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Posts posted by roseha

  1. 2 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

    the final season was in COLOR???!!!??  We didn't get color TV until the early 70's so I missed a lot of things like that.  Seriously??  COLOR???!!

    I should watch it again to see if I get as caught up in it as I remember being as a kid.

    Ha, my father worked for RCA so we got a color TV fairly early though my parents didn't let us watch TV much...ironically.  But yes, The Fugitive was made to be a black and white show.  Every time I've re-watched it I've felt that overall it holds up very well.    The gloomy, noir-ish atmosphere, and the episodic nature of Kimble always being on the run both really worked for the show I think.

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  2. I still have cable, but I have taken out a subscription with Youtube TV for $35 a month.  (I canceled Direct TV now, the lack of DVR was annoying.)  One big advantage of Youtube TV is their cloud DVR.  Unfortunately it is not on Roku yet, though they claim it is coming soon.  As of now you can only watch it on TV with Chromecast.  However, unlike Direct TV Now, I find the casting quality is very good - I seemed to have a noticeable sync issue between picture and sound with DTVN.  Anyway, I am mentioning this for anyone who is going internet-only.  Unfortunately, where I live the cost of internet is so high that currently it doesn't pay for me to drop cable yet - but if Spectrum gets any more greedy I may just move to Youtube TV plus internet.

  3. Quote

    I thought there was a forum for  The Odd Couple--the original one, with Jack Klugman and Tony Randall, but I don't see one.
    I'm just posting to say that Facebook has an I Love the Odd Couple group, and Joan Hotchkis' daughter posted there today,
    "Hi all, daughter of Joan Hotchkis here. We will be celebrating her 90th brthday this weekend! 

    I just saw your post auntjess, what an awwww moment!  I will have to check out that Odd Couple Facebook page.

    On another note, I have been looking through MeTV listings to make some recordings as I am getting improved over the air reception now, and what do I see late Sunday night (last night) but The Fugitive!  I don't know how often they are running this great show, but it seems to pop up so seldom that I always have to alert anyone else who is interested.  What a great TV Noir it was - I have always regretted that they felt compelled by the times to film their final season in color.

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  4. 44 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    Congrats to Sloane. Well deserved win and I loved her speech. Both ladies are class acts and I hope to see more Slam wins from them in the future.

    I had to leave the apartment right as the match finished and I was glad to read that Madison recovered well enough to make a gracious speech.  She looked to me that she was devastated that she just didn't have it today, but I am sure that both of them will be back many times.   As for Sloane, what can anyone say, she was just amazing.  It's great to watch someone becoming a star.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

     Marcos "Pizza Delivery Guy" Baghdatis. 

    That's so funny.  do you know Baghdatis was reportedly quoted as saying he dreamed he could just eat and never gain weight?  Really.

    Regarding Nadal, I have tried to figure out reasons why I find him so impossible to watch.   Just to point out some things that are matters of record:  his violation of the time clock over and over on serves and his twice threatening to ban from his matches umpires who correctly called him on it.  In addition, he slows down long slam matches enormously this way, I was even bothered by this in the Australian Open classic final between him and Federer this year.  He also seriously proposed a two year ranking because "we aren't getting any younger."  Never mind that that would be enormously unfair to everyone but the top stars. 

    I also don't like his heavy hitting style but I never liked Djokovic's style either and somehow I've become more neutral about him though I can't say I'm a fan.

    I guess it was one round too many for Delpo.   I am wondering though, if the announcers were correct that his wrist has healed and the issue is all mental now?  I never heard that before.  I thought I heard recently that his backhand was still affected by it?


    for Kvitova to grab one to show that you can slice her hand but can't keep her from holding a trophy.  

    I really hope to see that someday.  I can only imagine what Petra went through.  Seles never came all the way back from her attack (though she looked great at the women's semis).  I hope there is still time for Kvitova.

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  6. I like Venus a lot but I had a strange reaction to seeing Sloane and Madison reach the final, it was finally time to see two new rising stars compete for a major.  This is not going to be a dominant star wiping the court  with some one-time finalist from the other side of the draw.  I'm kind of hoping that after the current top stars inevitably retire - when ever that is - we will see more young players and even perhaps a couple of the older players get the chance.  For instance, I love Roger, he is an artist and an amazing champion and I hope he makes it to 20 slams (I never felt that good about his chances here, it was like something was wrong with his back or maybe he needed more matches leading up to the tournament).   But he's going to retire some day and I hope some more new people get to win majors.   I just hope they will be fun to watch  and sympathetic personalities (ahem, as in not like CoCo - thanks Madison!).  But it might be nice for awhile to see a little variety though tennis has a history of dominant players; I just mean a break in that might be interesting.

