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  1. You could ask your PCP about it. They have three options: 1) it isn't really a worry, 2) they can order an immunity titer blood test, 3) give you an MMR series.
  2. I think the OP meant collections, knick knacks, extra or single occasion use dishes, too many clothes, excess decor, etc. You know basically useless stuff. We all know we have to keep living and that involves needful purchases along the way. We don't need useless clutter. Statements have to be read in context.
  3. Just asking, but why bring it up if it was 30 years ago?
  4. It's only good pet ownership to keep all cats, dogs, etc. leashed or contained when outside their own apartment, yard, etc. I had a pet stroller when I had cats and they loved seeing the sights safe from other animals or pushy humans. You can usually tell a service animal from a pet. They will be very well trained and well mannered and they won't be running up to people but staying calmly beside their owner waiting to do their job.
  5. My guess is that you are a higher needs than average patient just like a friend of mine. They're busy and taking the time to answer in detail when they've already said you need to come in impacts their day, too. I doubt the receptionist knew the reason and there are only so many times a day they will want to bug the doctor. They probably save those for something more pressing. I understand you wanted to know. You seemed very spun up about it which doesn't help your blood pressure. I'm glad you went to the appointment and things were handled.
  6. It appears that someone in the forum had already suggested it was because they needed to check your blood pressure themselves.
  7. She said you'd discuss it at your next visit. That's why they aren't responding to repeated questions of why you need a visit. She's already told you she wants to discuss the med at a visit.
  8. I saw people taking normal/healthy sized portions. All the kids are going to look skinny compared to their overweight/obese parents.
  9. Income tax should not be conflated with social security tax. Income tax goes into the general fund while social security tax goes into the social security trust fund. Is there a design element to control tax levels, yes, but not still "paying in" to social security.
  10. It's simple: money. Most viewers don't read online about the show.
  11. Dental floss does seem a very odd item to go scarce. You'd think by now the supply chain would be back to normal especially on common items.
  12. I left so I wouldn't be jumped on by a posse or called erroneous names just because I disagree with four or five posters.
  13. This is an article about Robyn's hypocrisy: https://screenrant.com/sister-wives-signs-robyn-brown-ego-out-of-control/#robyn-brown-pretended-to-be-the-ultimate-polygamist
  14. They bought four lots initially. Two they paid for and two the owner carried a loan that was due last year. They did have to have all four lots fully paid before they could petition to change the parcels. Kody's name and I believe Robyn's name also are on all four existing lots along with another wife's name on at least two of the lots. Kody's game plan appears to me to be to cheat the original wives out of as much money as possible.
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