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Everything posted by SingleMaltBlonde

  1. I think it's interesting that the English don't blink at women on the battle field or Lagertha in the big meeting.
  2. The only word I can really get to fit the Ragnar/Athelstan scene is romantic. I loved every moment of it but it was an very interesting scene. Lot's of people on here have talked about the historical counterparts of Ragnar and Rollo and Bjorn...does anyone know if Horik was a real guy? What happened to him. I know the show isn't following what really happened but like a lot of the other people I can't wait til his gone.
  3. I have to give Siggy a break...she's a survivor, she's not a shield maiden or Princess and she can't produce sons. Her survival is dependent on other people and while Rolo is a yummy Viking warrior he hasn't put a ring on it and she knows every time he goes out raiding he may not come back. Her interactions with Horik are icky. But the girl has to hedge her bets. Horik knows he's over and he's just grasping out power. He may have once been a great leader but he's now more concerned with holding on then leading anyone.
  4. Is it me or does Bjorn get taller each week?
  5. Even when the official position of the Catholic church was celibacy Priests had wives (and probably husbands) and mistresses. My mom converted in the early 60's and her small town very pre-Vatican II priest had a very close relationship with his long time housekeeper. Everyone in town (very small town) knew...he retired and she left with him when the new priest came to town. The practice of almost any religion varies greatly from what the official text claims and maybe that isn't a bad idea. No one wins with orthodoxy (Loki does not seem to be on a winning trajectory here).
  6. We probably shouldn’t fall victim to any theory that people only recently discovered that sex is enjoyable.
  7. While it's sad there are still cultures where producing three healthy sons in as many years would be a huge deal, we can only imagine what that would mean in a "warrior culture" even one where women were allowed to be warriors too.
  8. What is Princess Kwenthrith going to do when she gets a look at Ragnar and Rolo?
  9. Hee! I also loved the "I don't know how to help." Such a shame, King Ecbert, such a shame. I think we all expected more.
  10. I am still Team Lagertha but I will now buy the Team Aslaug t-shirt so she doesn't have to walk by a bargain bin full of them and maybe take her a casserole.
  11. I can't wait for tonight's episode. I grew up with my Norwegian Grandmother blaming slammed doors or missing things on Ivar Hinn Beinlausi (Ivar the Boneless). It never occurred to me that he might have been a “real” person. I am dying to see how they handle it.
  12. Peach- It reminded me of the Christening scene from The Godfather (which I know is a stretch). I mostly hope that Ragnar hasn't made a (Bond Villain like) mistake by waiting to deal with Jarl Borg.
  13. I can't think it would take much convincing to get "real" Vikings (not the psychophants who hang out in the hall with her husband and laugh at his jokes) to go a raiding with her.
  14. Was I the only one who thought the bedtime story while her husband and brother-in-law are slaughtering people was a little creepy?
  15. But in a pre-literate world didn't priests, powers that be, etc. tell stories to explain away things they didn't want people to know? or couldn't explain? Stories also get exaggerated or twisted...the guys who beat grandpa had to be giants don't ya know?
  16. Lurked here and over at TWoP for a while but once I saw Rasberry comment about taking a skull to meetings I had to jump in. I do want to be Lagertha in my next life.
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