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  1. So, is Dave really a virgin? That would explain so much. And I really hope Sara says No at the altar - Ben is way too into a religion that doesn't mesh at all with Sara's deeply held personal beliefs. Virginia and Devin have zero chemistry - I could see both of them saying No. I still think Monica and Joey are a real love match as are Taylor and Daniel but we'll see.
  2. Now, that's playing the long con!
  3. I finally got to see My Dreams of You - it was a cute movie but I had serious eyeroll when her agent told her that the New Yorker bought her story. I've had a subscription for most of my adult life and her story would be the exact opposite of New Yorker fiction.
  4. The actress playing Piper looks enough like Parker Posey that she could be her actual daughter.
  5. Joey and Monica are my favorite couple because they are both genuinely funny and seem to really enjoy each other's company. I think they can get beyond their differences in housekeeping but Monica needs to keep her jealous sister far, far away. I am surprised at how much Taylor and Daniel look like a real couple - that's something I never thought would happen but they and their families really all seem to be on the same page. And Daniel seems to be the nicest, most grounded, of all the people on the show. Lauren and Dave need to split up immediately (although, at this point, I guess they're contractually obligated to show up at a wedding venue in the proper attire) -this one is never going to last. Ben and Sara seemed to click but wasn't he the guy who didn't vote or am I getting him confused with another generic male contestant? She seems to be very politically involved and I can't see her being happy with someone who's apathetic. Devin and Virginia are not going to get married - their entire conversation consists of one of them saying something bland and the other person saying, "Oh, I love that." The exception to this is when Virginia says "prenup" and then Devin and his entire family look horrified.
  6. Michael Emerson is Carrie Preston's husband - he makes a good bad guy.
  7. My synopsis of the season so far: They mostly all look alike, too much Madison, and too many people who use "like" every other word.
  8. I find Madison extremely annoying - she really believes that she is the most interesting topic of conversation that there could ever be.
  9. I think they needed it to be Scotland so they could have the tartan scarf as a clue.
  10. I have had a crush on Ioan Gruffud since Horatio Hornblower so I thought this episode was delightful.
  11. 812.092 in the Dewey Decimal system is biographies of American playwrights.
  12. When I want gritty realism where everything makes sense, I don't watch a science fiction show.
  13. Now I'm wondering where those eggs came from in the first episode.
  14. This may be the biggest mystery of all about Severance.
  15. I dislike any reality show where one person decides that he or she deserves to win more than the other contestant, and Sam was that person. I'm sorry that Blake and Camille also left empty-handed but it was worth it to see Sam get his comeuppance. Sheriff indeed!
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