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  1. Random thoughts on episode 10 - "Gone, Gaby, Gone": Are we forming a new society or creating a community? Which is it, show? This is the most wishy-washy, flip-floppiest cast ever My favorite character this season is Genevieve's Teeth I'm right-handed, but I would've definitely held the tray with my left hand to balance the balls. My left hand is my mitt/catching hand, and my right hand is for throwing.
  2. Sam's confessional about trying to get people to trust him while admitting they shouldn't trust him was about as funny a mini-monologue as I've seen this season.
  3. I disagree with the spoilers above about Strawberry Shortcake. I thought I heard this voice:
  4. We're calling it the Bat Bib at our house.
  5. Tiyana - I know you are distraught at not making the jury. And the consequences are that in a couple of weeks, I won't recognize your name or your face. You can take solace, though, in that after a couple of months I won't recognize the name or face of anyone who made the jury or the goat who gets no votes at the final tribal. I may remember the winner or runner-up for a year or so, then they're gone, too. So, in summary, if you bump into me in 2026 and tell me you won S47, I'll just congratulate you on your win.
  6. I'm new to the show and am trying to figure out why someone would choose to keep playing over going back to the floor if they want to win the entire show. The fewer duels, the better. The smaller your territory is, the fewer other categories you need to study.
  7. The most compelling characters in this first half of the season have been Sam and Genevieve. They have been in control of their respective tribes, and I will be curious to see how they react to the merge dynamics.
  8. They should just read the names from the confessional captions. They'd get more intel about who has advantages that way, too.
  9. Four of the six tribe members got votes. It's either Pagong 2.0 or way too many plans, backup plans, contingency plans, and fake plans for anyone to sort out.
  10. Survivor "Idol Chatter" Test You have found an idol, your next step is... A. I need to tell someone right away! B. I need to leave it out where someone else can find it while I decide whether to open it. C. Since I found it with someone, I need to determine who they will tell and thus who I should tell. Kudos to Sam on this one.
  11. Random thoughts on episode 1 - "And...y's Gata Go": The new era casting team: "So, just how emotionally fragile are you?" The fifth box within the box does not contain an even more powerful immunity idol, but rather a note reminding you to be sure to drink your Ovaltine Even with a spoiler-rific episode title, it was one of the better openers.
  12. Maria thought she'd been using Charlie to further her game and that she was the mastermind...only to realize he had been doing the same with her. And he was better at it. Her ego was tied to her being the best strategic player in the game, so she was able to save face by voting for the best social player in the game. I think much less of her after her Petty (heh) vote. Even after watching the season, I'm sure Liz is still 100% convinced she had it in the bag. Good on you, Charlie, for giving Kenzie full credit for her win. That's sportsmanship, Maria.
  13. I appreciate that we got a likable, competent, supportive group of final 3 teams, and Ricky & Cesar certainly deserved the win.
  14. Third person Liz was out in full force this episode, another reminder that even an inkling of power will make her as insufferable as Maria. Mrs. GenX and I agreed the only letter we would want from home would just say "Don't lose focus".
  15. The show, in order to get another season, needed a likable winner with a big payday. They got it. With two cases to open and only two large amounts left, the show could have done anything. They could very easily have lowered the offer, forcing Jordan to either take the lower offer or take a huge risk (and potentially walk away with next to nothing). They didn't lower the offer, because they wanted the splashy, feel good win. It was made even better when her case had a low amount. All of that said, I'm ambivalent about another season. I was mostly just interested in Rob's dissection of the game and humorous commentary. I don't think it would be as interesting the second time around.
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