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Everything posted by StellaCL

  1. Did this already get posted? It's a short little video DBC did last year with a spotlight on Lily.
  2. Congrats to DCC Rebecca and husband who were married yesterday in a very over-the-top lavish affair in Beverly Hills. I counted at least 27 DCC (some former, most current) that attended. She has tons of photos and footage on her IG. https://www.instagram.com/rebeccamarie_t/
  3. I try to post these when I remember. But I am really late with this one! Hannah West had a babe two months ago. She now has two daughters. Congrats to Hannah and family!
  4. Summary of the 2023 Rookie class. I am usually way off, but anyway: 1. Anna Kate - barely noticed her. She's safe at auditions. If she is not liking it or not well liked, I see her retiring early, and doing her own thing. Or she will be a 4 or 5 year girl like Caroline, but more in the background. 2. Brooklyn - Gorgeous gal, seems fun. But if she makes it much farther in her DCC tenure, it's a gift. 3. Camille - Another supermodel. Her dancing is somewhere in the middle. I could really see it going either way for her - she may get sick of the DCC stepford wife perfection and opt for a shorter tenure, or she may stay longer. Safe at auditions. 4. Kennedy - TPTB love her. She's the only rookie to be a sideline sweetheart and the only rookie at Draft Day. She trained with former DCC Hannah A. so I sorta have a soft spot for her. She's safe at auditions despite not having a wow factor at all. I see her doing 4 plus years. 5. McKenna - so pretty, seems sweet and bubbly and a bit silly - her personality shines the most out of these 8. She fades a bit on the field. She's safe at auditions. I could see her doing a shorter tenure with her family and friends not in Tx. I hope she sticks around longer. 6. Reece - She's a good dancer, she takes good photos. She's definitely safe at auditions. Unless something happens, she will easily go 4 years and be a group leader and what not and fit their perfect DCC mold. 7. Taylor - Love Taylor, but she fades in the group. I blame that blonde that they put in her hair, it washes her out. She would look so much more striking without the blonde. She's a super strong dancer so she will stick around and have a decent tenure if she likes it. I hope they find a way to make her pop more because she could be a powerhouse. 8. Zoe - strong rookie. She will be safe at auditions. I also see her drinking the DCC kool aid and doing at least 4 years.
  5. Two DCC weddings this weekend. Congrats to former DCC and current All Star Stephanie! Congrats to current DCC Reece! Not the best quality photos but I am sure there will be more popping up on social media.
  6. Woah, Lauren is going back to 2019 training camp. I had to look her up. The blonde with a really high voice when stressed. I always wonder why Melannie M. (current AAIA) never got invited to TC. She's been going to Jenn's classes for years, seems like by now they would have given her a chance.
  7. Mary definitely stayed a part of DCC after she retired. She has helped out with jr. DCC or the camps (can't remember which) and she recently taught a prep class for DCC auditions. I am not sure if she ever filled in for any All Star events though. Yes, that Claire. There is footage of her performing with the All Stars right after she retired. If she was just filling in or officially an All Star, I am not sure.
  8. If going only by the retirements and not cuts or mysteriously disappearing, it would be 2010-2011 with 15 retirees, tied with 2004-2005, also 15 retirees. I don't know about the years prior to the MTT pilot. But Kelli would reminds us that nearly all the DCC quit when Jerry Jones took over the team back in 1989. In reality, 14 quit.
  9. I thought maybe it was waived for Claire Brown and Mary Dill as well. Or maybe those two just did some post DCC appearances.
  10. The confirmed retirements are: 5th year: Kelcey 4th years: Claire, Jessica, Dani, Darian, Elli, McKenzie 3rd years: Rebecca, Jensen 2nd years: Zhenya, Kally I expect quite a few (maybe half?) will be back as All Stars. I wouldn't be surprised if they waived the 3 year tenure rule.
  11. There was no show group this year. The vets that went on the USO tour were the 8 group leaders: Kelcey, Jada, McKenzie, Armani, Claire, Dani, Chandi, and Megan. For other show group type appearances they use what vets are available. It is usually the group leaders and a mix of more senior vets. They tend to include Sophy, Karley, Kally as the 2nd years. I haven't seen a rookie go on a show group type event this season.
  12. Congrats to current DCC Zhenya! She and her spouse were married last year at a courthouse, and yesterday they did their official wedding ceremony. A lot of current DCC were in attendance and yes they did Thunderstruck. You can see all of it on her IG stories https://www.instagram.com/zhenya_kolpakova/
  13. It is most likely the final year for Chandi, Jada, and Armani. So they will want their 2nd group leaders to be mostly DCC that will return for the 2025 season. There are whole bunch of possibilities. I don't disagree they will give VK a 2nd group leader spot unless she has conflicts with her other dance outlet. Other likely contenders- Tori, KayDianna, Kelee, Amanda, Karley Wild cards- Lea, Ashlinn, Kleine, Marissa. My guesses - based on height pairings: Chandi/KD Jada/ either Victoria or Tori Megan/Kelee Armani/Amanda My guesses are usually wrong though!
  14. My guess is TPTB asked a couple senior vets to return because they plan on trimming a rookie or two, and they didn't want a huge new rookie class of 14+. Chandi had a confirmed change of heart, she had made previous comments on social media where year 5 was her last. Jada is also rumored to have changed her mind about retiring, but she had never announced anything. I fully expect Chandi will be given co-point and group leader one since she is returning for year 6. ❤️🔥
  15. Congrats to new parents, former DCC Taylor and her husband. Welcome little Nolan, all 10 lbs of him!
  16. If I remember correctly, natural black hair is A LOT harder to maintain for an all day football game than wearing a wig. So many DCC prefer the wig to natural hair maintenance. And then there are extensions. Darian, Briana, Jacie all wore extensions on the field. Jacie has taken a more pro-natural hair stance post DCC but in an interview she did she said she didn't know she had the option to wear natural hair.
  17. No the Victoria weight discussion is still on Pluto last I saw. Any editing like that would be new. Wow. I like Victoria fine and all, but it does seem like she gets special treatment. I don't think they would have done that for any other DCC/TCC.
  18. Announced retirements are: McKenzie, Darian, Chandi, and Kelcey. There is a lot of speculation around all the "bubble" 4th years retiring together. Darian had made a comment in an IG video that they were all retiring except for 1 or maybe 2. 3rd year speculation is Jensen and maybe Kleine. It seems like the past couple years we didn't know for sure until auditions. I much prefer the years when football season would end and a DCC would post their retirement, no veil of secrecy. Victoria, KayDianna, Kelee, Zoe, and Reece have all said they are returning.
  19. Yes, Kelli's dog was Sugar. Sugar passed away sometime this past year.
  20. And more baby news. Congrats to former DCC Ashlee and her husband! Baby Asher born the end of November.
  21. Two updates that I don't think have made it over to PrimeTimer yet: Former DCC Erin had her baby girl, a preemie, sometime in November. Welcome Lucy Layne! Looks like she is still in the NICU but she is getting big! And this past weekend former DCC Heather O. got married. A lot of former DCC were in attendance. Congrats newlyweds!
  22. Kelcey, Chandi. I think both McKenzie and Jessica have stated they planned on retiring after 4 years. There will be more 4th years that retire. And at least a couple 3rd years. I think we will see at least 10 leave either for injury, retirement, or cut. I miss the days when they freely announced their retirements around the end of the football season. Now it seems like everything is tight-lipped until May auditions.
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