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Posts posted by roseha

  1. 1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

    Roger is going to relive this match in his nightmares for the next decade. Damn.

    Honestly Ive been generally quite calm watching Roger ever since he won his eighth Wimbledon and then his 20th Slam in Australia, its an amazing level of accomplishment no matter what, but those two match points on his serve....that has to really hurt.  But it happens to even the greatest I guess.

    By the way I am still not thrilled with the introduction of the 12-all tiebreak, aka the John Isner rule. I would rather have seen them play it out even though we would probably still all be watching at this moment.

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  2. 5 hours ago, dcalley said:

    It's been canceled because the men's doubles is still being played. The women will now play after the men's final tomorrow.

    Thanks!  I recommend watching Hsieh for anyone who hasn’t seen her, she has an amazing ability to confound her opponents with her unique style.

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  3. 4 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Serena did not play great but credit to Simona, she made it difficult for Serena to play her game.  Some of those points she returned and ran down were insane. Girlfriend definitely played one of the matches of her life.

    eta: I'm happy for Simona. She's been such an underdog for so much of her career and girl has had to fight against herself so many times. 

    I’m also happy for Simona, it wasn’t that long ago that she had lost her first 3 major finals and had to prove that she had what it takes, and I so hate it when the sports media and fans do that to a player, especially in an individual sport like tennis.  She just was amazing. 

    I was hoping that ESPN would show the women’s doubles final featuring the wildly unpredictable Hsieh Su-wei, but it hasn't begun so I guess not.  Maybe it will be replayed somewhere.

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  4. I didnt see the whole thing live, I admit, because much as I love Roger, live matches just get so tense that sometimes its just easier for me these days to watch on tape.  I did see him win that first set tiebreaker which was clearly huge.  I honestly didn't expect to see Roger in another Wimbledon final, so if he could possibly find a way to win it I'd be thrilled for him.

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  5. Dobie Gillis is available on Amazon Prime.  I find it hilarious.  Route 66 is also on prime, and I believe Naked City though I haven’t watched it.

    I thought I had at least heard of all these shows but Men in Space?  I wonder if it’s on Youtube, now I’m curious.

    In regard to libraries, the New York Public Library was participating in a great free streaming service called Kanopy, but I received an email that the NYPL dropped out of it as of July 1st.

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  6. On 6/27/2019 at 3:49 PM, Tom Holmberg said:

    I was on vacation in Canada and got to catch some "Murdoch Mysteries", which are hard to find in the US (apparently Canadian FX shows reruns) and "Corner Gas", which some US cable channel should pick up.

    I discovered Corner Gas while vacationing in Newfoundland years ago (though I think it was being broadcasted from Halifax) and I just love it.  It's a brilliant comedy.  There are certain episodes - Blog River, in which slacker extraordinaire Hank decides to impart his ramblings to Dog River online, makes me laugh out loud every single time.  I actually bought all the DVDs from Amazon Canada, and there is also a follow up movie which I haven't seen.  Sadly, Janet Wright, who played Brent's mother, has passed away since the show ended.

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  7. On 6/18/2019 at 12:31 PM, Tom Holmberg said:

    Two good episodes last night from Season 2. Ethel Waters as a dying jazz singer who wants to band back together and gets Tod and Buz to help her (also in the episode jazz great Coleman Hawkins plays "Snooze").  The second has Robert Duvall as a heroin addict who Tod tries to get to go cold turkey.

    I saw both of those also, they are excellent.  There was another fine Route 66 I saw on Prime, where it's revealed that Buzz never knew his mother, and they run into a look alike rural family and on this evidence think they are going to be able to track her down and reunite them.  It has quite a twist ending.

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  8. I just started watching this show while I was on vacation in Ireland on a channel called Pick.  I do enjoy it overall though the first show I watched, The Wellspring of Death, seemed to me to be the most obvious telegraphing of whodunit that I can ever remember seeing.  but I kept watching for the cast and the charm.  I do feel that as the show goes on the chemistry becomes more enjoyable among the regulars, especially for instance in The Witch of Wyckhaddon where Agatha is joined by James, Gemma, Bill and Roy to sort out the spooky goings on.  I enjoy Bill and the actor who plays him a lot, though I wonder if they will ever match him up with Gemma for good, maybe when the show ends.

    Can anyone explain why Sarah is a regular in Season 2?  Nothing against the actress or character per se, but isn't she the minister's wife?  And why haven't they shown her husband?  Did I miss something? It's hard for me to follow some of the accents sometimes.

    Anyway, it's fun TV for mainly light viewing, and I am glad they are making a Season 3.

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  9. By the way, I hope this isn't too off topic, but Route 66 is free if you have Amazon Prime (included with Prime Video).  As are all seasons of Dobie Gillis.  I thought for one great moment that Prime was going to give us all of Perry Mason as well, but it was just a tease!   They give you one free episode, then the rest requires CBS All Access which I will not subscribe to (my name and date of birth CBS?  I don't think so).  

