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Everything posted by kieyra

  1. Have we ever seen Jackie act so reckless before? Also, we didn't see Slippers this week, I am so worried about that damn dog. No way she's making it out of the season alive.
  2. The laptop had a cellular modem with a big antenna sticking out of the side, so they at least attended to that detail. (Although it means they had to be near a cell tower.) (I was expecting them to go for something more ostentatious like satellite-dish-based internet, which does exist for RVs, but I'm okay with the solution they had.)
  3. With the reveal of some of Rachel's backstory, she's reminding me more and more of Ariane Emory from CJ Cherryh's clone novel Cyteen. Ariane Emory is a clone who has been brought up in a very specific way, psychologically--down to how her parenting, or lack thereof, was handled--so that she will have the 'right' temperament to continue her predecessor's work, including running a gigantic political/scientific organization. She's outwardly extremely cold and calculating. Although she would have never been caught off guard by Sarah as easily as Rachel was.
  4. Yes. No matter how good your actors are (and most won't be Maslany), if they overplay this trick they'll be in Vampire Diaries/doppelgänger territory, and I for one would rather they just not. Ditto to mysticism of any kind, thanks.
  5. Oy. Don't get me started on the 'angel' business.
  6. Once again, the show is doing weird suspension-of-disbelief killing stuff. How the hell did Cal have time to go hide Kira on a farm (and who *does* that?) and then overtake Sarah and Daniel and figure out the precise timing to t-bone their car? Then he just happens to have an untraceable RV with all the comforts of home, ready to go on the random farm? Argh! It's like they keep coming up with these "kicker" plot elements (The car is t-boned! By Cal!) and then working backwards to fit it into the plot, but not spending enough time to make it make any sense. Also, they kind of stole Rachel's storyline from CJ Cherryh's Cyteen but since it's my favorite book in the world I don't mind. Sequestering Cosima and Alison away from everyone else continues to be a mistake.
  7. I recommend the "Behind the Bars" character featurettes on Netflix now. I had no idea Sophia's male scenes were played by Laverne Cox's twin brother.
  8. Same. I think I only heard about the 'tie' being filmed yesterday and it does make me nervous. There as a point I would have thought a double-crowning would have been cute and heartwarming and good for the brand, but that was before Adore kind of got old for me. There was a point at which everything she said was cute and meme-able and whatever, and I was waiting for her to start improving/surprising us in the runway. But then she had several really wretched runways in a row, followed by the Glitter Ball (which she obviously had loads up help for to achieve that 'win'), followed by her attitude in the most recent eps of 'I should win because I am charismatic' attitude, which I really don't like...and now I am a bit over it and will actively be...let's say perturbed...if the winner is not Bianca, full stop.
  9. From what I understand, it's not that there's a tie win, it's that they filmed all three possible winners (they've been doing this since Raja's win leaked) AND they filmed a possible ending with a tie win between those two. But no one knows which of the four possibilities will actually happen. They knew that info would be leaked so they know what they're doing, and I suspect they're seeing how the fandom reacts. Not a lot of people seem thrilled about a possible tie win just to appease Adore's online fanbase, though.
  10. So the reunion taping happened last night, and there are lots of red-carpet images to be had. DO NOT CLICK IF YOU DON'T WANT REUNION OUTFIT SPOILERS, OR POTENTIAL MISS CONGENIALITY SPOILERS: Getty Images of RPDR Reunion I am slightly concerned about the way they have the three finalists arranged: Adore is always in the middle. This is usually a sign of the eventual winner.
  11. I think I've seen you pursuing this line of thought on another forum (I guess reddit or TWOP?) and I'll just echo what people said there: he's alone in a cabin in the woods. I don't think the writers intended it to be a political statement or an indicator of Cal's overall character. It's not unreasonable for him to own a long gun in that situation, and I don't think the audience's lack of shock means we are 'indoctrinated'. There's been absolutely no lack of guns on this show, including a ton of them in Alison's storylines. Even a gun bouquet. Edit: Oh, apparently I saw you posting the same thing on page 1 of this thread, not another site.
  12. Hmm, really? I think there will be *far* more backlash if Courtney wins. I'm not sure the fandom is aware of Bianca having a 'connection' to RuPaul other than what other top tier professional queen would have, I wasn't until your post. I mean, unless you mean the fact that she works with Lady Bunny? But anyway, #teambiancadelrio was apparently trending *worldwide* on twitter last night, at least briefly. I think Adore is the more likely stealth winner, although I personally don't believe it'll happen after Ru called her a 'kid' at their lunch.
