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Everything posted by BestestAuntEver

  1. So you are pimping a big disasterous wedding event in September and plan on pimping another disasterous wedding event in November. Great story telling there. It would be something if the wedding were actual big lavious events vs being thrown together wit gray pain't aND a roll of gray duck tape. B&B sent twould actors to freaking Copenhagen to shoot honeymoon scenes. It looked abso-fucking-lutely beautiful.
  2. I was just coming to post this. There's another pic that makes it seem as if, FH has been cast in KMc's project "HeyDay". IIRC, it's about 80's soap life. Bree Williamson has a role in it too. It's a series KMc wrote and is directing. Several months ago, a number of the cast acted out the script at TC's Theatre in front of a live audience. OT: GH still sick and I'm staying on the barge, lol. Regarding the article, is it a requirement for all new writers to say they are a fan of their new ahow. Sri has been the only one I believe. All the other have characters acting OOC and add new characters and families.
  3. ScorpiosRule, I've already asked HeatLifer to marry however do you want to run around and cheat on the Scorpio deck of the barge. I'm in the Robin Scorpio/KMc fangirl suite.
  4. I love You! Please, marry me! IMO, TPTB took a gamble with this and they will be the big loses in the end. cmahorror, I will see you on the Scorpio deck. Glasses of Sangria for everyone.
  5. This will all be Robin's fault too. If she had told the truth about reviving Jason from the dead, PatPrick's feelings and heart wouldn't have been hurt.
  6. ITA, Everything you stated is true. It will be her fault because the writers will make it so. They will begin to apologize and Robin will cry and say, "no, no, no, your are not to blame. Don't beat yourself up. I shold have left better clues or tried harder to escape." Yep, I'm so done with this FAKATA show.
  7. Is Molly a freshman in college? Lol, did these asshats forget to write her senior graduation? SMH, people, people, people you were asking for TR to get screen time and that's what they did. What more do you want? ~TPTB You knew they had to find a convoluted way to involve the minority foster child in this story. What better way than for him to bake a cake for the wedding of millionaires with servants, cooks and a hotel staff.
  8. You know it. Robin will take all the blame for being imprisoned and not finding a way to free herself. She should have tried harder because you know Patrick was the best thing to happen to her. She was so lucky a guy like him even wanted to be with her. At this point, I'm not sure if I'd even watch her return. I can't deal with her doing anything less than grabbing her daughters, and saying bye you sorry *****.
  9. Well, I now have permanent housing in the Robin Fangirl room on the Scorpio deck of the barge. I don't want to see that shit and I don't want to loose even more respect for Anna. At this point, Robin could be upset with her mom's stupidity, not want ro deal with her and I would applaud her (Patrick is included). What is wrong with Frank and Ron? Are they idiots? They created this mess with KMc /Robin and now it just seems they are being petty and pissy because the actress is busy and fans want a conclusion. How hard would it have been to resolve all this mess with words vs making it worse.
  10. I was just coming to write how everything they post lately is sssooo SUPER POSITIVE, AMAZING, GREAT, AWESOME and EXCITING. Come-freaking-on. Everything isn't "Great News", "Can't Miss", "Must See" and "Amazing". Your ratings are in the fucking toilet for a reason. I don't think mere words from the asshat that helped it get their will bring back lapsed viewers. It's vomit inducing is what it is. The writing needs to be tons better, longer scenes and better pacing won't hurt, better lighting, sound, hair, make up and sets would be a bonus. Silly superlative tweets and Facebook posts mean nothing to me. Dude you are going to have to show me Vets with housing, storylines and POV (not simply the Scum show with Newbies and randoms) not tell me. Whew, takes deep cleansing breath. I guess I have more than just apathy for the show.
  11. Their stuff doesn't show up until freaking OCTOBER?! I thought their stuff was starting next week. Damn, I'm not sure the shows ratings can take it.
  12. They've forgotten about that plot thread therefore so should you. ~TPTB
  13. ??? October? So what on GH is supposed to entertain us till then? And which season mature women is she talking about. Alexis has been acting like a flustered teen while trapped in repetitive relationship merry-go-round.
  14. ITA, that the retcon causes wrinkles. The problem with the above is Abbie was involved with Luke prior to leaving for Quantico. I can't see her having a fling while involved with Luke. Right now all I see is, they are turning a previous believed storyline into a pretzel in order to give Abbie a black love interest.
  15. People that hate him disappear or die (Trevor Lansing, Taggart, Mac, RF!S)
  16. This was my exact thought. I double checked to see if it was.
  17. THIS.THIS.THIS!!! You get 3 hots and a cot. You have said its much better than I can. The above is exactly how I feel and where I am currently.
  18. I'm not a Neilson viewer but I fall in the above demo and I barely watch. I watched last Monday and Tuesday for Brad and Lucas. Brad. and. Lucas! Characters I hate are constantly on, useless randoms and newbies hogging up airtime and characters I use to love are so OOC, stupid and disgusting. Repetitive never ending nonsensical stories and constant baby rabies just aren't for me. Also, if I want to watch the mob I'll watch The Sopranos or The Wire.
  19. **blink blink----blank stare---blink blink** ~GH and ABCD execs response to thought and logic Well, I'll safely be on the barge for the foreseeable future.
  20. THIS. As a previous poster said, Sam not only gets her husband, daughter and home, she also get her freaking mother. Lord, give me strength because I now want this shit to continue to tank and be cancelled, too. You want to restore GH and you are going to make it all about the Cothinii and Jeromes? Not the Q's, Webber /Hardy's or Scorpios. You know Franco, Nina, Keeks, Plywood, Greenlee and Sabreeeena aren't leaving either. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. They need to stop saying GH is kicking ass. GH is about to get its ass kicked in the ratings and have its ass kicked by Days. I don't see how any of the above shit brings back lapsed viewers or stops others from jumping ship and heading to the barge. I was in a good mood. Via social media, I saw that FH had gone back to start filming today and that KMc got a new dog anD spent the day at the beach. TPTB of this shit show ruin everything.
  21. I love that Robin, Robert and Anna get to be angry and upset with Patrick 's shitty behavior. This is probably the closets I'll get to it, outside of the show in my head.
  22. What does Frank know about the GH we know and love? Are true, GH characters other than Carson highlighted. Also, if he knew the show didn't "feel" like GH, then he should have fixed it a long time ago.
  23. All of this! Instead we will get a Carson wedding and a Sonny mob war rehash because they think it will bring in ratings. Suuuuuurrree. Yeah, I totes want that with the Franco and Neens variety hour with a side of Keeks.
  24. I've been watching B&B every since SK left. I'm really enjoying it. The lighting, clithes, make up, sets bigger than a cracker jack box, etc. Thaey also allow more than 2 people to be i acenes. I countwd 10 people in a design meeting the other day. I couldn't remember if thwre wwre ten GH chara ters even at the nurses ball. It doesn't hurt that a number of the actors are dorm GH, AMC and OLTL. Tiger, I completely understand deleting the series. I recently moved from Texas to Tennessee and almost didn't add it back. I delete a majority of the shows. Some months I watch 2-3 episodes other months I don't watch any. I guess, I'm holding out hope KMc pops up on screen.
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