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Everything posted by sjankis630

  1. I noticed the same thing. I mean that guy shooting out the window could have held all of the cops off indefinitely and would have killed half of them too! That bakery looked kind of nice. I wonder what their specialty is ..... Meth and cupcakes?
  2. I have not been that impressed by Vince Vaughn either in this role but some of it has to do with the stilted dialogue given him. I mean DeNiro would have trouble making it believable IMHO. I wasn't impressed with VV beating up the pimp to show how tough he was either, but I was impressed by how much of a dick he was to Ray after he told him about getting shot point blank with a shotgun after VV sent him to the house. If I was Ray I would have been pissed. On a side note - just to add to all the confusion - did anyone get an Anthony Perkins weird vibe from that set photographer Ray talked to? For some reason I can just see him as the type to be "filming" Caspere's exploits and somehow be involved in this whole thing. I mean I would suspect him if I didn't already know there were only 5 more episodes left and it would be too distracting. I also didn't notice that dead Stan's eyes were missing - I thought something looked weird about his body. We are all going to need eye protection before this is all over the way this sloppy writing is flinging about all these loose ends.
  3. I think he has already crossed over or is at least teetering on the edge with no turning back. I half expected him to be upstairs in his house when Ani walked upstairs sniffing his way through a mountain of coke. "Say hello to my leeeetle friend!" Seriously, the guy probably has a vodka despenser in his dashboard..... with ice machine in the glove box natch!
  4. Plus didn't we find out that Caspere was lying to Vaughn saying that the land would be worth less than what he had promised? (for some reason I am thinking he was told $10m vs the new offer of $7m?) I think that Caspere spent some of that $5m on some very expensive, dirty prostitutes! I have to use hand sanitizer after turning off my TV via remote after watching an episode of this show its so dirty!
  5. I agree with this statement. I am now remembering how boring last year's first couple of episodes seemed at the time. This writing reminds me of some of David Mamet's stuff - words for the sake of words but I have never heard anyone talk like this in my 49 years having lived on West and now East Coast. (of course maybe I don't get out enough) Regarding the land deal I am still partially in the dark. I listened to a podcast about this show where they were speculating that the owners of this land/deal could milk it because the understanding was that the govt would pay overages on the development and that someone who knew what they were doing - like organized crime folks - could work that into some major $$ over time. I will have to rewatch the first episode though in order to get a better understanding.
  6. OK did Vince Vaughn set Colin up? Does Vince feel he didn't need him anymore to do his dirty work? SlipperyPete - what was in the room was a video camera (looked to be motion detecting), what looked like a portable harddrive (on) and what appeared to be a laptop with some discs sitting ontop of it. I looked to me that someone - birdman? - had that setup in order to know when to pop out and shoot. Oh yeah - Are we to assume that McAdams' character is a porn addict too? (to add to her drinking and gambling). when the scene first started I assumed that she was looking for the online sex sites to see if her sis was in any of them, but I guess if she frequents them then she could have discovered her that way as well. I thought it was funny how both she and the other cop calling her with the info when she was in her robe both had their badges and guns thrown up on a sidetable... I don't know why but it looked so cliche and at the same time so true.
  7. Initially I thought that Nickel socks were stupid, but then they had her use them in the speakeasy scene and they were comic gold! Girlfriend went off! Some got two "socks" before they fell.
  8. Was this the season ender? I can never tell with this show. This was an Ok episode, and as it involved all of the characters, and and nothing of real consequence happened. I wonder if they will drop this writing storyline next season as quickly as they dropped her pregnancy from last season.
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