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  1. Did you all miss the extra added bonus if you spend $600? A video of TL and Adnan because listening to her annoying voice weekly just isn’t enough. “ALL PURCHASES OVER $300 RECEIVE A PERSONALIZED AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO OF ADNAN & TIGERLILY AND HANDWRITTEN THANK YOU CARD, ALL PURCHASES OVER $600 ALSO RECEIVE A SHORT THANK YOU VIDEO.” Be still my colorless heart.
  2. TigerHillBilly is endlessly annoying. And VERY stupid. VERY! But the very worst thing about her is that vocal fry, valley girl voice. I now mute her. Maybe Adnan will also.
  3. I think Lily just likes to have stuff. Possessions. Josh is just another acquisition for her. American husband...CHECK.
  4. CBS Sunday Morning News. Story about China. Isn’t this Johnny of Johnny and Ella fame? He had another name on the show. He spoke English hence the interview.
  5. Does anyone think Coyote Pass will ever be anything but massive dirt lots with imaginary property lines? I don’t.
  6. It’s eerie. Voice. Mannerisms. Fake tears. Expressions. Except for the eyebrows it’s hard to tell them apart.
  7. Nikki Exotika, AKA Nicole Sander, is a 90 Day Fiancé season 10 cast member and a real-life Barbie doll. Nikki will meet viewers on October 8, 2023, upon the premiere of the much-awaited reality TV show. Nikki is a trans woman, making her the third transgender person in the history of the franchise after Gabe Paboga and Cleo. Nikki was recently revealed as a part of the six new couples of 90 Day Fiancé season 10, celebrating a decade of tumultuous relationships.
  8. I agree. She looks very familiar.
  9. Did I hear correctly? Gino and Jasmine have only had sex SEVEN times? I misheard, right?
  10. Is the refrigerator in the living room or is the love seat in the kitchen? 😕
  11. Tell me this isn’t Little Ed. 10 Signs of Gaslighting in a Relationship If you’re wondering how to tell if someone is gaslighting you, consider whether someone has exhibited any of the following behaviors within your romantic, family, or work relationships: Lying about or denying something and refusing to admit the lie even when you show them proof Insisting that an event or behavior you witnessed never happened and that you’re remembering it wrong Spreading rumors and gossip about you, or telling you that other people are gossiping about you Changing the subject or refusing to listen when confronted about a lie or other gaslighting behavior Telling you that you’re overreacting when you call them out Blame shifting in relationships—saying that if you acted differently, they wouldn’t treat you like this, so it’s really your fault Trying to smooth things over with loving words that don’t match their actions Twisting a story to minimize their abusive behavior Minimizing their hurtful behaviors or words by saying something like, “It was just a joke” or “You’re way too sensitive” Separating you from friends and family who might recognize your gaslighting abuse symptoms.
  12. Pure and simple, Little Ed is a full blown gaslighter. Gaslighter extraordinaire. Repulsive is every way a person can be reulsive.
  13. Yara has her own business? Two businesses?
  14. I truly can’t stand watching “Big” Ed or Bilal so fast forward through their segments. Thanking you all for the abbreviated recaps of their stories. It prevents much irritation for me. 😬
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