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Posts posted by BitterApple

  1. The renewal was nicely done. I did panic however when I thought those hideous red and green drapes were the chair covers! I didn't realize they were only being used to protect the seating from the sea mist.

    I was pissed when that little boy kept running back and forth across the dance floor during Bill and Jen's slow dance. I get that it wasn't a formal affair and kids will be kids, but his parents should have put a stop to it. It irked me to see their moment disrupted.

  2. Considering this whole thing is staged and scripted to the hilt, I don't think I'll be shedding tears either. I'm happy Bill and Jen get to do something nice on TLC's dime, but they can only talk about the cancer for so long before it crosses into "milking it" territory.

    Right now, I'll think positive because the TLC publicity and editing monkeys are notorious for overhyping episodes that end up being completely normal.

  3. Yeah, Smuggs and Anna are going to age ten years overnight when M#4 arrives. A pre-schooler, two toddlers and a nursing infant? Good luck with that one.

    Jill and Derick will be living in that big house Boob bought and gutted a few seasons back.

  4. Ljohnson, according to J&A's FB fan page, TFDW told a friend Anna is preggers and due in September. Pris is due in November. There's also a pic on the page that they took on Father's Day. I don't know how to post the link, but it's pretty obvious she's expecting.

  5. I've watched TM and 16&P since the beginning and I have to say this latest group scares the shit out of me. Besides the recurring Deliverance theme, I worry some of these girls will cause physical harm to their children. Savon, the green-haired Atlanta girl and the one with twins looked like they were ready to lose their shit the first night they got home from the hospital. When your baby is a week old and already "getting on your damn nerves," it's usually not a good sign.

    Note to future Teen Moms: If your boyfriend's life revolves around X Box, rethink the whole "unplanned" pregnancy thing.

    • Love 1
  6. I was in the grocery store once back when I lived in Vegas and saw a group of women who, I swear to God, were in one of those polygamy cults. They all had that mousy hair with the gigantic rolled back pouf on top and braid down the back, long 1800's style dresses with puffed sleeves and lace-up ankle boots. It was freaky how you couldn't distinguish one from the other.

    At least the Duggars are limping along into the 21st century. I'm eager to see what Jill does for her wedding.

    • Love 1
  7. Will's expression is adorable: "Just cut the damn cake and nobody gets hurt...."

    In a perverse way it's kind of messed up for Jen to be questioning Will about the surprise. He's still struggling to form words, so what details would he be able to reveal? Why put the poor kid on blast like that?

    • Love 1
  8. Lobster shortage, cake shortage (oh the horror!), near miss if Bill "accidently" spots family/friends while they're out and about, Chloe calls in a panic: the dress may not be ready in time!, Bill misplaces the camera bag with Jen's shoes, wind threat, tornado threat, hijinks ensue when Bill must keep Jen away from the beach, uncertainty over whether The Very Important Page will summon Jen back to Houston...

    The potential shenanigans are endless. It'll be funny to see what we can come up with here and what will actually play out tomorrow night.

    • Love 2
  9. It's weird how Anna's wedding sucked but Priscilla's was quite lovely. Of course Anna didn't have style input from TFDW....

    Speaking of which, will our favorite glassy-eyed Gothard princess and her zesty husband be attending the Dill festivities?

    • Love 3
  10. When they took the kids to the beach for lunch it was windy as heck. I grew up on the ocean and events like picnics and weddings on the beach always sound better in theory than execution. If the weather isn't in your favor, all the wind does is blow sand everywhere and make everyone a sticky, gritty (and often cranky) mess. Hopefully things go smoothly tomorrow night:)

    • Love 2
  11. Yeah, if you were to ask Mr. Bitter Apple what my favorite foods were there'd be a long pause followed by a random (and likely incorrect) guess. I'll give Bill some props for paying attention to detail.

    • Love 4
  12. Ugh, I hate to defend the Duggars, but they have socialized with both black and Hispanic families throughout the course of the show. They attended a predominantly black church when they stayed in Little Rock and also had Asian exchange students living with them for a while. Okay, back to snarking....

    • Love 1
  13. Savon totally reminded me of Sheniyah from "My Teen Is Pregnant." Totally flat affect, no emotion, no bond with her child. IIRC, Sheniyah refused to name the father of her child, even though Lemhele was trying to track him down. It's interesting that both girls have vague, sketchy circumstances regarding their kids' fathers.

  14. I don't think it's necessarily a healthy thing to put your child's wants ahead of everything else 100% of the time. I have a friend who does this and her son is a spoiled brat. It's good for Will to learn some days are his special days, while others are for Mom, Dad or Zoey.

    • Love 9
  15. I think Ben's parents were the driving force behind him courting Jessa, but he eventually caught the famewhore bug and loves the idea of scoring the "hot" Duggar daughter.

    It's weird because I've always preferred Derick over Ben, but now I'm not so sure. I loved Derick in Nepal, but now that he's back in Arkansas he's become very Duggar-ish, if that makes any sense.

    • Love 4
  16. Out of curiosity, how can you guys tell words are being dubbed? I'm not doubting your comments by any means, I'd just like to know what to look for so I can spot it myself in future episodes.

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