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Everything posted by kib

  1. Perhaps they should incorporate the day's date in a riff, much like a newpaper is held up proving the hostage is still alive...
  2. Probably an IFB back to the control room or a producer. Unless...
  3. If we check the tape, Dave called out Trump as being a racist (although he rolled it back a few days later). Operative points being, Dave was 25 years into his career and Trump was just another schmuck. Dave owned his show. Colbert's biggest battle right now is stealing eyeballs from NBC and ABC, and most obviously, they are two different people.I'm willing to cut Colbert some slack for the time being. At some point we'll know if Stephen is willing and/or able to bear his fangs. At the very least he doesn't appear to be in the business of offering unapologetic tongue baths as witnessed elsewhere. Thank goodness for small blessings.
  4. Colbert did fine with Trump. Remember, we're still over a year away from the election and Trump is still only a step removed from being a "Stupid Human Trick". There's plenty of time left for a barbeque if it's needed. No sense frightening the pig away.
  5. As Dave was fond of saying, the road to the White House goes through the "Late Show" as John McCain learned the hard way...
  6. Can I get an amen? After tonight's show including the "American In Paris" performance. I'm officially on board with the new Late Show. Lots of yucks, a non-vapid actress, a leading newsmaker and a shot of culture... what more can you ask for? I'll admit, I was a little nervous CBS would take to the dark side but Colbert seems to be an extraordinary fit for the Tiffany Network. Bravo, well done! [EDIT: Too bad it all goes to hell at 12:35]
  7. I see your point, and that would work if it's not a 'band' but obviously it takes time to set up the instruments and such. That's why the last block of commercials run so long. We're only two weeks into the program, I'm sure there will be plenty of tweaks as we go along. No kidding. Can't say as I follow his music all that much but that was a long way from the voice I heard on "Cherry Bomb" (then again that was 1987)
  8. I don't think it's you. That was a terrible mix on the Willie Nelson performance. Give it some time. I can tell you first hand it takes awhile to dial stuff in. Even if the sound guys are using a audio console and gear they're familiar with, things can be slightly different or very different. Keep in mind the room itself has been substantially altered too.
  9. Disingenuous at best. I noticed in the credits that ITV is associated with the production, so that alone blows the "We didn't know" theory.
  10. I would attribute that to "The Friendly Confines of The Ed". As much as I love Dave not every punch landed yet judging the audience reaction you'd had thought each joke was a knockout. Maybe the audience is trying to stay warm? (Doesn't anyone know if Stephen is keeping the room temperature on "Arctic" like his predecessor?)
  11. The pace is... ahhhhh... brisk. I'll give them credit, this can't be easy to do live. [Credits indicate the director is Glenn Weiss, veteran of many live shows like the Emmy's, Tony's, New Years Eve shows, Peter Pan Live. Obviously not his first rodeo]
  12. John Kennedy on Jack Parr's "Tonight Show" in 1960 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIkZK-Z21Pw Nixon also made an appearance with Parr in 1963 Sprio Agnew was on Dick Cavett and Carson. Cavett was responsible for the famous 'anagram' joke.
  13. I'm not so sure the blocking is the problem since Jimmy and Conan are set up that way. I think it's more about that shipping container sized desk of his that the guests need to traverse in front of...
  14. Looks like this title sequence has more Easter Eggs than these guys do in a year...
  15. Kromm, I think it's a basketball being tossed. There's a backboard and net right behind who we believe is Jon. In fact, it appears Stephen either swished the shot or it was an alley-oop with Jon.
  16. Here's a post someone made about the opening title segment: https://medium.com/the-outtake/the-new-late-show-opening-is-amazzzziiinnngggg-c5de0cfa84a8 As they indicated, there's A LOT of stuff going on with A LOT of different techniques being used. I'm going to try and keep an eye on the credits and see which EFX house did the work. Usually they'll have some more 'inside baseball' information along with their reel on the house's website. I suspect there will be some writeups in industry magazines or websites soon. Very slick piece of work the more you look at it.
  17. I'll give Episode #2 the same comment found on my last employee performance review: Error rate is acceptable, and all work is completed timely. Next milestone: Takes pride in work and strives to improve work performance. :)
  18. Absolutely correct. Much better to have an EP like Stewart offering notes than network suits doing so. Even more vital when Les Moonves is nearby holding the "Mentalist" switch.
  19. Well now... Nice effort out of the gate. A little more screwball than I would have expected, but that's OK. I laughed at the hummus bit for some reason, the set up was a little tedious but it eventually paid off. Also, nice touch with the sock on the doorknob when Clooney was interrupted having sex. Jeb!'s interview had the bejesus edited out of it, so I guess (unless we scurry off to the interwebs) we'll never know if Stephen got around to poking the bear. The one thing I couldn't have been more pleased to see was the band number at the end. Lots of artists that simply never find a place on network television sat in with the band, something I was deathly afraid we'd lose post-Letterman. Solid start, looking forward to how it evolves once the endorphins settle into normal levels.
  20. Truthiness. (Oh wait, that was the other show)
  21. HEADS UP KIDS CBS announced the premiere runs long. Program ends at 12:44 Adjust your equipment ...ahum... as necessary.
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