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Everything posted by limestation

  1. I can't stand her. She is one of those who constantly drop what she considers, controversial bombs, just to get attention. And considering how much a part of the "community" she is, she is woefully ignorant on the latest news. I don't know about anyone else, but I am so bloody sick of her saying this at the end of every single show, to every single guest!!!!
  2. I used to like Sunny but lately the level of immaturity she's displaying lately is definitely NOT at all flattering. She's like a 16 year old with her first boyfriend. Her poor husband!!! This is why you must tape EVERYTHING! This show in particular really really infuriates me when guests get rudely cut off because bloody ABC has to move some useless shit. Happens far too often. This is why I love streaming.
  3. I was shocked at how Ana jumped on her! Gave me horrible flashbacks of the MM days and I immediately had to duck for cover. Re Common: Wasn't exactly feeling your wardrobe choice but man, is this guy a super chill, calm human being!!! His voice is so soothing and he comes across as being so kind. Maybe it's just me these days, but I definitely felt way more relaxed after his appearance and what a shame we can't bottle the essence of Common. Agree 100%. So many nightmares we had to put up with for way too long.
  4. Looks like somebody's going to the disco tonight!
  5. I ask myself the exact same thing! The ass-kissing goes to a nuclear level. Joe Koy had to be the worst!!!! So nauseating I had to change the channel. They behave like she's Judy Dench and Helen Mirren rolled into one. And even the other women, the way they cow tow to her is so cringe-inducing! Especially Sara - she's always quoting her. She's an Oscar winner....not a Nobel Prize!! She must wield some amazing power with Disney. I only wish I knew what that was. It's like, let's put the person in who puts zero time/effort into how she looks and we will have her be the moderator and the so-called face of the show!!! ABC's got a really low bar.
  6. I will never understand how the producers let her go on a nationally televised show looking like she does! The other hosts always look so nice - well...maybe not Sara these days! - like they've at least made a tiny bit of an effort. Goldberg rolls out looking like she's just going to grab her bowling ball and go meet the girls or she's going grocery shopping on a Saturday morning. I'm not saying you've got to look like you stepped out of the latest Vogue but looking like such a slob is so disrespectful.
  7. WOW!!!! What really got me was how in the midst of this MASSIVE disruption that his addiction caused, he did not once miss work and how even when in the midst of brutal hangovers (and I know of what he speaks!) he showed up on set ready to do his job. When these rich pampered celebs come on and whine and moan about how hard fame is and how it drove them to addiction, Perry is refreshing because he states that he really really wanted fame but he obviously had a myriad of emotional/psychological problems that the fame seemed to magnify. I don't usually read these books but this one I will definitely explore more of. To say that this guy's been through a lot is the understatement of the year.
  8. Please get rid of the teaching assistant! Why comedies make this same mistake, of feeling like they've got to pile on more and more cast members with each one more outrageous than the last, thinking it adds to the show?!!! Most times it DOESN'T as is in this case. They've got a nice cohesive cast here. Don't mess it up with people who most definitely shouldn't be there.
  9. It just figures that this loathsome, pathetic shell of a man - that was Ted Cruz - only came on the show to solely flog his hideous book. I thought Goldberg was going to come across the desk at one point and I wouldn't have blamed her. How can one keep one's cool when you have this lying, simpering, science-denying, arrogant, Trump-supporting POS sitting there spewing yet more stupidity?!!! Even though they bleeped out what the audience was shouting, I can leave it to my imagination. Figures Disney is into censorship now. We are all adult. We can handle bad words.
  10. I know she would be fired in real life for her whole attitude towards her job, but on this show, Ava is hilarious!!!! Sorry but I just love her character on the show, which is a nod to the actress. This woman should be loathsome but damn!!! She cracks me up!!
  11. It goes perfectly with her prim proper Queen Victoria persona. She is quickly becoming as annoying as Megan was and that is saying something!
  12. That's only one in a long line of things that just didn't make any sense! Every time I watch one of these offerings from Netflix - especially from resident hack Ryan Murphy - I curse the time I waste on it. Most of them are like this pathetic mess: poorly written with insane convoluted plot twists. And now Netflix is talking about putting in ads?!!! I know it will be for the cheaper fee but still! When this shit is the best you put out, it would be insult-to-injury to add commercials to the mix.
  13. After seeing this week's line up, I am now thinking...there must be some awful, tedious job I've been putting off doing. Now is the time to do it.
