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Everything posted by MagicEyes

  1. Why doesn't Ashley just tell people about her other jobs? Witching isn't her only source of income.
  2. Lipo is very painful. I had it in a much smaller area. Loren's going to be feeling bad for a few days, at least.
  3. I think I need to go live at a recovery resort!
  4. Can you order some noise canceling earbuds from Amazon? I hope she goes home soon!
  5. I have the pink Birkenstocks from the Barbie movie! I love them so much. Which is good, because I think my old Birks might not be fixable. If I can find them, I'll see if they can be resoled one more time.
  6. Is Ed talking to himself, in the middle of a crowded restaurant?
  7. I don't understand why these people are on this show. There's not going to be a happy ending to this story.
  8. I've been feeling a little nauseated today, so I'm not sure if I'm ready for this show. 😐
  9. I hope this is really the last time. He's abusive to a child. That is not acceptable. If Liz doesn't think she deserves to be treated better than this, I hope she thinks Riley deserves better.
  10. So has Liz finally realized that Ed is not a good person? Is she getting there?
  11. I don’t care if Chantel wears panties, but I don’t need to see her wearing a dress that makes it very clear that she’s not wearing panties. I do not want to see that much of Chantel’s anatomy.
  12. Debbie can dish it out, but she can’t take it.
  13. How much did he pay for this hideous custom jewelry?
  14. I was going to make brownies, but this stupid mix needs milk. Who thought that was a good idea? What's the point of having a mix if you have to add ingredients?
  15. Oh, good, there's another episode left in this endless tell-all!
  16. I can think of a good thing--Fernanda's outfit could have been a lot worse!
  17. Veronica is trying really hard to make herself into the main character here. See, when you set up an account with a dating app, if you're on there for a while you don't think about changing the age range, so it stays the same as you get older. That is believable.
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