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  10. When I saw that the former gang leader was living in Connecticut I wondered if there was going to be a connection to the ferry/bomb plot or was that a deliberate red herring by the writers?  

    I wondered why they took so long to get back to the truck driver but was relieved to find out he was totally innocent of anything wrong (sometimes I just sympathize with certain characters and he seemed nice), of course when they found the company he was delivering to it led them to the ultimate baddie - it did seem unusual that he only appeared at the very end, though.

    I have been catching up on the show after missing the first episode of the season, but have found most of the storylines intriguing.  The main arc is still unpredictable enough that it looks that Sherlock and Joan will be kept guessing for awhile.  I also liked seeing Bell’s continuing involvement in the cases.  Hoping for a good wrap up for the show, I will miss it as well, it’s the only current drama I watch also.

    • Love 3
  11. I'm currently playing with Sling Orange plus $5 Sports/Movies/DVR, mainly because I just dislike the DVR on Youtube TV so much.  Yes, it records and keeps *everything* (meaning every episode of a given show, or sport even) but I don't want to watch *everything*!  And I still pine for the ability to start and stop the recording by  channel and time, which none of these streaming services are apparently willing or able to do.  

    I know the feeling some of you are having about jumping from one to the other of these services, I haven't decided what to do - I still have YTTV also - but I don't regret leaving cable and their awful boxes!

  12. 2 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

    The free streaming app Tubi has episodes of "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis" available for viewing.

    You can also watch all of Dobie nonstop on Amazon Prime.  I agree that Maynard was such a great character and the show itself remains a hilarious spoof.

    • Love 4
  13. On 3/13/2019 at 10:37 PM, Moose135 said:

    Thank you, @CarolinaPam! I plan to try the free YTTV trial - it's only 5 days right now, and I'm out of town for the week.  I'll check out Philo as well, a few people have mentioned it to me.

    I dropped cable completely and am paying just $35 total (early adopter price) for YTTV, and I really recommend it overall.  It has more channels than I can reasonably watch, and while the DVR isn't perfect for me - it occasionally doesn't always record similarly titled tennis events on Tennis Channel, for instance - it has been fine with movies and other regular programming.  I don't have Netflix or Hulu anymore, I wasn't watching them; however I do have Kanopy, a free movie service that you can get through your library card in many cities.

    I still use my Tivo for over-the-air recordings, and I fortunately only pay $41.95 a month for internet since Spectrum gave my apartment building a group rate long ago.  It took me four phone calls to find a rep who recognized that though!

    Anyway, I do recommend YTTV as a good deal.

    • Love 1
  14. 21 hours ago, tessaray said:

    We love Parker and Hardison in our house too... even my husband who is kind of conservative about some stuff. The fact that this (sweet) old, white guy totally ships them says a lot. 

    I would love to find a newer series comparable to Leverage myself. Right now we rotate Leverage, White Collar, Numb3rs and Castle.  We used to also have Burn Notice in the mix but eventually we soured on the violence. Both Burn Notice and White Collar do have that caper/con job on the side of the angels feeling if you haven't seen them before. 

    Thanks, tessaray, I will keep those shows in mind.  I don't like too much violence either; that's why I almost never see modern (dramatic) movies; there's too much for me.  It's been really worth it to have episodes of Leverage to stream when I'm in the mood, needless to say.  I think the show is going to be one of those that holds up well in the future overall.

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  15. Thanks for the heads up on Mannix starting over Collinwood and ratgirlagogo.  I went through a phase of recording the entire run of episodes on my Tivo last year (I keep it for over the air TV, which is pretty good in NYC), and I look forward to starting over, even though the first season doesn't have Peggy of course.  The late 60s flavor of the early shows interests me (I look forward to the episode where Joe visits the club where the Buffalo Springfield is playing!) and I really enjoyed the acting of Mike Connors and Gail Fisher.  I read an interesting article in AV Club (it was under their series called 100 Episodes) that pointed out the visual elements to many of the Mannix episodes that really go beyond the norm, it's quite interesting.  

    By the way there's an interesting later episode, I forget the title, but it concerns a man who survives a plane crash and re-appears with a medically altered face; only his wife insists to Mannix that he's not her husband...good twist at the end.

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  16. I've been re-watching Leverage in recent weeks, first on ION and then by adding more episodes via Amazon Prime.  By the way, when Amazon saw how many eps I had of Seasons 2 and 4, they let me buy the rest at a discounted rate!

    One of the many things I love about this show is the way it can pull off completely different types of episodes so well.  There is the near total comedy of The Office Job.  On the other hand there's the episode that really introduced me to the show originally, and which I still find so dark and disturbing, The Long Way Down Job.   (I had seen The Ho Ho Ho Job previously but didn't really know who anyone was then).

    There's something about The Long Way Down Job, with the video appearance of the victim opening and closing the show, and the extended sequence where Parker and Eliot are down underground with the frozen body and realize they can't take it back, that is dramatic, strange and just so heartbreaking.  In a way it sets a tone for the show although many of the episodes won't be so serious, it gives you a clue about the dramatic range Leverage could deliver.

