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Everything posted by SmallTownMom

  1. Just watched the end of the European honeymoon episode. I wouldn't want somebody else decorating my house, but the real entertainment was watching JBoob try to do math. We have 19 kids, then 3 more by marriage. That makes..................22, add me and mama and that's, um.............24, and 4 grandkids? 28? Ok, I need a couple of ya'll to take your shoes off, now. Boob explaining, "their honeymoon was like Michelle and I's". Then Jessa says, "Ben and I's house." So math AND grammar skills are both lacking. But we had that lesson about bankruptcy, and we all can say "perpendicular", so we're good. Hope the new show with the 12 kids (Willis family) knocks them right off TLC. I watched them last season on "America's Got Talent." Nice family.
  2. When I said the goal was a safe delivery and a healthy baby, I didn't mean to offend anyone suffering from PPD. Of course, every mother wants a happy birth experience, but some people are so hung up on having things go as planned that they can't handle it when it doesn't. To that I say, "Get a grip." If somebody really does have PPD, they need to get help, and should be encouraged to do so.
  3. For the life of me, I can't understand what is so exciting about babies having babies. I don't mean Jessa, but Ben! Really? He'll be 20 when the baby is born? I wonder what Guinn thinks. I can still see her face when Mechelle was talking about GRANDBABIES! in her stupid squeaky voice with her bugged-out eyes. Doesn't surprise me that Jessa is pregnant. What else is there to do when you have no jobs, no ambition, no education but have sex whenever you feel like it? You can sleep till noon if you like, then go at it the rest of the day. I'd love to see them have to live a year in the real world. How are we going to afford a baby? Let's go to a yard sale and see what we can find. What about insurance? What if we have to buy formula? Who has diapers on sale this week? I know so many young couples who are struggling to afford a family, working extra shifts and cutting corners. What do these kids know about anything? Oh well, your "fans" will send you gifts. And you don't have to worry about rent or any other bills. Yeah, I'm thrilled.
  4. Thank you all for your kind comments. We not only have a grown daughter, but two beautiful granddaughters. God is good to us. I am glad to hear things worked out for so many of you. My sister adopted a little boy at 3 days old. Somebody gave her a copy of that beautiful poem, and I love it. I too have wondered what if one of these girls is unable to have a baby? Or at least take years to do so? I'm sure Boob would be quizzing them about their sex live worse than he does now. It's really creepy.
  5. I think Jessa looks pregnant, and that's just crazy to get pregnant an hour and a half after you are married. They should have enjoyed some time alone. OTOH, I cannot believe "fans" would come right out and ask her. i think I would have to say "none of your F***ING business!! But then again, the Duggars keep nothing private anyway. I guess I am just over-sensitive. My huband and I tried for YEARS to get pregnant. In the meantime, we had stupid people asking things like when are you going to have kids? Don't you want/like kids? Is he shooting blanks? (for real, somebody actually asked me that). Do you know whose fault it is? Over and over. Not meaning to be cruel, just too stupid and insensitive to think before they opened their mouth. All this while I was undergoing painful, embarrassing, and terribly violating treatments. Was it worth it? Hell yes, we have a beautiful daughter. But my heart breaks for somebody struggling with infertility. You don't understand it unless you've been there. So if this is what they wanted, good for them. After all, this is what they are meant to do. Just don't have dozens.
  6. I really don't care for any of the contestants this season. By now, I have clear favorites, this season, I just think they are OK from week to week. I don't blame Harry for being annoyed at Quentin. Why does everybody piss and moan about somebody going home? It's a competition, somebody is going home every week. Isn't that why you are there? To compete? So to say it's "whack" is stupid. That ranks right up there with somebody who gave a bad performance saying "I had fun." I don't tune in to see if you had fun, I watch to see good performances, hopefully. The fact that you had fun has nothing to do with anything. I like Harry. I think he is a good judge. Jennifer just wants to hand everybody lollipops and not hurt anybody's feelings. You are a judge, act like one. Quit squeeing like some little teenybopper fangirl, and give some real advice. And for God's sake, can we keep the camera off Jennifer while people are performing?!?!? The way she acts when any of the guys are performing is embarrassing. Act your age.
  7. I had to laugh out loud at the "how well do you know your spouse" game, when Boob said that "Mechelle's favorite place has became my favorite place." At least he didn't say "Michelle and I's". Blows me away how stupid he is. Basic grammar was never learned. However, my heart sank when the "wedding planner" was quizzing the little girls on how many bridesmaids do you want, here's a veil Really? They are LITTLE GIRLS! How about where do you want to go to college or what do you want to be when you grow up? It's sad that all they can become are brood mares.
