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Everything posted by kib

  1. A little research on the Chicago television market (Halls' previous) seems to indicate combat workplace gamesmanship wouldn't be out of character. Granted, part and parcel of the business, but memo to Morales: Don't exercise maternity leave if you're interested in long term employment in your current position.
  2. As long as I'm venting, how does Agent Sexy afford driving a Jaguar F-Type convertible? Lana... Lana... LANA !!!!!!
  3. I'm curious how Michael J Fox squares how his character is evolving with his real life condition. Obviously the easy answer is 'it's just a role' but Canning has morphed from a smart, slightly sympathetic character occasionally using his condition to his advantage to a effin' cartoon character gleefully mocking any attempts our culture has made in accommodating various disabilities. Am I being too sensitive, or is this no longer passing the smell test of offering a glimpse of a population not often appearing in the media verses confirming the biases of our worst selves?
  4. Pretty good season thus far, best of all, folks seem to be having fun. Holy smokes, what I'd give to drive those go carts down the road, and the cherry on the cake take a nice red convertible roadster ride back !!! (Although the roadster should have been an Alfa rather than a Morgan) [EDIT: Forgot to mention, nice use of drone cameras this year. That will come to an end after they get back to the states]
  5. Damn, missed the call by two days... Hey kids, it's been a genuine hoot. There are some immensely witty and talented folks that have participated in chronicling this little bit of Tee Vee heaven. Hope I have the honor and pleasure of batting it around with you at the next trainwreck. Ciao
  6. Picked up for a full ride. Go figure. http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/27/cbs-full-season-orders/
  7. I guess what it says to me is if these scrubs are gettin' a little due to whatever notoriety they've gained appearing in this freak show, what on earth would be the amount of random encounters your average musician/actor/athlete/ahhh...blog commenter with some actual talent are capable of pulling in? Mind you, this is a purely academic question..
  8. Deep Thoughts As summer gives way to fall, and fall to winter, is it wrong of me to hope the Utopians follow the path of another group of California pioneers, the Donner party?
  9. Depends on the pants (Oh my, an adult diaper pun) Yes candell, that was mostly for you...
  10. First thought in my head was how sad it is that the late ABC network staff announcer extraordinaire (and father of film director Paul Thomas Anderson) Ernie Anderson isn't available to lend his talents to promote "Project Luuuuuuuv". It worked wonders for the boat.
  11. Great concept but far too logical for this production company, not to mention the wackadoodles within the compound. I think we're about two or three weeks away from this thing evaporating, not with a bang but a whimper. Sweeps start 10/30 - 11/26, followed by tried and true holiday programming. Dreck, but profitable dreck. I really believe unless there's a homicide (I wish I were joking) to jack the numbers there's very little more anyone can do to prevent the business side of the network to go into 'stop-loss' mode. (BTW - Love the 'Zappo's move' shorthand, very concise. Props)
  12. That might be the best elevator pitch FOX has gotten all year. GREENLIGHT THIS THING !!!!!
  13. There are many paths to happiness and enlightenment, Grasshopper. :)
  14. Yea, so hubby turns out to be a former military officer when a drunk loud mouth soldier appears. That's handy, but wait, there's more. Not only that, he was a fighter pilot when his spawn has questions about the morality of war. Outstanding bit of serendipity. To think, all I knew was he ran a small Nantucket airline back in the day.
  15. Sad story. I'm sure everyone on the staff are wound a little tight these days. BTW - If I never see the phrase "gap-toothed funnyman" again, I'll die a happy man but I'm not counting on it.
  16. That's the lineup I would expect for the final show, but Murray has a new movie he's pimping and Foo has been there all week. My heart did skip a beat thinking wouldn't that be just the cherry on the cake to have Dave call in to say "Daddy's not coming in anymore starting tonight after the show" At least that's a fresher take than Leno's "I'm gone, I'm back, I'm gone" shtick. (and apparently "I'm back" once again, getting ready to do some car show for CNBC)
  17. On the off chance Ford actually ponied up a Mustang (excuse the lame wordplay) I think Dave has already mentioned, like the time he made a pitch to be given a VW Golf GTI, it would donated to a charity for auction. In any event it would never get that far since the FCC has absolutely no sense of humor about on-air personnel receiving solicited gratuities.
  18. My pants inform me they are pleased with the reprieve...
  19. Pretty sure that's a selection on the Coca-Cola Freestyle machine found in production's craft services trailer...
  20. Coincidentally after the recent disclosure that the integrity of information used in viewing audience measurement was compromised this fall, A.C. Nielsen & Co. announced that pants crapping will be instituted as a new data point for its television ratings service. It's not for nothin' Kroll is considered a visionary executive producer...
  21. That's more like the "Bizarro" cartoonist we all know and love... ...with frikin' lasers
  22. That would be unfortunate. After watching last night's broadcast it's clear the feed recaps are the only thing entertaining about the show. Right now for me this program is clocking in at fourteen minutes, fifty-nine seconds on Andy Warhol's fame timer. It's not going to take much for me to pull the plug at this point. Standing on the neck of feedsters would be reason enough.
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