    The whole cast is great and so believable in their roles, but I agree that Beth did a great job with Parker.  In a way she's the one character who on paper shouldn't work but somehow does, whether not understanding about the potato in The Hot Potato Job (one of my favs) or crying out "Who the hell is Patience?" in The White Rabbit Job.  That said I think all the regulars are fabulous.  It's fun to re-watch The Girls Night Out and Boys Night Out eps and revisit Hardison and Parker figuring out their relationship.

    Maybe it's too much to ask, but does anyone here have a recommendation for a similar show to watch?  I wonder if there's any new show out there with a similar spirit.

    • Love 3
  17. I just watched the last "Meanwhile" segment on Youtube - the one with the Valentine's Candy, the frogs, and the Weinermobile - It was hilarious!  It's as if Stephen and the writers took some of the wackier segments from the Colbert Report - The Threatdown or something similar - and just spun them a little to make them fit the new show.  I've been out of touch and will have to look more of these up - are there a lot of them?

    • Love 1
  18. By the way, one more reason to admire Penny Marshall - I always thought she was hilarious as Myrna, Oscar's secretary on The Odd Couple, and when the show years later did a reunion movie after Jack Klugman was recovering from throat cancer, she clearly had no hesitation jumping in and doing a hilarious re-appearance in character.  Not sure what year that was but I'm sure she made time to help out Jack and the rest of the crew.

    Rest in peace, Penny and Garry.

    • Love 21
  19. On 12/9/2018 at 1:03 PM, GaT said:

    I don't know why I suddenly remembered this, but it just popped into my head. I was a full grown adult before I realized that James Doohan (Scotty on Star Trek), wasn't actually Scottish & didn't have a Scottish accent IRL. I guess it never occured to me that he wasn't Scottish when I was a kid, & I never questioned it growing up. I remember it was an eye popping moment when I saw him on some talk show, & there was no accent.

    This reminds me of the wonderful Barry Morse, who played Lt. Gerard on the Fugitive. That was probably one of the first adult shows I ever watched while it was still on, and I was amazed when I saw him on a TV interview while he was doing a stage play, and found out that he was actually British.  His American accent was impeccable. (I have seen been equally impressed with Linus Roche's accent on Law and Order for the same reason).

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  20. I've started watching the show again because it's playing in the afternoons on the ESCAPE sub-channel network.   I don't know why, I have a train-wreck fascination with these stories sometimes.   It really is sad that many people will invest their life savings with the friend of a friend without even finding some way of checking them out.  The money is almost never recovered.  So terrible.

    • Love 4
  21. 46 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    What exactly was that about? I had the match on in the background, so I wasn't aware there was even an issue, until I read comments on social media after, with a lot of people upset that the crowd booed Sascha after he won. 

    It was a legitimate ruling that caused people in the crowd to boo despite repeated explanations.   In the middle of a point during the 2nd set tiebreaker, a ball kid behind Roger dropped the ball and it began rolling toward the court.  Neither Roger nor the umpire, Carlos Bernardes, saw it but Sascha did and halted play because that is interference, thus a "let".  Bernardes checked with the boy (as did Roger) and he confirmed that he dropped the ball and it was rolling.  So Bermardes ruled it was a "let" that interfered with play and called for the point to be replayed.  Sascha then served an ace and won a few points later.  

    Despite Bernardes, going out of his way to explain this in the moment a great many in the crowd roundly booed Sascha which was really horrible and uncalled for. It's a hard and fast rule which the umpire confirmed and which Roger also did not argue.   Both the on-court reporter Annabel Croft and Sascha himself again told the crowd what happened but many kept booing. Finally they started to lessen but I felt awful for him.  And yes he was very humble and modest in his explanation, even indicating he understood Roger having "the most fans".   Fortunately Roger supported Sascha in the press conference later and today if anything I think the crowd was pretty much supporting Sascha through out (though not booing Novak).  I do there there may have been an element in it of wanting to make up for yesterday.  At least I hope so.

    Glad they supported him in the final at least.  Very happy for him.

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  22. Sascha's performance at the ATP Finals (I still don't like that everyone calls it the WTF!) was amazing, and I am so happy that he was able to perform so well, beating both Roger and Novak in straight sets.  Everyone said what a huge favorite Novak would be, and I was hoping it would at least be close, but Sascha not only served amazingly, and was willing to take chances with moving to the net, but also kept competing really well after Novak broke back in the second set.  It really bodes well for his future, and to win this event as he did at only 21 is a great achievement.  I think this win, along with Lendl on his team,  should help him with the concentration issues he seems to have in best of five set matches.  I have a lot of hope for him to win slams, whether in next year or the one after.  And that amazing last shot on match point, which I thought was going out, but which landed in down the line, was really thrilling.

    And his acceptance speeches are hilarious, in his third language yet!

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