  14. Is it just me or is this show becoming as insufferable as Sunny? Boring guests and topics and I need something for nausea whenever a celeb is on what with the disgusting ego-stroking and vomit-inducing cries of "You're so beautiful/handsome/intelligent/funny/witty/wonderful!!!!!" Am I watching The View or Access Hollywood?!!!!
  15. To maintain one's sanity, you MUST watch it taped/paused or else the bloody ads will drive you crazy! I have seen this show butt in and interrupt MID-WORD......forget mid sentence!!!! No wonder network's numbers are quickly shrinking away! Who wants to watch a show - like Dateline or 20/20 - where you could write a novel or build a house during the time all those ads they constantly throw at us take to run!!!
  16. So Jen - discovering that she had a secret half-brother, thanks to her douche of a Dad - not only goes and sees him but wants to take on being his legal guardian?!!!!! A stranger, who she didn't grow up with or even know existed?!!! This is shit writing and I expected better. I really hope Dryden recovers to stand trial. What scum!!! Leticia reminds me so much of Cruella de Ville. <Shudder>
  17. Maybe if ABC wasn't so hell bent on selling shit, we would get a decent show but when it is constantly being interrupted, when they aren't even 7 MINUTES into the show and they go into a break, it ruins the continuity big time. The way they cut people off is so bloody annoying! If I had to watch this with all the ads, I wouldn't. Laughed my ass off at Joy: "Who is Adam Levine?" comment. Joy? He's someone not worth you knowing about in the first place, so spending so much on time on him was stupid, childish and so unnecessary.
  18. Move over, fellow cynic, but I thought the exact same thing and I get it - when you're on TV, you are going to be under a lot of pressure to look good/young and as attractive as you can. Of course this does not extend to Whoopi who obviously always sports the "just rolled out of bed" look! Joan Rivers, sadly, went a lift too far.
  19. When they showed her arriving, I said, "Just give her the Emmy now." Brilliant, brilliant performance!!! She was a force of nature!!!
  20. When people say shit like this, it just serves to shine a huge spotlight on how truly ignorant they are. If Smith even tried for one moment, to think of something other than how cool he is, he would realize - as most advertisers don't either - is that people with the grey and the people who can pay! A lot of geriatrics have no debt, no huge mortgage payments and they have a healthy bank balance. And thanks for Deirdra for clearing up the mystery of the missing eyebrows. I still say fill them in but look at how this woman presents herself to the viewers, every single day. She is obviously not into even the slightest effort to look anywhere near good! Has she become the new Megan?!!!! She is quite And I thought it was just me!!!
  21. I obviously missed something here. Why doesn't Whoopi have eyebrows?!! It does look freakishly odd and why doesn't she draw/fill them in like the rest of us do? Meghan Markle's division of the royal bros is a permanent one, IMHO. Her self-centeredness and selfishness caused this and besides, Kate can't stand her and her word stands for a lot more than Markle's so you two can just get yourselves back to America and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  22. Jules constant parroting of "I love you" to Rue really pissed me off. I can't think of anyone who is more of a destructive influence on her. Jules is not only confused about transitioning - telling the therapist there are doubts about continuing with it - but Jules is first and foremost, a whore who bangs anonymous men for money, men who are also very confused about a lot of things so not exactly what I'd call a healthy influence, by any stretch of the imagination!!! Did she rat Rue out because she was jealous of Rue and Elliot? Not that they were doing drugs together but plain old-fashioned don't fuck my girlfriend jealousy?!!!! And what's with that psycho Laurie locking up her fucking house like Fort Knox?!! I guess that what comes with being a disgusting skank drug pusher. She grosses me out with that blank stare and dull flat inflection. And for how long did she intend to keep her there?!! A day? A week? Isn't that then called "kidnapping" and it's a federal offense?!!
  23. Yes, yes and undeniably, undisputedly YES!!!! Meghan was far more rude, obnoxious, mean and petty but after today, and her slagging off the Queen, I gotta tell you, she's getting there......FAST!!!
  24. Today I wanted to throttle Sunny. Can you please cool it with the ABW for ONE BLOODY DAY and show some respect and manners for the passing of a woman who was so globally beloved instead of your usual preachy, screechy tirades?!! You can be a crusading liberal every other day but today, show some class and dignity for a woman who was all that and much more. People have affairs, Sunny, and that doesn't give them a one-way ticket to hell. She needs to apply some of that to herself and get off her damn soapbox. She's becoming tiresome.
  25. Trust The View to ask the difficult, intense, probing questions of the day, like this gem: "So...what do you think of Jason Momoa's haircut?"
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