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  1. That is an interesting thought. She is all attitude, eye-rolling and snarking at people outside of home too, though. Plus she keeps telling her coworkers and customers how she is going to be on TV and famous, and, of course, it doesn’t help that her job is something we can easily picture a teenager doing.
  2. They sure were lining up to sign it though when Isaac knocked a candle down and burned it. I was wondering about that, what would their signatures on the draft even mean?
  3. Maybe he was like me and didn’t realize what the meeting was about until well after he got all worked up about the ruffle (btw, didn’t they have something about a jabot a few weeks ago?). Honestly, I had no idea this was not just one of those let’s-discuss-philosophy gatherings until they said that they need something after life and liberty because having just the two doesn’t quite work stylistically (who knew this was the reason, right?). They did not act like leaders of a rebellion trying declare independence at all. Right, I can certainly see your side. I just thought it was sweet already when Isaac said it, we knew right then and there what it meant and how significant it was. Having Pete explain it to him pushed it into the schmalzy territory for me a little. I’d prefer it if Sam just left the text of the Declaration for Isaac to read the line for himself, for example. Or even if Isaac never found out - it would be like a little Greek tragedy. But it’s just a matter of preference, it worked fine the way they did it, too. So, how long until Isaac starts resenting Hamilton and company for the extra reason that they stole his line and now nobody gives him credit for it? He is not really the kind of person who is content with having done something, he needs recognition.
  4. This show is a gem. “First they came for hula hoopers and you didn’t speak out because you weren’t a hopper...”. Bravo, show. Love how Colonel Quinn thinks that the Dutch are Scandinavians somehow. “Why did you give him the hammer?” - “He is Thor now.” And Maggie afewgoodmanning the “you’re damn right I’m proud of you!” out of her father? Bravissimo!
  5. I’m of two minds here. I couldn’t imagine how George’s scenes were not going to be gratuitous, and they kind of were. But I loved the final “I thought we were having a moment here” - “We are, son” exchange. On the third hand, as someone pointed out before, bringing YS characters back just underscores how this show keeps being afraid to stand on its own.
  6. Oh, they were all assholes, weren’t they? Franklin was mean to Isaac for no reason before, even while wanting to use Isaac’s carriage to move furniture, John Jay outfitted Isaac with that swan of a ruffle and then pretended that he had nothing to do with inviting him, Hamilton was all “oh, I thought it was an exclusive party…” WTF, people? I don’t know about that. Being disrespected is not unimportant.
  7. I kinda thought the Declaration of Independence came in the middle of some urgency, not at a social gathering for which people had a chance to take their time and order a ruffle two weeks in advance 🙃.
  8. Ah, now we know who came up with pursuit of happiness…. They should have left it without Pete pointing it out though. Loved seeing Sam Adams suggesting that beer should be an inalienable right. See, this is how you do a joke. You have a Founding Father mention beer, then someone calls him Sam, and that’s it, perfection achieved. Spelling anything out just ruins it.
  9. Well, there were also all those sick children waiting to hear their favorite performer, so it wasn’t just Joyce’s convenience. Nah, suddenly remembering that they are being filmed was 100 percent a plot device. It wasn’t a consideration when they were revealing Colby’s medical information to him on camera, nor when they were committing fraud later on in the episode. The show shouldn’t have brought it up. They should have had, say, Bruce let it slip that Colby should see a doctor about his neck, and Colby would then insist that he is too concerned to perform now and wants to have his tests done asap. For anyone who wants to know, the name of the (fictional) town is -
  10. What an elegant system! So analog, so simple. The agent doesn’t even need to keep a record of the seats situation. Beautiful.
  11. They would also be Ceecee’s stepgrandparents, Mary would become Georgie’s stepmother-in-law and Jim Mandy’s stepfather-in-law, wouldn’t they? But if Missy and Connor got married, they would still be just aunt and uncle to Ceecee without any additional titles?
  12. Vodka wine 😄 I am really liking the actress who plays Maggie, her delivery is fantastic. The exchange over the baby deer had me in stitches. "... I kill the baby." - "Yes. The big one is too tough." - "Aha, and the big one is..." - "The mother." - "The mother." This whole straight-shooting Dutch thing is something, isn't it. "She makes chairs that are uncomfortable to sit on." - "Yes. Objects do not exist for people's comfort." - "But chairs do..."
  13. Or she knows and just quetly continues to help the family business... We used to have this place around where I live, basically a big hangar full of kids' activities - mini golf, video games, batting cages, climbing wall, table tennis, etc. It was an awesome place to have birthday parties at. Surprisingly (or not), it was always available when you wanted to book yourself a party there. On the other hand, we live kind of in the middle of nowhere, there are not so many people around, we always wondered how exactly this place stayed in business. Then it suddenly shut down without an explanation. That was the week we learned that a local prostitution ring got busted (apparently there are enough people around for that). So one can't help but connect things and wonder... It also shocks me when I watch something from the good old days of flying how everybody used to be able to just walk right up to the gate even if they were not flying, without any airport security. I don't even remember anymore if I ever got to do it or if I am not old enough. But you watch something like Goodfellas and there it is, a different era. Incidentally, Goodfellas was the first time I heard of something called Idlewild Airport. It sounds so rural and quaint, doesn't it?
  14. Ah, what’s there to wonder. Like Sam’s insistence that she didn’t lift the recipe off of Carol’s dead body proves that she didn’t. It is the most logical explanation. She must have gotten the books from some other records that were on Carol. So this was essentially the same episode as the one where Flower’s old cult moved in and tried to take over the house, right? ”We’ll be the ones asking questions. We don’t have any right now, but when we do, we’ll be asking them.”
  15. I had no idea what boyfriend jeans were, had to look it up now. If I heard the term before, it never registered. So it wouldn’t have raised any red flags for me. On the other hand, pretty sure it wouldn’t be a selling point either. As for the chain, Matt bought it to impress Serena and, as far he is concerned, she was impressed. For the reason of it being gender-bending, but that’s details, it’s the way she said it! Seriously though, she did say it in a very warm way, didn’t she? And an amateur plumber.
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