  13. My feeling about the last two episodes is that it's not so much a matter of too much Sarah focus (although we got that this week), it's the way all the clones have been split up into their own storyline...none of which are particularly riveting compared to last year, when the stakes seemed higher. Also, Cosima working for Dyad and acting casual about it, while not interacting with any of the other clones (even a clandestine Skype call to let us know she's still doing a long con) is really pulling the fangs from several storylines for me.
  14. It's sad that no rape is practically a happy ending for this show too.
  15. My favorite puppets were Darienne's and Adore's. Adore's Ben was actually so inspired I kept glancing at her mouth when I could to see if it was really her doing the voice. As for Darienne, she nailed Courtney, and did a tolerable accent even. I guess I'll say, a bit late in the game: I like Darienne. I think she's getting a shady edit, and even if she was exactly as shady as they are trying to make us believe, she is still a thousand times more laid back and benign than, say, Phi Phi O'Hara. If she's the villain, she's the least villainey villain we've had. I know people are upset about Ben, but Darienne is probably getting trashed on social media now. She didn't make RuPaul make the choice and she's no Phi Phi/Roxxxy. I love Adore but I'm not totally sure I believe her win (meaning, I'm suspicious about just how *much* help she had). I'm overall Team Bianca but I think this week we saw that she really won't deviate from that look. I don't want to see another huge round flower on her head, dammit. I will be the most unhappy with a Courtney win. Too much meh. I would be okay-ish with an Adore win because I do love her, but there will be a certain amount of side-eye as to whether she really worked at it the way Jinkx did. I still think Adore needs more time to cook. Bianca seems obvious and she deserves it.
  16. For me it was very like her performance in the Library challenge and the stand-up challenge. She's capable of some dry humor but most often her jokes just don't land.
  17. Yeah, his role is getting really awkward. During the first half of the episode, it was clear that someone needed to be the anti-Richard for the company, and I kept thinking it would be Big Head and he would somehow reduce Richard's complicated company vision down to a single coherent sentence, or something, even if by luck. I thought it would happen when he came into the house on his lunch break. I thought we were finally going to find out what Big Head is *for*. But no. Which seems to be the pattern with this character: At first they made us think that his value to Pied Piper would be because he's Richard's best friend and helps humanize him (or whatever). But no, Richard let him go. Then they made us think his value to Pied Piper would be that he had insider info on the Hooli reverse-engineering team. But no, they kicked him out of that. Then they teased the "Richard needs another board member but not Erlich" thing past us and brought Big Head into the middle of one of those scenes. But no, Big Head remains useless. Either they're misusing this character or I have to stop trying to apply tropes to him. I guess he's just plain useless?
  18. In the unlikely event there's still people out there who don't know about Willam's Beatdown/(Billam's Wheatdown), here's a great best-of compilation.
  19. If you're interested, in Bianca's thread there should be a link to an excellent article about her in Gambit (New Orleans) from 2002.
  20. Haven't watched it myself, but I believe the first ten minutes of tomorrow's episode are up in Logo's app, maybe elsewhere.
  21. Bianca's shtick is insult comedy. She's also half Cuban and half Honduran. The guy was mad there were no Latinos on the stage, is how it started.
  22. Her whole affect is SO awkward and artificial. It's hard to watch.
  23. This was always a gray area in the RuPaul thread on TWOP--it's somewhat possible to predict the elimination order by counting the number of outfits each queen seems to have in all the season previews, trailers, Untucked previews, etc. On one hand, it was all legit promotional material so not really a 'spoiler', but on the other hand the average viewer isn't going to do that count on their own. An example of these kinds of prediction charts can be found over here at reddit. Meanwhile, the Logo app now makes the first ten minutes of the coming week's episode available. Because of this, I am now spoiled for the Library challenge in the upcoming episode. I'm not sure if I feel like Darienne deserved the win, or if I was just programmed to feel that way by the fact that they focused on every single other queen reading her for her weight. Adore's later read of Lasagna doing rap was to die for.
  24. Here's an excellent, lengthy article about Bianca from 2002 in New Orleans' Gambit magazine. Bitch has earned her stripes. I'm also developing one of those awkward straight-chick crushes on Roy.
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