    I really think either Madison or Sloane winning would be nice, but based on performance I would have to pick Madison for the final, she was amazing.  For the men I can only say go Delpo!

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  7. 21 hours ago, ariel said:

    Rumor has it that they don't pay their meteorologist very well & the mid day ones work part time every other week so they don't have to provide them with health benefits.

    Hmm I wonder if that's why Keith Carson went back to Maine? I wonder how much their Storm Specialists get in that case?

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  8. TVbitch, my guess is that it has a lot to do with the US Open in general and Ashe stadium in particular.   I say this as a New Yorker, who has been to the tournament a few times over the years, there is no question that the crowd often loves to hear itself make noise.  There are times when they want an upset just for the drama of it, there are other times when they seem to switch their support from one player to another just to make things more exciting.  There have always been certain non-American players - Borg was one - who did not take well to the loud crowds, then there is Federer who doesn't seem bothered by it at all.

    My understanding is that the players need to hear the sound of the ball coming off the strings of the other player's racquet, to judge how it is being hit.  Of course, the screaming of a player like Sharapova also disrupts that  sound, but no one has enforced any limit on her noise as of yet.

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  9. I'm so so happy for Petra.  I agree she is just a lovely person and I'm stunned that it took Sharapova's loss for ESPN to give the proper support to players like Petra and Venus.  In any event, it was so great to see Petra raise her game like the champion she is.

    I agree it's awful she has to play Venus next.  That ought to be the final, but there you are.

    • Love 4
  10. Somehow I think killing off a main character is much more a thing NCIS would do than Elementary, especially since Elementary only has four main characters and NCIS replaced Michael Weatherly with multiple new actors.

    Anyway I hope it's not Elementary, I don't want to see the show end with a main character's death.

    Very sad also about Nelsan Ellis, he was so young.  I wonder if they regret killing off the character now that he has died.

    • Love 2
  11. 15 hours ago, theatremouse said:

    .That said, I wouldn't count out the elder Zverev.

    Mischa looks like he's playing with zero pressure, so who knows?  I actually wouldn't rule him out as a finalist.   I do hope that Roger's continued improvement bodes well for his chances.  Frankly I had thought the odds of him winning a third slam this year would be difficult anyway regardless of his back...but if he is confident and can peak at the right time, I do actually think it's possible now.

  12. 1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

    I think ESPN has a huge influence over scheduling on Ashe court. I remember those few years when they didn't have the rights to the night matches on the first weekend, the players tended to be a bit less well known (definitely no major Americans or any marquee names) but good matches. And obviously those were still big ticket matches since they were Labor Day weekend. The only difference seems to be the TV coverage. So I wouldn't be surprised if Maria's unjust schedule has been as much ESPN's fault as the USTA's, because to ESPN she is ratings and they couldn't care less about the suspension. 

    I suspect you are right, as I was thinking the USO makes so much money that I don't think it matters to them financially who is on Ashe, but ESPN is probably out for the money.  Shame on them.  But shame on the USTA for allowing it as well. 

  13. Just a further thought...

    I was saddened at Sascha Zverev's early exit, but then again he is only 20 and I do feel he has so much potential that he will win a major or more eventually.  On the other hand, as noticed his brother Mischa is still around and I really enjoyed his classic serve and volley in his win over Isner.   I know this is a fantasy, but I would love at this point to see a final between Roger and Mischa.  They could serve and volley for the entire match!

  14. I have to agree on the McEnroe Bros, they ramble all over the place (you're not at the Thanksgiving dinner table guys) and John especially is so condescending to anyone who doesn't meet his lofty standards.  I'm not surprised that they made fun of Daniel.

    I came here specifically to comment on Sharapova, and I am glad to see some sanity on the issue here. Watching ESPN tonight, it was as if they had been forbidden to speak the words "drug suspension."  Anyone who doesn't follow tennis would think Sharapova was absent for no reason at all!  Caroline was totally justified in her statement, and Garbine made similar comments that the USTA was giving Maria too much help.  Really, what is their excuse?  They make money hand over fist every year no matter who they put on Ashe, and they still have Venus and a lot of other stars on the women's side. Speaking of, congrats to Serena and baby!

    If the US Open really wants a feel good comeback story, why not feature Petra Kvitova on Ashe every night?   Everyone who follows the sport knows that she has just gone through the worst attack since Monica Seles, and she has been bravely improving at this event.  In addition, unlike the insufferable Maria, or for that matter the insufferable CoCo, she appears to be a charming and unassuming person, see this interview:


    • Love 7
  15. I just started watching the show again, and was looking up about the movie, and I am so sorry about Tim's stroke, I had no idea!  Lassie is my favorite character, Tim was so wonderful. I am glad he will at least be in the movie. but I hope he will be all better soon and we can see a full performance from him again when/if there is another movie. Best wishes Tim.

