in already.
  9. Memory problems? I'll bet Wendy won't forget there's a bar on the top floor of the building!
  10. So Kev Jr has a B of A in Economics. Here's (for what it's worth from a quick search) the top ten jobs for people with Economics degrees (none of which I can envision Lil' Kev pursuing. Except "Controller") "Here are the top 10 jobs you can land with your degree in economics: Certified Financial Planner Data Scientist Financial Analyst Investment Fund Manager Politician Controller Urban Planner Lawyer Reporter Market Research Analyst" I'm not surprised however, at the extravagant crap he spent on Wendy's money. The kid probably included his dad in all of the "gifts" from mom. I hope Wendy wakes up and tells her kid to go make his own money.
  11. Taylor is in another relationship? I thought she was with some guy who rarely, if ever, appeared on the show other than FaceTime with Taylor. Shep should just start bringing Little Craig with him as his date. It's really the longest relationship Shep has ever had. And Whitney. Yuck. That guy is just plain creepy.
  12. I know way too many people (of all ages) who end their statements with "do you know what I mean?" None of them have dementia. What they DO have is an extremely annoying habit of constantly saying "do you know what I mean?" I'd love to know how much of Wendy's money her kid spent and what he spent it on. I'm sure he'll deny it or say he spent it on his mom for her care. He has IMO, an air of entitlement about him. Not surprising with a mother who spoiled him and a father who has no respect for Wendy.
  13. Exactly! But getting a cane from JT was an insult to her. Patricia is ugly on the inside and outside.
  14. Whitney's hair at that dinner party! He looked like an escapee from a state mental institution. I wonder why Shep thought he needed new teeth (veneers?)
  15. It will be interesting to see who the producers choose to be the "target" of the other women. Other than that, I predict there will be nothing else interesting (except seeing the hideous plastic surgery "upgrades" in HD.)
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