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Everything posted by MagicEyes

  1. I do not trust men who call women "females." And if you don't have any of those, just run!
  2. If you untie Ashley's neck ribbon, will her head fall off?
  3. Ashley buys Manuel's love with a motorcycle. That will make it easier for him to disappear when he gets his green card!
  4. We're hating on all of the stupid people on this stupid show.
  5. And Grangie. Really they should just get all new people.
  6. If I ever live with another person, they will have to clean up after their own selves. I will never clean up another person's mess.
  7. I don't for a second believe that Gino can't come up with $5000! This is the weakest fake storyline that's ever been on this show.
  8. How can Rob be a fully grown adult and not understand that his actions have consequences?
  9. Rob is a jackass. When is Sophie going to come to her senses and leave for good?
  10. I hope she doesn't follow Darcy into the wastelands of excessive Turkish plastic surgery. I'm sure she will, though. For god's sake, shut up, Rob!
  11. How could anything possibly go wrong at the Selfie Gallery?
  12. It took me about 30 seconds! I briefly thought about reading a book, but here I am. Unless Angela shows up.
  13. I'm sure Patrick is a fine physical therapist, but he is not a viking.
  14. I would do unspeakable things for a piece of that cake right now. 😊
  15. It's a good thing that we don't have Smell-O-Vision!
  16. Thor needs his own show. It really could be about anything, we just want more Thor! Maybe Thor goes to Ren Faires around the country!
  17. I need to see a specialist...I can't get an appointment until September!
  18. Is he going to fit through a normal-size door?
  19. I was never really into the a la mode thing, but recently I've become a convert. All it took was a cherry pie and a little vanilla ice cream. I didn't even warm up the pie first, and it was heavenly!
  20. And he has just now figured out that you can add chicken to a salad!
  21. Thor is the real star of this episode!
  22. Debbie is not wrong about Chantel's no-panties dress. It is a bit much.
  23. I might be way off-base here, but if Gino doesn't have $5K, couldn't he get a job? He doesn't have to babysit Jasmine 24/7.
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