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Posts posted by roseha

  1. 4 hours ago, J-Man said:

    I've been watching both the morning and evening showings in order on MeTV and I noticed that they skipped over "The Case of the Terrified Typist" (S1, E38) for some reason. Is there a problem with that episode? Is it not part of the syndication package?

    I'm pretty sure my Tivo recorded that one just recently, so I think they are running it - unless the one shown is not the one Tivo lists which is possible.  MeTV breaks up for me sometimes so I skip over any of those broadcasts.

    I find it interesting, looking online, that occasionally the writers would change the identity of the killer from the original novel.  Sometimes you can tell, the motive for the killer seems pretty weak in some of these cases ("The Case of the Green Eyed Sister", which I saw recently, being one of those I think - apparently the original killer was a character dropped in the TV version).

  2. On 6/5/2018 at 11:09 PM, Vermicious Knid said:

    There's a cool Forensic Files episode where a murder suspect destroys a disk with pinking shears and the police consulted all these computer experts who told them it would be difficult if not impossible to recover any data, along with hugely expensive. So one of the detectives looks at it and thinks "What if I can tape it back together?" And it worked!

    I remember an episode of Law and Order Criminal Intent where Logan talked the geeks into taping back together some disks also, I think by bribing them with liquor.

    As far as Hannah discovering her roommate's murder, it seemed odd that she screamed from so far away and with the woman's face turned away from her, you would think she would check to be sure she was really dead but they didn't show that.  It seems on TV they always assume the victim's friends/family assume the person is gone already.

    This reminds me of a rare moment in Perry Mason where a movie star played by Fay Wray has been killed and her housekeeper comes up to Perry and says:  "How can  you tell if a person is dead?"  I don't think I've heard that more than once.

    I thought it was a good mystery overall.  I agree that I hope they wrap up the Michael story as soon as they can.

  3. I'm super super late, I've missed several episodes partly due to being away and am trying to binge two at a a time to catch up.

    All the Michael theories are interesting, personally my instinct is that he does want to get caught, maybe stopped from killing again, though maybe it's unconscious.  It seems like too much of a coincidence that he singled out Sherlock for friendship.  I have to think though that as this progresses it will be surprising if Sherlock doesn't start to pick up a suspicious vibe from the guy, even with his post-concussion issues.   He's still able to solve cases though with some effort.  I also liked the scene with the detective who was annoyed that Sherlock dumped him for Bell.

    Re Button Gwinnett, I remember the Colbert/Lin Manuel Miranda skit also, though I didn't realize how obscure Gwinnett was, I thought people were just amused by the name.

    • Love 3
  4. Congratulations to Sascha Zverev, on winning Madrid, his 3rd Masters 1000 at barely age 21.  He went a long stretch with no victories until recently but now really seems to be putting his game and concentration together these last couple of weeks.  He also went through this whole event on clay without being broken once!  I think it bodes well for his future.

    • Love 4
  5. I’m disappointed, because CBS could certainly afford to keep this good show, instead they will undoubtably replace it with another bland sitcom that will be gone in six months anyway.

    I will say that if the show somehow got picked up by, say, Netflix, I would rejoin there.

    Good luck to the fine cast.

    • Love 1
  6. 48 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

    Wow. He passed in s7?

    Sorry AntiBeeSpray, I guess I was generalizing, but Ray Collins passed away in 1965, and Wiki lists him as being in the show through 1964.  Still, I believe he was gradually written out of the show due to ill health if I remember correctly, and other actors were brought in to play the police characters.  I loved Ray's humor.  It always struck me as odd that, by comparison, the actor they brought in to replace him, who played "Andy" Anderson, had such a deadpan delivery, not unlike Jack Webb.

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  7. Season 7 does have some good shows but I am such a Ray Collins fan that I am sad when Tragg fades out of the show due to his illness and death.

    MeTV is running Season One again, I think in the morning rotation.  Love that semi-noir feel, Perry is even wearing a fedora in a car in The Case of the Crimson Kiss.

    • Love 4
  8. I really liked this one except for the final twist.  I just found it really stretching credibility that the government official (forget his title) would have been behind the plutonium theft-coverup/heist and presumably the murder of the ex-con.  I realize it's a general rule in these shows that your can't bring in the killer out of nowhere but that's my only real issue.   

    However, there were a lot of great scenes, and Sherlock trying to bring back his abilities by hook or by crook, even by puzzles, was great to see.  I also liked the subplot with Joan's family very much.  When she said she had trashed the letter I didn't realize it was still in the brownstone, I thought it was gone for good. It was sweet the way Sherlock used his logic to gently persuade her in to opening it.

    It's great to see Gregson and Bell so involved this year.  I also would like to see Clyde though!

