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Posts posted by roseha

  1. On 12/30/2017 at 11:05 PM, Jaded said:

    I'm just glad that MeTV doesn't seem to be touching their Mannix, Cannon and 77 Sunset Strip overnight lineup as of yet. Cannon is nearing the end of the series run and the second season of 77 Sunset Strip just started airing not long ago. I had never gotten the chance to see either before earlier this year.

    I just started watching Mannix very recently, I think inspired by the same let's-revisit-the-late-60s urge that sent me to Good Morning World.  I remember reading about the show when I was a teen, but I'm not sure if I watched it.  METV is currently showing Season 5, and having only seen a few episodes right now, I have to say that I enjoy the relative unpredictability of it, the guest characters are not always what they seem, and things are not always resolved in a neat bow.  I guess Mannix owed something to classic detective movies in that sense.  Mike Connors and Gail Fisher are excellent and they were able to get good guest stars.  If I can just keep METV's low VHF channel 3 signal from breaking up at 2 AM I will be sure to watch more.

  2. In regard to the Odd Couple, I'm pretty sure that the DVDs are totally uncut (though it's been awhile since I've watched them). Probably also the Hulu shows should all be uncut as well.

    Years ago I remember watching an uncut version of "The Odd Monks" - maybe at the now-called Paley Center.  There's a very funny throwaway scene where Felix is dutifully trying to write with a quill pen which keeps curling up on him. Just the kind of thing that would be the first to go in syndication but well worth seeing.

    I think I've also seen cuts in my favorite episode "The Subway Show" where Felix and Oscar are caught on a stalled car and Garry Marshall as the grumpy New Yorker says to Oscar, who says he hasn't been on a subway in years:  "Can't tell you how we've missed you!"

  3. 4 minutes ago, rtms77 said:

    I’m asking the same question, what ep is the previously from because I don’t remember it at all.

    See Burden of Proof below, November 7 I think. 

    I wasn't up to seeing this one yet but will probably watch it tomorrow.  At least they didn't make us wait until May to see Fornell again.

    • Love 3
  4. Next week's episode looks good.  I still enjoy the show even if it varies a little from week to week.  One thing I think they should address is how long Randy will be on leave from being a cop.   I hope this show doesn't become more like so many sitcoms where some characters seem to have nothing to do but hang around and talk all day.

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  5. If Roger had not won the French in 2009,  I would guess that he would keep playing it, but since he did, I imagine he will maintain the same schedule as last year and save himself for the grass season, playing two warmups before Wimbledon.  He's done a brilliant job of pacing himself in recent years.  However, it all remains to be seen, I guess.

  6. 28 minutes ago, healthnut said:

    Love Fed so I’m super happy he won #20, his durability is really paying off while Murray, Nadal, and Djokovic are falling apart.  I’m also even happier that Woz finally won. She’s got her major and a fiancé that won’t call call off their engagement over a phone call. Good for her. 

    I don’t have ESPN anymore, hows Mattek-Sands as an analyst? I just can’t imagine... 

    I only heard Mattek- Sands once in passing, but I thought she made a very interesting observation.  She basically said that stats in a match were overrated, that it was more important to watch the other player's momentum as it comes and goes, and take advantage when they are not on a roll.  Or words to that effect.  I thought that was an interesting point and I would have liked to hear her elaborate on it.  

    Speaking of which I remember hearing Martina commenting on the men's final last year and she was very incisive in her observations about what was working and what wasn't in a way that was never judgmental a la Fowler and the Mac brothers.

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  7. Just a quick note that I am thrilled for Roger, though I am happy to see that Marin made a match of it.  I couldn't help notice that Roger looked extremely nervous throughout, perhaps due to the fact that everyone expected him to win this, as opposed to last year when no one expected him to go all the way after the six months off.  I certainly didn't and he had admitted that he didn't himself.  This year with his record against Cilic perhaps being expected to win put some burden on him.  Regardless, I was so happy to see him pull away in the fifth. Yes  I watched it on Tivo after knowing the result but I'm weak that way :).

    Poor Simona, I feel so bad seeing what this tournament took out of her.   She deserves a slam win and I hope it comes this year.

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  8. I couldn't stay up - the finals start at 3:30 AM here in NY - but while I have nothing against Woz (it amused me to hear Bethanie Mattek-Sands, working for ESPN, refer to her that way as all the fans do) I am also gutted for Simona.   She must still have nightmares about losing that French Open final to Ostapenko after being way ahead.  I really hope she gets over the finish line in a Slam someday.