  8. I also wondered why they are both standing so awkwardly. Looks like sombody photoshopped out the stools they were sitting on. Of course, JBoob and Mechelle approve. Ratings, ratings, ratings. This girl seems more intelligent than the whole Duggar clan combined. Good for you, Josiah. While I don't understand why they can't just date, you know just regular boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, I'm glad he found somebody. And Boob, she is NOT "just like his mother." I do hope they wait a few years to marry. In the meantime Josiah, prepare yourself to get the heck away from that circus! I hope that by the time they do marry, the Duggar show has ended. I would NOT want my daughter involved in all that.
  9. What WOULD they do if a son-in-law cheated? Michelle's stupid advice to her daughters about always being available because you are the only one who can fill that special need made me a little crazy! Really? If that were the case, men wouldn't cheat on their wives. How do you account for all the men that do cheat on their wives simply because they are horny? And there are plenty of women who have no qualms about it. I was raised to believe that a married man is off limits. Nowadays, it seems people don't care. I was livid years ago when Donald Trump's girlfriend made the news because she took her married boyfriend to her family reunion and introduced him as her fiance. People thought I was ridiculous because I thought it was trashy. I know plenty of people who cheat, and not because their wives aren't there for them. Wow, I am sure this is way off topic. Sorry about that. I am a ranter.
  10. I tried watching Jessa's wedding tonight, in fact tuned in just in time to see Boob walking her down the aisle. I had to turn it off when their preacher kept saying Ben's name incorrectly. If you truly knew and loved this young couple, then stop saying "Benjerman!" Didn't care to watch the "gender reveal." I think we all may have known already. And that was it for me. Please tell me why I work 9 hours a day, then come home to watch a show about a bunch of morons who do nothing, no jobs, no education, no ambition other than to have 300 kids each. And so I missed "Bubba the dog gets a bath." I'm sure that was must-see TV!
  11. I am happy that the baby is finally here and obiously very healthy. I'm also glad that it looks like she gave birth in a hospital. I just hope the whole darned circus wasn't there! They probably pitched their tent in the parking lot, just hope the hospital doesn't allow them all in at once. My daughter gave birth in January to her second little girl. She and her husband requested time alone with their girls before any company arrived. When the youngest arrived, we took our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter to meet her little sister, but called my son-in-law when we got there. He took her back to see Mommy and baby while we waited in the waiting room. It meant so much to them to have that time as a family! And the pics are adorable. Guess my point is, the new parents don't need dozens of people crawling all over them and the baby. And does anybody really want a camera rolling as you give birth? Maybe for their own very private viewing, but I'll be darned if I would have wanted a camera shoved in close to my hoohoo while I gave birth on a toilet! And msburg, I never heard of anybody's tailbone being broken during delivery, until it happened to my daughter. I can sympathize with you, because I know how uncomfortable she was. Anyway, it is just surreal that the precious blessing has arrived. It's so sweet and precious (had to say it more than once). I hope that Jill enjoys this new season of life.
  12. I live smack in the middle of Amish country (Lancaster Co., PA), and the Amish are not nearly as sheltered as the Duggars. They go to school (usually an Amish one-room schoolhouse), socialize with other families, learn a trade, work off the farm, and have singings and other gatherings of young people, and the girls may even go on buggy rides with the boys. Open carriages only until you are married, I believe. But they do have friends and are allowed to have fun with kids their own age. We often see groups out walking, playing volleyball, riding bikes, and playing street hockey on the parking lots of grocery stores that are closed on a Sunday. The boys play and the girls watch, but there is usually a HUGE group having fun and actually hanging out in boy/girl groups who are not their own siblings. We have also seen couples out on what appears to be a group date at restaurants, usually smorgasbord type places, or at Dairy Queen. And no parents in sight, listening to everything. They have a lot of fun, like kids should have. They even have their "rumspringa" or "running-around" time before they join the church and settle down. You'll see produce stands right at their farms, and even see the younger ones working them, talking to people and gaining confidence in themselves and learning a little about the outside world. They don't, however, like tourists taking their pictures. Somthing about "graven images", I believe. The Duggars have none of the fun as listed above. But they do take plenty of selfies and whore themselves out on TV. So modest and righteous of them.
