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Everything posted by kib

  1. That whirling sound you hear is the corpse of William S. Paley spinning in his grave during the Columbia Broadcasting System's telecast from Tommy's house. I suppose in some meta context (and a bong hit of northern California's finest weed) it held some entertainment value but so would the look on Les Moonves face as stacks of his company's $100 bills were being burned before a nation's confused eyes under the category of programming. [Cue Choir] "What did we learn on the show tonight James?" Tommy is very much a fan of Beck and Australian women are beautiful creatures. Tiffany Network indeed.
  2. Au revoir Brian Stack. Truth be told you are funnier than your boss. I greatly admired your Phil Hartman-type commitment to go all in on a bit and sell it regardless of merit.
  3. I think that's an excellent point you bring up about Craig not mentioning Lassally. Noteworthy by omission. Here's a 2005 piece from the New York Times about "The Host Whisperer" featuring none other than our favorite Scotsman. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/17/arts/television/17stei.html?pagewanted=all
  4. Pretty good piece. I'll admit it's been a real box of chocolates at 12:35 on CBS. If there was any way it could be sustained, it makes for an interesting premise to fill the time slot. Oprah-esque. "YOU get a talk show ! ... YOU get a talks show ! ... EVERYBODY gets a talk show !!!!"
  5. I think I just spotted Jack Welch, former long-time GE Chairman. (Third Row seats, of course...)
  6. TV Funhouse was the best. Colbert did a ton of voice work on those.
  7. I love Walken but after somnambulating through Peter Pan I'm surprised he's not another person NBC wasn't too thrilled to have in the building.
  8. Stolen from the hotel NBC is putting her up for the night.
  9. Yeah, Jerry hit two sore spots for the peacock. If he hadn't made the a zillion dollars for the network back in the day he'd be sitting backstage with Charles Rocket sharing a bag of complementary airline pretzels..
  10. or at least that's how his bio reads... Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan. SNL in the early 80's prove that out.
  11. Ebersol (who I earlier called Eberhard... Sorry Dick) was Exec. Producer when Lorne took a powder in the early 80's, or as Dickens called them "The worst of times". Also was Mr. Susan St. James.
  12. Absolutely, but I suspect the cost for getting the music rights would be right up there with tonight's after-party bar bill.
  13. At least tonight's show is staying close to the reservation, moments of brilliance padded with tedium.
  14. BTW - That's what got him canned. Dick Eberhard was EP at the time and he, and old NBC Sports associate Don Ohlmeyer and OJ were best buds. Bye Norm...
  15. Never accuse Lorne Michaels of not being benevolent, Rocket got 60 frames of airtime.
  16. Sorry, the homage to favorite characters was a bit like those endless fun house mirrors... without the fun
  17. I forgot how much I enjoyed Hammond doing Cheney. Just the right amount of Burgess Meredith as the Penguin.
  18. Kinda been hit or miss for awhile now. Pays your quarter, takes your chances.
  19. Yeah, somewhere in an affluent New Jersey suburb, a newsman just simmers.
  20. Ahhh... OK. Any chance he'll mention "The Odd Couple"? (yes, I did have an accident hitting the side of my head with a ball-peen hammer, why do you ask?)
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