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Everything posted by BestestAuntEver

  1. This is me. I'm on the barge but nothing the new writers have said makes me want to come back. The characters I like are not written for or are rarely seen, have no POV, don't get me started on Robin and are truly rudderless.
  2. Only a small percentage of nurses in a few states are unionized. Agreed. I rarely watch the show and only read this for the snark but knew I had to send what was up when my time line blew up yesterday. It has continued throughout the day today as well. Various nurses, hospitals, doctors and now Johnson and Johnson stating that they are pausing there advertising during the show for now. Who knows why it has escalated so quickly and so much but it has.
  3. Yes, especially since she grew up around Cassadine's. She should've grabbed the gun and bitch slapped Morgan!
  4. I love everything about this and it's surrounding scenes. TR should be on GH, not Y&R
  5. I think they repainted Carly's old house gray and made it the Spencer childhood home.
  6. How is having everyone in shock that a mobster was shot showing the emotional ramifications of the mob? Of course, they want to make TJ part of the young adult scene once they make him a stupid little shit and TR gets a showtime gig.
  7. I'll take Casey over Patrick any day. They could bring back the actor that Played Dr. T. Jackson. He and KMc had chemistry, IMO. Robin deserves better than Patrick. That AMC clip shows what GH is missing. Multiple familes. We also dont see the multiple generations within families. Friends/enemies that grew up together on the show. I saw AMC as a child/kid when i visited my grandparents because an Aunt came home for lunch every day in order to watch the show. I still love Angie and Jesse to this day. Angie, Tad and Liza bring back so many memories for me. Current GH just brings up bile. Crypt sex, serial killers/rapists, kidnappers, women ripping a baby out if a woman's womb, etc. Also, bad is good and good is bad. AJ is horrible because he's a fat drunk. Sonny the mobster only kills to protect his family, blech.
  8. Thank you for saying. Patrick is a sick and Robin deserves much better. I never felt PatPrick was Robin's OTP and the past few years simple solidified it. Ron never understood that sometimes you could to so much damage that there was no return. It always thought he could fix it. Thus the ever popular "because,..reasons", "because,.. of course" and "Helena".
  9. There's always space on the barge. I'm on the Scorpio deck in the Robin Scorpio fangirl suite. The Q deck has recently been renovated and expanded. I'm not seeing anything that will bring me off the barge for the week or the future. The changes/tweaks that TPTB have made are all things I hate and finally made me give up and head to the barge for permanent residence.
  10. I need two of these. They will have to have something amazing and noteworthy for me to watch GH at this point. I'm going to spend my free time trying to not come in last in the PTV football pool.
  11. No problem. I was trying to figure out how they hell they got a 2.9, lol. They haven't had numbers that good since GH Espionage
  12. All those spoilers look like shit. We are truly back to the All Sonny's Children Show including the holy trio and the Franco and Neens sideshow. I barge is such a lovely place.
  13. So Sabrina sang, "You are not alone", to Avery? The only other person I know, Michael killed was the bad mobster sent by Evil Luke that broke into his apartment. Rosalie was there. Sonny and Shaun cleaned it up.
  14. Yeah, but you must watch every single day because GH is awesome, great, powerful, amazing and they are kicking ass. /sarcasm
  15. It appears I went out to the barge at the right time. It's looks lIke Sonny's crew willike all be upset and distraught that a lifetime mobster was shot. As a viewer, zzzzzzzz
  16. The writers producers and every other PTB needs a show bible, too.
  17. Wait..they have Wally and VI? We get talking trees, Jazz hands and stutterbarking. VI along with Debbie Morgan are Brad's adoptive parents on the show in my head.
  18. THIS. PatPrick always showed distain for Jason any time Robin brought him up yet he an Sam can sit in bed and talk about St. JASUS for hours. He understands how important he was to Sam. Ugh.......
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