  13. OK, I checked as soon as I got up, too. I really don't want her to have this baby on Easter, even though the day is different every year. I can just hear Mechelle squeaking about how the latest precious miracle was born on Eaaaaaster!!! People magazine says there is supposed to be a VSE on May 5th, before Mother's Day. Remember Priscilla and TFDW doing their Mother's Day video? LOL, I still can see Priscilla talking about how MD is a "season for Mothers." Good Lord, why do I care? I sure hope there is no spin-off with the Dullards. Watching him paint her toenails one time was enough for me.
  14. Those cheesy wedding photos made me think of the 80's. My friend has a huge picture of the wedding ceremony in progress, everbody with backs turned to the camera, taken from far back in a balcony. Then a closeup of her and and her husband with their heads together, both looking down, is printed at the top of that pic so that it looks like they were looking down on their wedding. I have also seen one where the groom is holding her ring and gazing at it, while a pic of the bride is printed in his head, so that it looks like he is thinking of her. And I have pics of my daughter where they took one of her looking at the camera, then another, just her head in profile printed at the top. She laughs and talks about the "floating head". Hey, these were all done in th 80's! Good times. I think some of Jessa's wedding pics are really pretty. Don't like the messy look with the men without jackets, and 11 bridesmaids seems a bit OTT. What does stick out to me, however, is that the Duggar kids are seriously in need of a good dermatologist, boys especially. Maybe Boob could get a group rate. We've seen trips to the dentist, wisdom teeth removal, surgeries, stitches, and lots of gross stuff. How about a trip to the dermatologist?
  15. One more thing (then I have to stop thinking about it, or I will never get done talking about the things that drive me nuts about the Duggars)..................the bother who was filming, don't know which one it was asking over and over, "so how was the first kiss?" That's just so inappropriate and why are you even thinking about that? Sounded like a little pervert. Must have learned it from Boob. I so wanted Jessa to say that it was great and that it happened months ago!
  16. My daughter never watches this show, but I wanted her to watch with me to see Jessa's dress. She asked why the "wedding planner" was looking for heaters the day of the wedding. So unorganized. But we loved the dress and I thought Jessa looked gorgeous. Jill on the other hand looked awful. At 4 months pregnant, you usually feel pretty good. I never was healthier in my life than when I was pregnant. I worked the day before I delivered my daughter, and she herself worked THAT DAY with both of her girls and went into labor at night. Jill has it so rough, doesn't she? She doesn't work, she should be well rested AND have time to look presentable at her sister's wedding. Speaking of not working, what the heck do these people do all day? I would be bored out of my mind! I love my husband of 31 years, but we have other friends and interests. I don't understand the way these newlyweds need to live in each others pockets. Really, how badly can you miss somebody that you didn't see for several hours? Grow up already. And I know this is shallow, but the girls sure got all the looks in the Duggar family! With the exception of Jill, that is. I just can't with her horsey teeth and her constant giggling. Some of the boys, however, are downright homely. And every time JD speaks, I swear I can hear the dueling banjos. And thanks for the marriage advice, JD. People really need somebody like you to tell us how to make a marriage work. Derick, as others have said, is a major disappointment. He has adopted the whole Duggar mentality. The jumping into the aisle to grab and kiss Jill shows that he has become an attention whore like Josh. I had high hopes for him and Jill, but they never had a chance once they moved so close to the Duggars. His mother is a sweetheart, and I wish they lived closer to them. Jill could have learned so much from her. Ben doesn't bug me as much as he used to. I think he is shy and awkward and far too young to be married, but they do seem happy. His mom is a doll. She cracked me up on the dress shopping episode where Michelle was all bug-eyed and squealing in her fake baby voice about how next year she could be a grandma! And Guinn just said, let's get through the wedding first, one thing at a time. Wonder what she really thinks of Michelle. Probably the same as the rest of us. The reception was a joke. At least rent some folding chairs! We are not well off, but gave our daughter a beautiful wedding. People were asking who coordinated the wedding, so it's possible to do it right for a very reasonable amount. My daughter and I put the whole thing together. Sierra gives "consultants" a really bad name. A young girl at my work got married a few years ago, didn't have much money, but borrowed some warming trays from a caterer and got a bunch of hors d'ouerves (sp?) at Costco and had cake and punch and coffee and it was all very nice. I have never been to a wedding where I stood outside and got a cup of ice cream. That was not the way to treat your guests, and Boob could afford better. I just love Jinger, and she made me cry. I hope Jessa includes her in her new season of life.
