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Everything posted by SusanM

  1. I don't remember anything specifically about Georgie and children, I do recall reference to several marriages. But with regard to Mary and grandchildren there is a mention in an early episode "The Robotic Manipulation" from season 4 where this exchange occurs: Penny: Okay, you know what? I’m gonna come at this in a whole new way. Sheldon, if you try to make a baby with Amy in a petri dish, I’m gonna tell your mother on you. Sheldon: That’s no threat. My mother’s always wanted a grandchild.
  2. Exactly! One of my sisters was very sporty growing up (played hockey in winter, baseball in summer), not interested in hair/nails/make-up or swooning over the latest boy band type thing so of course she got teased at school a lot about being a "homo". Hurtful behavior from others, gay or not, but she wasn't gay and how insulting to women to assume you must be if you aren't interested in stereotypical "girlie" things.
  3. One thing I really did like about Mary's reaction was the way she apologized to her mother. So true to life! It's often only when we experience something as an adult ourselves that we can see what our own parents went through with us. Nice touch. I also liked how they tried to keep this from the younger kids. Of course they'll need to know eventually but there was no reason to include them in family discussions at that point.
  4. This is so confusing now in light of the recent storyline on YS where 17 yr old Georgie is about to become a father. Clearly, of course, the writers are making it up as they go along but since this whole "Georgie was the man of the family" story came about on BBT after YS was on the air I find this annoying.
  5. I totally get that Mary in her fundie way is reacting in the way she thinks is for the best BUT sheesh even Mary can't think that kind of age difference makes any sense. I liked that Mary did try to convey to Mandy that they would be there for her but she needs to back off - the decisions being made going forward are not hers to make. They aren't even Georgie's really. I actually hope the plan is that Mandy moves away, pregnant or having lost the baby, and they let Georgie be a teenage boy a little longer.
  6. Finally saw this episode and really liked it - well except that I absolutely HATE the pregnancy storyline. It used to be common in sitcoms to have oops pregnancies end in a miscarriage so fingers crossed here. I know that sounds awful but forgodssake can they think of nothing else to do with Georgie's character other than to have him be a high school drop out dealing with a teen pregnancy? They got nothing else??
  7. Absolutely disagree. At the end of the day her teenage son had a relationship with a woman who is almost 30. I think most parents would be angry, disappointed and worried as hell about what happens next.
  8. Unless they've retconned things (which they have certainly done before) Mary was in her 20s when she and George got together. They did "have" to get married but only because that's what you did when you had an unplanned pregnancy in the '80s. I think most of Mary's lecturing came from the place where her 17 yr old son is involved with a woman knocking on 30s door. Mandy was lied to but that doesn't change that she's having a baby with Mary's teenage son. Mary has a right to be upset. She has a right to be furious.
  9. I was really looking forward the the new Murphy Brown and I did enjoy parts of it -Candice Bergen was wonderful- but it had had it's day and the revival just did not work. Obviously not just for me.
  10. I think a lot of people get upset when they feel someone gets a light prison sentence (say 5 years when they could have gotten 20) and I understand that feeling but as others are pointing out even 5 years in prison is no walk in the park. Smuggar is experiencing, now, something few of us will ever have to go through - and it's going to get a lot worse before it's over. And as others have noted - good.
  11. Even now there are very often little to no consequences for men who mistreat women. At least with the women I know personally who have been in crappy relationships anyway. My niece was involved with a master manipulator who knew exactly how to behave whenever others were around - but made sure that others weren't around much. A classic sign. I don't know the ins and outs of Depp and Heard but most of what I've read make it seem like she's a pretty terrible person in her own right (I mean if she actually spit in the face of an employee who asked for a raise, jeeze) but Depp is a walking nightmare. Sometimes there is no good guy.
  12. Absolutely but the idea that someone should not retaliate makes me uncomfortable. I've seen too many "zero tolerance for violence" situations in schools where a bullied child finally snaps and fights back and they're the one who gets punished because they should have walked away. If you've been walking away and the bullying continues sometimes enough is enough. In some ways it sounds like the Depp Heard relationship is what happens when two bullies meet.
  13. I just saw "It May Look Like a Walnut" today. There aren't a lot of shows on the air anymore where I laugh out loud the way I did watching this!
  14. I do have to wonder, in the case of marriage/long term relationship, how it is that, apparently, Depp was only violent with one wife and doesn't seem to have behaved that way with the other women in his life. I don't think I've ever heard of a man who was abusive to one partner and never with another. If that's actually the case with Depp I think it speaks more to the specific relationship he had with Heard than the idea that predators don't prey on everyone they meet.
  15. This is what it comes down to for me. I know very little about Depp and even less about Heard but the bottom line is in the last few years he is the reason all this keeps hitting the news and getting hashed out again and again. He would have been better off just moving on with his life but he just can't seem to do that.
  16. It was a good episode in that we see Mary and Georgie really connecting. Which we don't see all that often. She had a good conversation with him where she made him realize that even though he was an "oops" baby he was wanted and loved.
  17. I recently read the book Ron and Clint Howard wrote and the parents really did do the best they could for their sons. One thing they absolutely did right IMO was they lived within their own means and while they did take a percentage of their sons' incomes it was a realistic amount based on work they actually were doing for them. They didn't live a lifestyle of the rich and famous kind of life.
  18. This came up in a fairly recent episode. She was talking to him about how bad decisions can have lifelong consequences. ETA: googled for this and it actually wasn't all that recent. It was in the Season 3 episode called "Pasadena".
  19. I read something recently, maybe an article linked here, not sure, anyway it was someone pretty well known. He very casually mentioned Michael Jackson staying with them at some point when these accusations were coming out, possibly the lawsuit -- this person made it seem like it was no big deal, they might have been referencing Jackson going to court for a jaywalking ticket. Very offhand. Jackson managed to fool a lot of people who should have known better or else a lot of people knew damn well what he was doing and simply did not care.
  20. No career choice other than theoretical physics is worthy as far as Sheldon is concerned! I wonder if YS will ever show the aunt who gave him a stethoscope when he was 12 "so he'd have a trade to fall back on" if physics didn't pan out.
  21. I'm glad they did this for Georgie because I like his character on YS but right up until we meet him in the lead up to Sheldon's wedding you never would have known from anything Mary or Sheldon said that Georgie was anything but a worry and a disapointment to his mother! It's hard to reconcile everything Mary said about him to him being her rock to lean on when George Sr died. It will be interesting if YS does have George die and continue on with the show just how they handle that.
  22. This was how I saw it as well. They've definitely made George a much more sympathetic character than a watcher of BBT would have expected but I do have to give them credit that they do show the more selfish, self-involved aspects of George. I just wish they didn't have to throw Mary under the bus to accomplish making George likeable.
  23. So, satirical? It does sound to me like something someone would have written for a college newspaper. Desperately trying to be funny.
  24. I am going to guess then either Gene Roddenberry and the timeline is earlier than we thought or else Isaac Asimov. Although to this point I don't really recall Sheldon reading science fiction (other than comics) or any mention of Asimov. But hey, it's a sitcom, so why not?
  25. If that list is genuine and not someone just having a laugh that directive that he tell her he loves her at least once a day so she knows he isn't messing around indicates it was written by someone either very stupid or very naive. My sister's ex was the send flowers for no reason kind of guy and it turned out he'd been cheating on her practically from the day of the wedding.
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