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Will we be hearing Bear Mcrearey's Skye Boat Song from Outlander?
I'll add my 2 cents to Voyager speculation. A. Malcolm will be at the earliest episode 5. We will see parallel scenes of what C & J are going through with a theme. Maybe like feeling like outsiders, finding a friend(Joe/John), hopping on the sex train again. Maybe they will fill in some J/C memories that we didn't see the past 2 seasons, quiet, intimate moments. I'm really excited for this season & beyond. I'm happy these first 2 books are finally out of the way. Voyager really feels like the simplest of them all to adapt but then again they seem to focus on different things than I would. I missed speculation on the 9th book title, but I really love it. Sounds like something Jenny would say. I don't think it means death really, just war time and people in transit. It reminds me of people concerned about MOBY meaning!
Eh, I'm going to have to disagree on the criticism of Sam especially in the back half of this season and this episode. I think he has a thankless role and not as "meaty" as it is in the books. I liked that his growing knowledge of what he had to do wasn't showy, but a gradual increasing of terror. I think both leads have been inconsistent over the two seasons, however and can see the valid criticism. Cait gets a little one note at times, Sam gets a bit too theatrical for me. At times I don't like either oftheir accents, find it distracting. They are both better than not though. Tobias even gets scene chewy. The show is best when the 3 are on screen together.
I really liked this episode a lot but find I have a few different opinions on things. I thought the Roger actor was excellent BUT for the first time with casting he did not feel like the character that I had in my head, both looks and personality. However, I do like his version. I really liked Brianna. A whole lot more than the book. She took on a lot of Frank's personality as well as Jamie's. I hope she does get to show more of her own. Cait's performance in the 60's was a bit off for me with the exception of Lallybroch and drinking whisky with Roger. She was great in all the 18th century scenes. Sam was so good in everything here. One of his most consistent episodes, he was grim, concerned, heartbroken and carrying a great burden. Amazing that he pulled those lines off at the stones because they could have been really cheesy. That scene with Rupert was weird. It was so forced and just anti-climactic. My 2 favorite scenes were Jamie saying "that home is lost" and when he backed Claire to the stones. So devastating.
Well I'm sure not many will agree with me but IMO Voyager has the least amount of stuff in it, especially the last part. It's a pretty straight forward story and appears to be easy to streamline. 3 parts, years apart, reunion/lallybroch, voyage.
It's not changing things by whitewashing what was written, quite contrary. It's adding a bit more depth by having the issues called out by other characters. Yes the men and Claire were horrible to Willoughby. Keep it but why not go a little deeper than that's the way it was. Why? To be honest it's not even so much the treatment of a Willoughby or the way that was written, but it's the way he was written. It's racist and no argument will change my mind on that. Also I'm certainly not talking about time travelers and what they should change on a large scale like Donner. It's the personal reactions and thoughts by Claire, Brianna & Roger that seem to get skimmed over. Even Jamie and John don't get good reaction scenes.
It's easy to have someone enlightened, because it occurred. You can't get to where you are today if people weren't ahead of the times at some point. What I'm saying is also DG did not want to explore these topics. It's lazy again to use the excuse "because that's how it was". It's a fantasy, romantic saga. Yeah there are some historical facts but once you add time travel then it's really an alternate view. I feel it's situations like this that lead to organic drama. I mean a time traveler from the future should have a ton of issues. Take voting for example, Claire just mentions it in passing. No real thinking about what right she has lost.
Claire bought a slave also right? I think both J&C discussed how they couldn't release slaves because then they could be recaptured by anyone. I remembering a bit surprised by Brianna making herself at home at Jocastas which included having slaves wait on her. As for Willoughby I'm most disappointed in not having Claire call it out. The same goes for homosexuality. Yeah I know she has a major gay character but no one seems to call out the homophobia. I've posted on this before, probably in this topic, saying the same thing. There had to have been someone that had enlightened views.
There is a chance they could film it. First they must have ironed out most of the kinks after 2 seasons. This past one was delayed a lot due to weather. Voyager could have a lot filmed inside in the studio, well at least more than previously. They also can have two filming crews for a good portion of the season if they want,can go faster. morgan I'm Peacefrog7 on Twitter and talk mostly about tv if you want to find me. (Or anyone else for that matter).
Lol I think the books are way more uneven than the show. The show is better in some ways. The book does relationships better and that allows me to overlook the rest of the story. It's when the show doesn't fix those issues and takes it straight from book it falls apart because they haven't taken the time to make the actions and plot resonate. I found this season a bit more entertaining than book 2.
Lol I mentioned the vile in the episode thread. Should have checked here first. I think the adaptation is uneven but does the best it could. I don't think the story they are telling jives with what I wanted to see, but that's ok. I think their selling of the story lacks confidence. I think they feel compelled to include as much plot from the books to not disappoint readers but at the same time it handcuffs them by rushing everything else and not being able to enjoy the moments. In the end story and characterization suffers. Every actor elevates the material on this show, but that's not to say the writing is bad, just at times uninspired. I just wish they would gamble a bit and go their own way, with their own storylines. I think I'm mostly disappointed at the lost opportunities. I think it could have been a really unique show but ended up being just good mostly, at times excellent but also sloppy. I will always watch.
Just occurred to me, did Dougal see the vile in Colum's hand after he realized he's dead? I wonder if he is going to accuse Claire and Jamie of murdering Colum as well as attempting to murder BPC? More incentive to get Claire away.
nodorothyparker I agree about the placement of the episode and pacing of season. I did like the episode and think it is very good but I get the criticisms of it because all season long has been a shallow representation of what they are fighting for, Scotland, Lallybroch, the people, even Frank, but especially for each other. There is no mention of this, it's all rush to fit BPC in, the Old Fox, etc. Cut some of this and take some time with the story to see exactly what is motivating the characters. Now they made it even more of a rush by making it the day of Culloden. I think the time they have left together is going to be shortchanged even more.
I'm just going to quote all of this because it's exactly how I feel. Except I don't think they have shown Frank as sainted. I think they show him pretty flawed, more than the books. I had a few minor issues. Why make it the day before Culloden suddenly? Why compress the timeline that much? Maybe it will make finale more tense? I had a lot of trouble understanding dialogue. It wasn't accents. It was mumbling, gasping and wheezing. I have realized that I really enjoy Ira Steven Behr's scripts the most. He's the most consistent to me. Obviously he enjoys writing for BJR, but I think he has always done Jamie and Jamie/Claire right. He just doesn't get the episodes with a lot of them in it. He also writes episodes that are a bit deeper and slowed down, expanding from the book. I do hope next season they don't rush to put J&C back together, but not to long either! The angst is some of my favorite storytelling.
Funny how people are scared of Matt Roberts changing the print shop. He sticks the closest to the books,sometimes to close by trying to shoe horn book lines in that end up being clunky. See "I am your master" for example. He's the best choice for this. I really think he will stick as close as possible. I think it is unquestionably, unanimously the one scene everyone wants. Even I do and I'm dying for them to go off book. I don't trust them on much, especially after that scene, but in this I do. Also please include the cellophane blowing away, it's so poignant. Forgot to add. My husband is really pissed that the Roger/Bree Spoiler was on the COVER of EW. He's really into avoiding spoilers on everything, doesn't even want to know what happens in the book after the fact.