  17. I watched the recap of Jill's wedding. I couldn't believe when they showed her SHAVING him before the wedding. Now, all the weddings I have been to, the bride and groom don't see each other before the ceremony, unless they take the group pics ahead of time to save time later. That way their guests aren't waiting forever for th bride and groom to get to the reception. But shaving the groom? I find that a hell of a lot more intimate than a hug, or heaven forbid a peck on the cheek. Is this another way the little woman will serve her husband? What's next? Clipping his toenails? Wiping his nose and/or butt? Drawing him a bath? Brushing his teeth? I sometimes lay my husband's clothes out for him if we are going out, but he is perfectly capable of doing all his other grooming himself. I wouldn't expect my husband to paint my toenails either.
  18. I've always hated the way the girls are criticized about their appearance. I remember the judges being kind of mean to Jennifer Hudson way back when, and look how her career has turned out. Never said a word to Reuben Studdard about his looks. I used to get so grossed out the way he would be all sweaty just standing still singing. Whatever happened to him? He did have a nice voice, but was kind of a one trick pony. And this! I am sooooooooooooo sick and tired of seeing multiple shots of Jennifer up singing and dancing while somebody is performing! Shouldn't the camera be somewhere else, like maybe on the contestant who is performing?!?!?!?!? Don't get me wrong, I have always liked JLo, more for her movies like Wedding Planner than for her singing, but she bugs me on this show. And shut up about the "goosies."
  19. I read somewhere that Mechelle nursed her babies for 6 months, then handed that child over to a buddy, I guess so that she could concentrate on popping out the next blessing. This makes me crazy!! You expect your daughters to chart your cycle, and raise your kids! I sure didn't want my daughter knowing so much of my very personal life, and I have zero interest in her sex life as well. Aside from all that, and not that Mechelle cares, but look what you are missing!! Little kids are just so much fun! Yes, lots of work, and I am pooped when I watch my 2 granddaughters for a whole day. Our 2 1/2 year old is so smart and funny, and of course the most beautiful toddler on the planet. Our younger one is 10 weeks today, already smiling and cooing at us. She's so responsive and those smiles melt my heart!! I remember those days with my daughter and I am now loving it all over again with her girls. So your daughters raise your kids, do all the housework, the homefooling, etc. Grandma does the laundry and the boys are lazy and useless. Mechelle, you make me sick. You have stifled those kids in every way that matters.
  20. I was surprised that I actually liked Jax last night. She is so fakey-fake but I thought that song was cute, and it was a good pick for her. Disappointed for Tyanna. Hope she stays. What was up with Quentin's outfit during his practice? Kind of like Jimi Hendrix/gladiator. Weird. Could not believe they used the save on Qaasim, or however you spell it. I can't stand him. His "look how angry I am" performance verged on scary for me. I miss Simon. I would have loved to hear him say "what a self-indulgent piece of crap!" or "What in the bloodly hell was that?" When they saved him, I actually screamed "WTF" and woke my husband. He was so bored by the whole thing that he fell asleep on the sofa. He's smarter than I am.
  21. I don't think Ben and Jessa, or Michelle and Boob, for that matter have any intention of ever adopting. This is just another "Look at us, we are so wonderful and good" moment. Why don't you collect something else? You know, stamps or coins or anything but babies.
  22. I totally understood about the food Mrs. W. had prepared. My dad loved to cook. When he died, I had vegetable soup in my freezer that he brought me just a few weeks earlier. And he always made lots of jelly. I still have a label that says "Plum", in his handwriting stuck to the lid of my jewelry box, and he died in 1984. It still hurts to look at it after all these years. Sometimes you don't appreciate the small things until it's too late. I really want Leonard to be happy about his life, too.
  23. My first thought after watching her bug-eyed 2 min. 29 sec. video (God, that voice!) was the same as Barb 23. The daughters have been getting entirely too much attention lately. My daughter had problems with "mean girls" in school and was pretty much not eating anything. With the help of a counselor, she got past it. I think you need help for eating disorders, and not the kind Michelle is offering. Get over yourself, you frumpy, lying, hypocrite. Oh yeah, who the hell wears that kind of outfit to work out? I'd love to hear some candid opinions from her classmates.
  24. I've been reading the comments on the many sites talking about this. People keep saying stupid crap like, "You are worried about a cat, yet it's OK to abort millions of babies?" I didn't see one comment stating that. That's the best the Duggar fans can come up with? Doesn't even make sense to compare the two. Apples and oranges, people.
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