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Posts posted by roseha

  1. Star Trek TOS got 65 ish episodes before it was canned.



    That few? I would have thought in those late 60s days 3 seasons would have added up to more eps.  Star Trek definitely ran 3 years, my family actually watched it when it was first on.  Actually the Friday night thing was good for us, we didn't have school the next day.  But not good for the show I guess!

    I vaguely remember the Richard Benjamin/Paula Prentiss sitcom from that era, He and She, which was very clever but didn't last long at all I think.

  2. Actually I think that shows with a lot of current events references age really fast.   For example if I watch Barney Miller, which I think holds up really well, and I suddenly hear a rare reference to Jimmy Carter or New York mayor Ed Koch, I react because I forget how old the show is.  But a show with constant references like that would age to me.


    (Bob Newhart mentioned in an interview that he asked his writers not to include Gerald Ford references in his first show since he expected his show to be in syndication some day!)


    One early 60s show I've been watching on METV and loving is Dobie Gillis.  It just does a great job of satirizing its own white-bread, materialistic era.  Dobie can't seem to get beyond borrowing the car, borrowing Dad's money, chasing the prettiest girl in school as in "beautiful, angelic, greedy Thalia Meninger" (Tuesday Weld). I'm looking forward to seeing spoiled rich boy Warren Beatty.

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  3. I always thought Law & Order should have ended with two detectives at a crime scene when one makes a pun to break the tension


    That would have been great, except that no one at L and O knew they were being cancelled. The same exact thing happened to Leverage, with that thrilling finale - which turned out to be the series finale - broadcast on Christmas Night.  I have to say though the Leverage finale was excellent

    I don't know how soon I'll be able to watch it again after seeing most of the characters pretending to "die". A great ending after that though.

  4. Yes, I missed Carver/Vance so much that I really fantasized about him returning with Goren and Eames for Seaon Ten.  I had the setup figured out:


    Carver has to reopen a cold case!

    He needs Goren and Eames to solve it in the worst way!

    "I don't care what you have to do, I don't care what I said before, get them back!"


    Well maybe some day there will be a CI movie or TV movie financed by Kickstarter and we can have Carver and Deakins returning...I usually don't like that kind of thing since they rarely live up to the original but I'd like to in this case since it would be nice to tie up some more loose ends...as long as we have another satisfying ending of course :)

    • Love 1
  5. Elementary has 30-second credits, but sometimes they run shorter ones for time.



    That theme and opening make me want to watch the show!

    Regarding classic shows, my favorites are Green Acres - love the way Eddie and Eva sing the theme - The Fugitive, Mission Impossible.

    More recently, the original theme for Law and Order CI as Wendy says.

  6. Stephen has been brilliant on TCR, obviously, but nine years is a long time and this gives him an opportunity to try new things without having to travel which with a family I think he doesn't want to do. It's a great opportunity.  I imagine he will try to bring some of his people with him.  All the best.

    • Love 3
  7. I so totally agree about the casting in this show - I mentioned this in the old forum (hi all!) but it was only on rewatching, after I already knew how each story would turn out, that I was amazed by how well each actor was inhabiting his/her role.  You don't get that very much, it says a lot for the cast, and for the care they took with this show.

    I do think TNT did a terrible job of not promoting it. They would schedule it right after that horrible looking (I never watched it) horror-scifi thing Falling Skies and hardly give you a second to breathe before Leverage would begin.  Ideally, they should have preceded it with something compatible IMO.

    Wanted to add, CBS does rerun an episode very late at night over the weekend, or they have been lately.

  8. I agree with your post above WendyCR72 (nice to see people moving over here already)!  Of course one of the many damaging things Warren Leight did during his tenure was to write out any mention of Frances Goren's schizophrenia and have her die of cancer.  Like you, I'm glad new showrunners took over and the series ended with Bobby in a better place (yet more authentic to his original character).

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