    I have to say Dule looks fabulous!  It's ironic that I mentioned in the other thread that Gus should have had a girl friend in the finale, and I'm glad they are bringing one in for him in the movie.  I also like that they held off marrying Shawn and Juliet.  It seems to work better that way to me (though I may be in the minority here).

    Looking forward to it.

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  16. I just re-watched Spelling Bee and it made me wonder about  show, which I enjoyed most of the time.  By the end I was really enjoying it - but here's my UO, I hated the finale in regard to Shawn, Juliet and Gus. I loved that Lassie got to be a chief, and Timothy Omundson and the writers did a great job with maturing his character, I loved that Henry  had a fulfilling job.  But moving Shawn and Gus to San Fran, and getting Shawn and Juliet engaged with Shawn just going on as before with his fake psych bit, struck me as a really bad and unresolved ending, particularly if he was going to marry Juliet, a practicing detective. And Gus should have had his own happy ending, not just one as Friend of Shawn.  I was hoping they would team him up with the girlfriend he had a few episodes before, but that was dropped.

    I actually am looking forward to the reunion movie, most of those don't work in my opinion, but this one is so soon after the show that I think it has a good chance.  I hope they managed to resolve some of the loose ends hanging at the finale.

    Oh, but to add a couple of random things, I loved Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark.

    Lassie:  Good job, Detective

    Shawn:  Did you call me Detective?

    Lassie:  No.

    I also loved the Hitchcock themed Yin (Yang?)  episode, especially the scene where Lassie saves Juliet on the tower. These may not be UOs, but I thought I would mention them anyway.

  17. Happy to see that MeTV has now added the classic ODD COUPLE with Tony Randall and Jack Klugman on weekdays at 6:30 pm.  Perfect time for it - when I first came to New York back in the 1970s, WPIX Channel 11 used to run the show 3 times every week night, and it was my go to TV for dinner time.   Some things never change!

    By the way, the local MeTV affiliate, New Jersey's WJLP, has finally stopped broadcasting in stretched format, so I can watch Perry Mason in a normal ratio - thanks WJLP!  I have noticed, though, when I see the first minute of MATLOCK that follows Perry, the image looks terrible - I suspect that MATLOCK was filmed on videotape and that's why the picture is so poor.

  18. Just replying to the questions about going to the US Open - I went in 2008, so I don't know if it's gotten a lot more expensive, but I don't think it was outrageous - anyway I bought Ashe tickets to the whole Labor Day weekend, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, which would have included the grounds passes.  Anyway, I saw Roger play twice during the day, and Serena once at night.   So if you have a favorite player I think that's a good time to go and of course there are the other courts to explore.

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  19. I just read about June Foray now. I grew up with all manner of TV cartoons but I'm sure none of them would hold up today as brilliantly as Rocky and Bullwinkle, to which she contributed so much, along with countless other great performances.  I really hope the show gets revived somewhere on cable or on the retro stations that are popping up all over.

    As everyone has said, a brilliant career and happily a long and busy life, though I too wish she had made it to 100.   However it's always great when someone remains active so long even in their 90s. Rest in peace June Foray.

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  20. By the way, for those who are irritated by the McEnroes' commentary and who have Tennis Channel, I suggest trying the Primetime repeat that TC runs several times after each slam.  Jim Courier takes an even handed approach in general in his color commentary, and the channel also benefits from the thoughts of Paul Annacone and Jon Wertheim in the studio.  Their interview with Roger afterwards was also nice and to the point I thought.

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  21. I'm so very amazed and happy for Roger! I'm sorry Cilic had the blister, but Roger was certainly deserving and played fabulous tennis the whole tournament.  I still can't believe he has won 8 titles at Wimbledon and 19 Slams overall.  I think the Australian Open was pivotal for him - all these last five years kept getting close in finals and not making it and I kept thinking, it's been so long since he won a Slam - then he goes into the AO with zero expectations and beats Berdych, Stan, and then Nadal in the thriller final.  I think it just removed the pressure for him, though he has also improved the backhand as I understand it.

    Did anyone else catch the joke Rod Laver made to Roger afterward in regard to the improved backhand?  I can't remember now exactly what he  said.  It was so great to see Roger and Stefan Edberg embracing and so happy afterward - my two favs in recent memory.

    It was really cute seeing one of the Federer girl twins trying to get one of her little brothers to clap for Dad.  "They have no idea what's going on."

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