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Posts posted by roseha

  1. Now this whole killing off thing has turned into a guessing game, I hate it...these writers are insane to mess with the number one show this way :(


    I would love it if the "loss" turned out to be a put-on, like the last episode of



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  2. I don't know if it's just me or if there's some biological "this is a thing", but whenever I see even fictional harm done to either old people or children, it really hurts. Makes me cringe. Makes me not want to watch. Too uncomfortable. Seeing the ambush on the ambulance while the lady was attached to tubes etc and her face when she begged them not to hurt her because she was sick gave me that same feeling (not that she's senior or infant, just it evoked the same type of knee-jerk response). I know it was a super short scene but I almost couldn't bear to watch.

    Which I suppose is a good thing on the show, that they made me actually care about the victim on a victim-of-the-week show, but man, that was rough. I wanted to turn it off.

    I'm not usually super sensitive but it really bothered me.



    I agree, this episode felt unusually violent to me.  I was very grateful for the Alfredo subplot to provide some relief, even though the issue of friendship between him and Sherlock was a serious one.

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  3. Did anyone else see last night's episode?  In addition to the odd non-permitted (except for the bathroom) structure in the backyard, Tarek and Christina's SUV was stolen while they were looking at the work done inside the house.  The camera crew managed to get footage as the thieves took off down the street...very surreal. 


    I saw it!  with the creepy garage ("do not enter.  I will be back tonite"), the car theft and all that, that was something else!

    I only wished they'd used Izzy on this episode.  His reactions would have been priceless.

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  4. I love watching Perry Mason too, especially the noirish-retro early ones!  But I think they are editing the episodes more lately. Unless I am remembering from the DVDs, which is possible.  I remember one episode where Perry deduces the culprit from a book he sees in the man's room, but the actual scene was cut when I last saw it.

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  5. This season was my first watching the show - previously I had been working at night and had seen almost no prime time shows for a long time - and I actually tuned in to the first episode based on the previews and then tuned out because Watson seemed so angry at Holmes and it didn't have the sense of partnership I had hoped to see.  Now of course they have gradually come back to that.  I think as long as they keep that focus on the main characters the show should have a strong following, granted the case is not always exciting but it's often about an intellectually challenging subject so at least I feel that part of it will keep my interest while I wait for the best scenes among the regular cast,  which is a long way of saying I think it will have enough of an audience to get renewed.

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  6. This show REALLY needs to stop killing off characters. There are other ways to write people out of the series or to develop stories and drama. Maybe it's time to get some new creative blood in there. The current team seems to have run out of ideas.


    I totally agree, I know this is a show about a dangerous profession, but it's still a show, and the constant killing off is not only awful to watch, it reduces the number of characters and upcoming story lines as we've been discussing here lately.  Maybe new writing/producing staff is the way to go, I agree.  It's also hard to watch a show when there is so much violence.

  7. Wow, I was not watching this thread, I had no idea VDO is getting so busy!  Great news. I  will  have to check out the Netflix series though I agree that I hope he will get to play a more sympathetic character at some point. 

    I kind of doubt Vincent looks to play "bad guys" but I think he's seen as a character actor, so perhaps that explains some of it.


    I came here to mention that I saw Eric Bogosian playing a major role in last night's episode of Elementary and he was quite good. Now there's a show I would love to see Vincent guest on!

  8. I did not remember this character. When was he first introduced, and under what circumstances?



    I believe he appeared in Bella, if I'm not mistaken.  Whether he appeared previous to this season I'm not sure because I started watching this year, but I remember Sherlock commenting to the effect that Mason was a typical modern name given to children by parents who wouldn't dream of taking part in such a profession.  So maybe that was his introductory scene.

    I enjoyed the episode though I agree the Hannah subplot was dull and probably took away from time that could have been better spent between Sherlock and Joan.  Maybe the writers came up with it to give Gregson more to do.

  9. LAFF is showing on 7-3 in New York City.  Tivo is still listing it as Live Well, but that's par for the course I guess.  I don't see any scheduled showings of Night Court yet unfortunately.

