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  1. hahahaha I saw that too... they only showed it for a second but it kept me laughing for quite a while :D
  2. Right?! I told my daughter, I'd enjoy a break from those people for one night!
  3. I watched this show back in the day so when we saw it on amazon prime we started watching from the beginning. We're up to season 4 now and I don't know if it's because I'm older now and I'm a wuss, but this show seriously scares me at times! I'm watching it with my daughters and the cases that are the hardest for me to take are the ones where a young lady goes missing or is killed. Yesterday we watched a couple episodes where the woman was beaten/killed by her husband. I came to the realization that, if either of my daughters were ever in that situation (God forbid) I'd kill him myself and then turn myself in to the authorities and pray for forgiveness. Better for me to sit in jail than my daughters to be hurt or killed. On a lighter note, I forgot about how silly some of the stories are, like the "Loch Ness Monster" wannabe that looked like a beaver in the pictures. As I was watching it I distinctly remembered myself 30 years earlier yelling at the tv "It's A BEAVER!!"
  4. My teenager and I were amusing ourselves with this resemblance... then when he lost his shoes his name became "Shoeless Bob Ross." I also asked her if the male model dude would be doing model poses during his interviews, then I threw her a Blue Steel... alas she hasn't seen the movie so she didn't get it.
  5. I had to roll my eyes at that, I mean give me a break. This is 2018. If Donathan is really that sheltered then it's on him.
  6. I came here to see if anyone else thought the brother-sister skaters were vaguely inappropriate. Glad to see it wasn't just me! I said to my kids, why is he fully dressed, and she's wearing barely anything? And then he whipped his shirt off LOL. Not to mention the very suggestive positions. The blow-up doll guy was too much for me and I turned the channel until his was done. Weird. I wasn't a fan of the dog routine, I couldn't imagine that being an actual show, and isn't that the point of AGT? That the acts will go on to become paid entertainers? And, massive eye roll at the dog being in a baby stroller. The dog is capable of walking and it's actually GOOD for her to, you know, act like a dog. Some people are saying the deaf singer got thru solely on her backstory, but I thought she has a lovely voice. I can't put my finger on why I wasn't crazy about the little boy-girl dancers. They were awfully "muggy" to the cameras. Or maybe it was their choreography. They're both adorable, however, and can obviously dance well. Maybe they'll get better as the show goes on. Oh, and the red-haired male singer? Why were the judges so amazed at his performance? I have a 13 year old daughter, and what he did is pretty much every band she listens to... Twenty-One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, etc. etc. Nothing new here!
  7. lol no problem - I had to google her to see if I watched her season because I don't remember her at all. I missed that season, but from the looks of her pictures I'd say your assessment is spot on.
  8. No kidding! My husband has diabetes and has been denied refills of his meds if we make the mistake of requesting the refill too soon. I have no idea how anyone can get away with cheating the system.
  9. I've been enjoying reading all your posts, especially those of you who are directly impacted by hoarders. My Mother-in-law his a hoarder, although she denies it. She hoards "collectables" which she has told us we'll be able to sell and make lots of money off of after she dies. In reality, it's all thrift store and recent vintage items- like from the 1950's, 1960's- that you see in every antique store. She just loves the thrill of the "hunt"- once purchased they're usually packed away and never see the light of day again. She's also a food hoarder. The refrigerator and pantry are stuffed full at all times. We learned early on to check expiration dates, even though she tells us "Those dates don't mean anything!" She had a 5 foot mountain of soda 12-packs in her basement. She brought me a diet Pepsi one time, and one sip told me it was really really old. The date on it was a 5 years past. We had to explain to her that soda does not last forever, well diet soda anyway. It starts to taste like chemicals. To her credit, she's told us that she stopped buying soda for now, until she uses up what's in the basement. We told her not to drink it but she won't listen. I used to dread having to deal with all of her belongings after she passes. She has a rambler-style house and several outbuildings full of stuff. But she made my husband's brother the executor of her estate, and he's butthead, so the main responsibility will be his. We also deal with a hoarder neighbor, much like funky-rat. We live in the country, on a bend in the road, with one neighbor to our right, and the other diagonally behind us. The neighbor behind us hoards stuff and animals. He's taken what was a cute little farmhouse and just completely trashed it, inside and out. At one time it seemed like he had 100 cats, which were constantly here in my yard killing birds and pooping and spraying everywhere. I'm not sure what happened but there seems to be less cats lately. My other neighbor has been in the house and says the entire house is one big litterbox. When the wind is blowing from the south, the smell is horrible. I have to shut my windows. It smells like animal waste and cat pee and something rotting. He also hoards dogs. He fancies himself a breeder, but in reality he just pens them altogether and lets them go at it. Once in a while the dogs would escape and packs of them would be running through our yard. These are unsocialized Huskies and quite large. I wouldn't let my kids out in the yard on those days. We've been around and around with the Sheriff and the county, but because of where we live being rural there are no laws on the books to address animal hoarding. The Sheriff's suggestion to me was that I could shoot an animal in my yard if I felt threatened by it. Well first off I don't own a gun. And while I would protect my children any way I could, I really don't relish the thought of killing someone's dog. The Sheriff supposedly inspected the place and found no animal neglect (though to this day I have no idea how they came to that conclusion), and the neighbor has fixed his fencing so the dogs have not gotten out in about two years now. What really stinks in addition to what he's doing to those animals, is that his living this way negatively affects us. The smell, the noise, the visuals. Not to mention that we are pretty much stuck here now- if we ever needed to sell this house, who on earth would want to live near this guy? Hoarding affects more than the people inside the house. All of the neighbors get to experience it too. Hoarders are the most selfish people on the planet.
  10. That rendition of "Fancy" was just awful, I'm sorry.
  11. Before this, I was saying to my family that there must be a lot that has not been shown to explain the dislike for Mikala... but once she started with this choreographed display, I understood why she's perceived as difficult. I didn't find it funny, just childish.
  12. I wanted to like this show and was hoping it would be something my teenager and I could watch together. About halfway through the pilot it started feeling, I don't know- obvious? Overdone? Then when they threw in the gay adultery angle and the female DA propositioning the lawyer, that was about it for me. Cringeworthy sexual jokes aren't my cup of tea. But for those that are enjoying it, mazel tov!
  13. I love her too! There is something about her demeanor- she has such a calming presence. I want her to come to my house and make me tea and talk to me. She could recite the phone book and it would be heavenly.
  14. Oh my goodness I almost spit out my water on this one... thanks for the laugh!
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