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To be fair to Buffy her relationship with death is different than the Scoobies. All of them except Giles have tried to bring someone back from life. Buffy is more wise in knowing not to mess with life or death. And I got nothing about the reckless actions Buffy or any character takes concerning Spike. Buffy and every character on this show is forced to act in a way to accommodate the Spike character. Buffy doing sexy dance Xander was her going through PTSD also her leaving Willow in a wheelchair. Buffy was suprised and not prepared for Caleb that’s why she got punched. Also Xander knew the risk after seven years fighting gods, demons, monsters, etc… Also thanks it’s nice engaging with you.
I’m rewatching Buffy and here are some things that might be unpopular. 1. Buffy was not a good leader until the end. She repeated the same mistakes over and over. 2. Buffy’s best relationships in the series is Angel, Dawn, Giles, Willow, and Xander. In this specific order. 3. Seasons 2, 3 and 5 are still the best seasons of the series. 4. Dawn’s introduction and writing was questionable but she kept Buffy grounded throughout the show. 5. Buffy kicked ass as the Slayer but was more interesting when she dealt with human things. Angel and Dawn were the characters that kept her human. 6. Buffy and Angel as soulmates is absolutely believable. It’s annoying when people try to dismiss them as a puppy first love type of relationship only. You can absolutely have your first love as your soulmate. 7.Buffy was wrong many times and it puts people off her character when people excuse her wrong actions. 8. Willow and Xander were absolutely cruel to Buffy more times than she ever was to them. 9. That incident in season 7 where Buffy is kicked out is crap. I try to not put any stock in it because it was a contrived badly written scene to continue to keep Buffy isolated. I hate it and season 7.
I’m rewatching the show with my friend(it’s her first time) and I wanted to point out something about Buffy that I never paid attention too. She’s the most forgiving character on the show, even more so than Giles. Buffy was more than capable of making a “normal” relationship work. I would have loved to see that. A lot of characters are very unsympathetic to Buffy’s feelings(Giles and Angel are the most sympathetic followed by Willow and Xander) It’s very glaring how Buffy becomes more and more isolated, lacked interest and was pulled more and more into the darkness as the show goes on.
I stopped watching this show years ago but kinda kept up with it. It makes me sad about the ending all the characters got. When I first started watching J was my favorite character. I wanted better for him. I even liked the brothers and Baz(a little bit) But I don’t like this ending at all. Ugh…
This trailer was really beautiful and haunting. It must have been hard for all of Chadwick’s friends and coworkers to be there without him. I legit cried watching this trailer. The women look amazing!! All the Atlanteans and Namor was just bad ass in every shot. Angela Basset is a goddess. I know some people have been iffy on phase four but I hope BPWF delivers one hell of a movie and win all the awards. It looks like it has a lot of heart. So I don’t know if I will be watching this in theaters. As someone who has loved T’Challa/Black Panther for many years and to see his first live action cut so short because of Chadwick’s unfortunate passing, it makes me angry and upset. I get it’s easier said than done to recast T’Challa, and Coogler and the ones at Marvel must have agonized over this but he should have been recasted. T’Challa as a character has so much more to give. T’Challa and Namor is one of comics greatest rivalries. T’Challa and The Fantastic Four has always been a great part of both theirs and Marvels history, also his relationship with Storm etc… I get it but it sucks to see such an amazing character to be put back on the shelf for the next decade when it took so much to get him on our screens. I’ll probably catch this on Disney Plus, or just see how I feel in the next few months.
Wanda has my heart, always have and always will. Wanda has always been my favorite Marvel character, probably comic book character. So this movie kinda broke my heart. I really liked it. Wanda’s story was heart wrenching. It was about trauma and loss for Strange, America, and Wanda. I loved Wong in this and I’m glad Marvel is letting him stay the Sorcerer Supreme. The magic was creative and the effects were really good. Strange and America were great together. The Illuminati was good I liked John K as Mr. Fantastic. It was a comic book fan’s dream to see the Illuminati representing the Avengers, Fantastic Four, Inhumans, the Cosmic side and the X-Men. It was so good. This movie was a straight up horror movie. Sam did so good with the jump scares and vibe. I hope he does more with Marvel in the future. I refuse to believe Wanda is dead.
So… the spell that Doctor Strange did for Peter at the end, that doesn’t count for the cosmic side, right? I mean Strange did say “everybody in the world”? So characters like Fury, Carol, Thor and the Guardians should still remember cause they should be off world during this time.
I loved this a lot. Yes it had problems and I understand the criticism but there was more than good here. The good. 1. I really liked these characters. They seemed epic, real, tragic, funny and fun. 2. the visuals were so good. It’s the most beautiful Marvel movie. 3. Richard Madden is my favorite so was Ikaris. I hope he is explored more in the coming movies. 4. The fight scenes were great. 5. Phastos’ family was really cute 6. Thena/Angelina was another stand out for me. The bad. 1. I can totally understand the complaints that the characters were passive and didn’t do much till the end 2. there were a lot of characters in here and some were very much underused. 3 the story was all over the place. I’ve seen someway that this should have been a Disney plus series and I agree. These characters did not have enough time to do there history and arc justice. I have more I will talk about later but this was a good solid movie
Or just recasts T’Challa/Black Panther.
I really really loved this movie. Scarlett/Natasha has always been a favorite of mine and it was such a great send off. The beginning credits were creepy and reminded me of human trafficking. All those young girls(ugh, I can’t) But the family dynamic was the best. Yelena is everything and I’m excited for her to take over the Black Widow mantle. I hope Feige green lights two more Black Widow movies for Florence/Yelena. I loved all the actors, the action, just everything. I’m still sad to see Scarlett/Natasha go but I’ve had about 11yrs and multiple movies with her and I’m glad I got that.
No. He should never touch Marvel characters.
I think Gunn wasn’t very subtle with some things in Vol 2. He just took the things that worked in Vol 1 and ran with it. I feel that it was too much asshole, obnoxious Rocket, Drax was the funny man too much and the constantly insulting Mantis bugged me. Also he wasn’t very subtle. There was a lot of problems but I really did like the movie. The visuals and Nebula and Gamora’s relationship was definitely a highlight
Speaking of Guardians I really really hope that Feige reigns James Gunn in on the next installment. Vol 1 was so good but vol 2 was 1 upped 20. I liked Vol 2 but it had so many problems and Gunn is so much better when he has someone to tell him no and to write his scripts.
I do like that Feige seems to have taken the legit criticism of Captain Marvel and is going to change some things(hopefully for the better) Nia DaCosta seems like an interesting choice and can hopefully give Brie some more direction to the character. Also there were like 5 different writers on CM compared to the one they have on The Marvels so it’ll be interesting to see the new take on Carol Danvers. I did really like how Brie portrayed Carol in Endgame and liked how she interacted with the rest of the Avengers so I hope they build from that. Give Brie more material to sink her teeth into and just let the character and movie be fun.
I just hope they can give Carol the attention and more character that she deserves. I am definitely looking forward to The Marvels and want to see more of Carol Danvers. Monica and Kamala are a definite plus.