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    ETA: On Pullypals, maybe I'm paranoid, but I'm not thrilled about the safety of a "toy" that has a long cord inside it. 


    I had a similar reaction. It looks like an accident waiting to happen.

    I really thought the beekeeper guy should be starting a Kickstarter page instead.  Maybe also the sneaker duo.  Of course they probably wouldn't raise the same money as they would working with a shark, but it might be progress of a sort?

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    Still, I did enjoy the "Miss Watson!"  "Mr. Holmes!" exchange at the very end.  Their interactions really make this show.


    Yes, I really enjoyed that also.  I especially enjoyed Sherlock's rather halting explanation to her that what he had originally meant to discuss was the nature of friendship, more to the point, their friendship.  I think I am putting it more directly than he did, though, I like that they keep the Holmes/Watson relationship so subtle, and it is so well played by JLM and LL.

    I find hacker stories intriguing so enjoyed this though I wondered if there would be more of a connection with Bella (since that story seemed to have been left unresolved at the time), but I guess they weren't going there.

    More Clyde!

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  12. I can't help thinking, well, they killed off Tim's father, then they killed off Diane...seems to leave them with a smaller group of revolving visiting characters...I was seriously concerned that Delilah was going to get killed off in her last appearance, luckily she was with Tim at the time.

    What I am getting at is they seem to have painted themselves into a corner here where we end up with more Senior appearances than anyone can stand...maybe the writers should have thought about that first.

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  13. Kind of relevant (?) question, does anyone remember when some tv shows started playing in widescreen?  I caught the beginning of Quincy on METV the other day, and it looked genuinely widescreen, not stretched or distorted.  Wasn't that show late 70s early 80s?  I seem to remember the Law and Order shows not being widescreen for awhile (unless it was my old tube tv at the time making it look that way)?  Interesting.

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  14. Maybe it's related, I was sure that right before the episode there was a preview scene with Holmes saying "You have the wrong man" and Bell replying "then we're back to square one."  But it didn't appear in the show correct? Or was that a "previously?"  However, it's possible that people are remembering scenes in the preview that didn't appear in the episode?

  15. Too much violence for me, but I really appreciated Oscar's rejection of Sherlock's help at the end because it seemed very realistic for a junkie, and it was not the typical happy ending of addict gets saved by show hero.

    But I would also like to see a clean Oscar in a future episode.


    As far as the violence went, aside from the gruesome attack on Sherlock by the victim's brother, it was actually all off screen, and I really had to think hard about the last time I saw a show of this type that showed neither a murder being committed nor a dead body.  (The last one I remember was one of the  original Perry Mason shows, when a character not even introduced is killed completely off screen and never shown).  So in a way I think it intensified that the drama in this one was almost all psychological, which made it a really fine episode to me, I loved that the way it centered around Sherlock's doubt in his "former" self and in Joan's loyalty in refusing to believe he was in any way guilty, which loyalty turned out to be justified. But as said, he continues to feel doubt about other persons he can't remember...


    I loved that haunting string music they played over the scene where Sherlock tells Joan he's been accused.  It was very strange yet moving.  JLM and LL really made this one memorable to me.  I would like to see more of this kind of (relative) stand-alone type of show, even if it does harken back to Holmes' back story.


    I agree that Oscar's behavior was sadly realistic.  I half wondered if he would pick up the paper once Sherlock was out of sight but sadly he didn't...

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  16. I always get confused by the network related subchannels anyway, I don't know if it has to do with production companies but Decades on CBS is scheduled to show The Fugitive (ABC series), The Man from Uncle (NBC) and already showed all of Get Smart, which was on NBC except for CBS its last season.  Not sure what the reason is for some of this, though I am very glad to see anyone airing The Fugitive these days.

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  17. Note to the Academy and to the people here who may not have seen it, this is how you do a memorial. Simple yet classy.    

    Absolutely.  Did the Academy really forget Shirley Temple?

    I for one hated the drawings (they looked like colored pencil to me with those dumb slanted lines over almost everyone's face) especially since they were clearly all copied from photographs anyway.  I can't believe they don't use clips like TCM, why not just give in and use Turner's?

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