    My guess is the men's final will probably be like the Fed-Berdych match, I don't expect it will be easy but I do think/hope Roger will pull it out.  I can't stay up but I hope he will get his 20th.  He can't play forever (though I wonder if he, like Hingis, might hang around and play doubles in the future) but I will miss his beautiful game and court savvy so much when he finally retires.

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  9. 15 hours ago, jewel21 said:

    Nice to see Sweatpants finally get a job. Franco's new roommate is definitely strange. I'll wonder if we'll see more of him as the season progresses?

    I liked Arthur eating the pudding at the nursing home, heh.

    I liked this one also.  Sweatpants is a good character and like the actor although I wish that he, like Tush, wasn't given such a ridiculous name.

    Arthur's part in this was funny as well and the social media subplot was better than I would have expected.

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  10. 19 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

    She was in The Big Sleep early in her career when Bogart's Phillip Marlowe walks into a bookstore and she's the clerk and there's that great flirtation between them. She's only in that one scene but she's so memorable. I love how they do the whole cliche "Wouldn't you look better without those glasses?" as if she wasn't even hotter wearing them!


    I'm sure she had a lot of fine performances, but I also thought of this flirtation between them in The Big Sleep right away.  RIP Dorothy Malone.

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  11. I remember back on TWOP there was a separate thread for the classic Odd Couple with Tony and Jack.  I love that show so much.  Just recently I watched a couple of episodes and found two of my all time favorite quotes, both spoken by Tony as Felix:

    "New York has made me tough!" (I quote that to myself sometimes)  and 

    "This is the real you that's underneath the other real you!" to Jack as Oscar, the Scrooge episode. 

  12. For anyone who can get Watch ESPN, I recommend it if you want to avoid the dull match coverage of ESPN and sometimes also Tennis Channel.  I watch it over my Roku and  it starts live as soon as the matches do.  You can pretty much watch what you want.

    I also go on Youtube in the morning and watch the AO's little clips of the matches that ended overnight so I get a quick update on the results by checking out their little clips.  With all the money ESPN and Tennis Channel spend on covering tennis, I see no quick way to get all the results from them the next day.

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  13. Poor Petra Kvitova lost overnight in a 3 set barn burner.  I feel so terrible for her, she has tried so hard to come back from that terrible knife attack and for some reason she just seems to be under the radar, it's so sad.  Petra seems like such a nice person as well.  I hope it will go better for her when we get to grass season.

    • Love 4
  14. In regard to the upsets, it's also true that some of the players who lost had little match play coming into the AO (Isner, Venus also I believe).  Sloane being 0 and 8 since the USO is not only sadly mind blowing, but also means that she has played very little.  I guess it remains to be seen how the tournament will go, but Dimitrov and Kyrgios won easily last night as well.

    I agree that the pink day-glow outfits are strange, though I did like the yellow/violet day-glow one Jelena Ostapenko had on. It seemed to suit her personality somehow. 

  15. The thing about Coco that's ironic is that ESPN was hyping her chances as usual tonight. When will they learn?  Arrogance doesn't equal greatness.

    Good luck Madison!

    • Love 3
  16. 12 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

    Really, Australia Open?  The same tiresome, "Let me hear the seabirds calling..." ad from last year?  I'm going to be completely shabby by the time this tourney is over.  

    Totally agree, when I see that thing coming I lunge for the mute button at this point.

    Sad to see Sloane Stephens going out in the first round.  Venus is having a tough one also against Belinda Bencic (Roger's Swiss mixed doubles partner from the Hopman cup).  People downplay the luck of the draw I think, but it's tough when such a good player like Bencic is unseeded and draws a champion player in the first round.

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  17. Wow, April 30.  It's strange but I had a dream about Elementary last night, don't remember it that well but I was trying to persuade people to get it on the air I think.  Actually under the circumstances I am glad it will be on Mondays.  At least it won't be pushed into obscurity by Football.  

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  18. I've watched a couple of episodes of Good Morning World, a one season mid-to-late 1960s sitcom about a pair of disc jockeys, their boss (Billy DeWolfe) and their wife/girlfriend (Julie Parrish/Goldie Hawn).  I don't remember if I saw it the first time around, and it could have used better writing, but it's kind of a cute window into the styles of the era so to speak.  It struck me that most of the comedies I remember from that time were not slice-of-life like this or the much better Dick Van Dyke show, they were more fanciful things ranging from Get Smart to I Dream of Jeannie to Green Acres - maybe it says something about the era, maybe by the late 1960s people wanted escape in their TV.  But I like revisiting the cute colors and styles once in awhile if nothing else.

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