    • Love 6
  9. That ending totally threw me, though as soon as they showed Michael in the woods and breathing hard it was obvious something was up.  It was extremely creepy needless to say.  I agree that it creates another layer to Sherlock's level of recovery to see how soon he picks up on something suspicious about this person, and how soon he realizes Michael is a killer.

    I have to say that the way the show has handled Sherlock's illness and his and Joan's reaction to it is just outstanding.  Almost any other show would have gone sentimental in some way, or overly melodramatic, instead both the writers and the Miller and Liu did a fabulous job making you feel what they are both going through.  I watched both new episodes back to back tonight (backwards, crazy I know) but while watching I was thinking that this will be a show people will rewatch years from now.

    • Love 4
  10. On 5/2/2018 at 4:20 PM, Nessie said:

    Does anyone know if Elementary has been permanently moved to Mondays now?  I'd like to be able to adjust my recording time back down to 1 hour instead of the 2 it's currently at (my *just in case* time period from the annoying sports overruns of last season's Sunday time slot).

    I think it's permanent for this "season" so to speak.  As far as I know.  Monday is a good night for them, no sports either.

    • Love 1
  11. For those who can get Youtube TV - which I currently use in place of cable, which I have dropped - Decades has just been added, so be sure to check it out.  I have put a series record on both of Bob Newhart's shows, YTTV has unlimited DVR (until it goes away after a period of months) and I have been binge watching Bob's first show quite pleasantly since I started Tivo-ing it over the air recently.

    • Love 1
  12. On 3/25/2018 at 7:13 AM, seasons said:


    Maria LaRosa has grown on me. Her hair swinging used to irritate me, but I can look past it now. She is doing a good job.


    I was surprised to hear Paul Goodloe mention a few weeks back that he has been at TWC for 19 years and doesn't even have a desk!  He also does a very good job.

    I like Maria LaRosa and Paul Goodloe  as well, and they work well together.

    Paul Goodloe did a great job following up after the Hurricane Maria disaster in Puerto Rico in particular.

    ETA:  Actually, I forgot to mention, I have switched to Youtube TV from cable, so I only get the Weather Channel now when they go live on Local Now (which is a free app on Roku) which they did every time New York had a "Noreaster" in the last few weeks.  So I still watch it from time to time without having to pay for it :)

    • Love 1
  13. 22 hours ago, Harry24 said:

    Naomi Osaka played so well today in taking out Serena in the first round.  Serena is still clearly way short of her usual form, but it was nonetheless an impressive achievement.  I thought surely Naomi would have a mental letdown after winning in Indian Wells.

    I find her absolutely delightful.  She said in her victory speech that it was probably one of the worst victory speeches ever, but I thought it was one of the best!  So cute.  Today in her on-court interview she said that one of her goals in playing Serena was to play well enough to prompt Serena to yell a patented "Come on!" at least once.

    I think she's great also Harry24. Dare I say it, Naomi seems to have a certain star quality.  I hope she will be able to keep it up, it's so impressive the way she is performing at her age.

    • Love 1
  14. Just in relation to the talk about commentary above -  early on at Indian Wells I was able to hear Martina Navratilova doing commentary on the match between Halep and Dolehide on Tennis Channel, and I just have to say, without question, that Martina is the best commentator I have ever heard, it's not even close, and I have been watching tennis since 1980.  She actually described the three different levels of Dolehide's kick serve, and that's only one example.  She consistently tells you what is going on down on the court between the players, what works and what doesn't and makes you feel that you are actually there, and without any of the psychoanalysis or condescending comments I get so sick of - how many tournaments has Chris Fowler ever won? 

    I enjoy tennis a lot, the early rounds are fun and finals can be very dramatic - but I wish more commentators would take a page out  of Martina's book.

    • Love 3
  15. I didn't know the show was on Hulu at all, I have to investigate!  Some years ago I was on a fan site for the show and they were lamenting the lack of DVD releases; the reason given was the frequent singing by the two leads which made fans speculate it was about about the costs for royalties. I'm not sure that was true though.  

    • Love 1
  16. Yes, Unfortunately I don't think the story lived up to the premise.  NCIS ought to know after all these years that you need more than one potential suspect to keep the audience interested.

    Casey was all right.  I didn't think about them needing a replacement for Abby, I guess I keep forgetting this show is going to be renewed again.

  17. 17 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    Scorpion (also on CBS) was preempted too. They're both back next week at the same time.
    I can't figure out why. 

    Thanks Shapeshifter, I know Elementary will be taking over for Scorpion when it finishes for the season, but I can't figure out the rest of it either.

    • Love 1
  18. Is anyone else having this problem - I canceled Netflix a couple of months ago, since they didn't have the few movies I really wanted from them, and I wasn't interested in their shows.

    Then this week I started getting "Welcome back to Netflix" emails.  I always look at the sender to see if it's spam but this claims to be from Netflix.

    If this got sent just because I clicked on their home page (kind of by mistake actually) then I don't know what to think....

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