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Back Atcha

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Everything posted by Back Atcha

  1. I had cataract surgeries in 2005-ish ... months apart because Medicare wouldn't pay for the second one "yet." I was led to believe that I'd have no "future cataracts." This is all so confusing; especially when Dr. Goldberg explains things.
  2. I enjoyed her elaboraate explanation of her rare "eye surgery" a year or so ago (I can't keep track of time). The need and the glorious after-effects sounded a lot like cataract(s) removal. But NO! This was something extra-special and rare and, I assume, no premiums were withdrawn from her lock box.
  3. WAIT! You mean we all put our "premiums" into a pool...then those who haven't had any claims DO NOT get all our money back??? WHAT? Haleth??? You can't be serious. Surely an EGOT knows more than we do!
  4. Not privilege...but maybe luck...the beautiful LUCK of never having endured ongoing/unrelenting/ horrific pain--the type that changes the best humans into (perhaps) murderers, suicides, ANYTHING to make it stop! We have a generation of "drug addicts" who started out with pain medications...then moved "up" to something stronger, that still didn't work. I can't believe that so many are unaware of this epidemic. Found 'em online Michael Kors $60. Here it is in aqua.
  5. WG and family probably depend on her regular paycheck from The View, but she would have more time for her live performances if she could just step away. I agree with your comments, FaginZorro. She could have a one-woman show for limited runs all over the U.S. and probably ensure a good standard of living for everyone involved...AND the adoration that she loves.
  6. You're right, Dimity. She is definitely a star--one of our majors. I apologize.
  7. I think it's her entitled attitude. She has probably been like this most of her life. Her way or the highway. Add the awe and adulation that come with her "stardom," and she has become impossible. As for each "familiar audience," can she please keep the worn-out "comedy" within the studio? She could mention it when the cameras aren't on; the only people enjoying it are Whoopi and each audience who sits through two shows. Great points, Debbie311. Also, if Whoopi isn't familiar with a topic or doesn't understand it, then she pretends it's beneath her. The eyes start to roll and her face wants to fall on the desk. She's SO MUCH BETTER than the rest of us? NO! SHE is a bore! I hope someone has told her to STOP BARKING at Alyssa...at least until Alyssa's medical procedures are completed.
  8. The entire panel and (probably) the audience might be surprised at what type of discussions follow if ONE of them mentions chronic pain...with some knowledge.
  9. My son died in May...after DECADES of pain (Crohn's disease/40yrs, cancers, infusions that caused--probably--bile duct cancer, resulting in a liver transplant). He and I "understood" and were so proud of each other--knowing how difficult life is and that (truly) no one can understand until it happens to them. He was an outstanding friend, athlete, employee who cannot be replaced. Another son lives with me and I feel that NOW I have no one who understands. He acts as if I do nothing but moan and complain. Can't stand up or sit down without making a noise (OHHHH...how irritating!) He expects to live a normal life with me (84) who "should" be taking care of everything (cooking, cleaning, errands, bills, etc.) for him--because it's always been my job, my house--a Mom who was "so strong." I'm just not anymore. Can't burden friends and relatives. As soon as I get my older son's house sold (it's imminent), all the business of death/dying/property should be taken care of. THEN there's finally time to go to grief therapy...MONTHS too late. Thanks for reading, Haleth. My thoughts are with you and your husband and all those with "just another backache" and chronic pain. I usually love Joy, but I want to push her down a few stairs today.
  10. Also, is Whoopi REQUIRED to order us to "calm down" every bleeping day? It's as tired as her "comic" wonder if she hasn't seen this same audience earlier today.
  11. Ana seems to be the only one not afraid of Whoopi. I guess it's hopeless to wait for WG to get get her walking papers. If even possible, she's becoming more tyrannical every day. Apparently she can be as rude to Alyssa as she feels like; Alyssa makes weak attempts at fighting back--but (for some miracle reason), they always go to commercials. Hope Alyssa can stick it out healthwise. Joy and Sara must know it's hopless to disagree with WG. Part of an online article: While the motive for the attack is still under investigation, new details are emerging about Mangione’s own health issues – and the impact they appear to have had on his life. The Ivy League college graduate suffered from debilitating, chronic back pain and underwent major surgery for it in 2023, a friend told The New York Times. RJ Martin – a friend of Mangione and spokesperson of Surfbreak, a co-living space in Honolulu, where Mangione lived for about six months until April 2022 – told the newspaper that Mangione had moved to Hawaii in a bid to get as healthy as possible in advance of the operation. “His spine was kind of misaligned,” Martin said. “He said his lower vertebrae were almost like a half-inch off, and I think it pinched a nerve. Sometimes he’d be doing well and other times not.”
  12. Sara says, "You can have all the rage in your heart over a system," and Joy says, "Everybody has back pain." There has been speculation that the complete personality change in Luigi Mangione might have something to do with unendurable/chronic pain from back/neck surgery. X-rays were shown on news broadcasts. I was in ER (yet again) on Friday night because my opioid pain patch (20mcg) is helping very little. I CAN'T STAND THE PAIN which started when a physical therapy aide BROKE MY FEMUR after knee replacement surgery in 2016. THAT LONG!!! Wait and search out more facts until you two (who are usually bleeding-hearts) figuratively SLAP MY FACE again. Perhaps "everybody" does have back pain, but perhaps not from botched surgeries or malpractice in physical therapy. Doesn't ONE of you on the panel have experience with a friend or family member who's in major pain? Maybe you think, like Joy does, "Who cares?" Those whose family members have commmitted suicide (or homicide!) due to unrelenting pain DO CARE. Get some real compassion...not just lip service. I know the young man murdered someone; he'll pay for his crime, but perhaps he needs medical and mental help right now! Or at least have some compassion for viewers.
  13. Don't miss both "winners" on Andy Cohen's 12/09 show. OY! Both guys must have mothers who did everything to build their self-esteem. Women!!! Run the other way.
  14. The numbers are probably different when one's car is "featured" on a "top" (hahaha) reality TV series. Wonder if the dealer's name might be mentioned ... accidentally.
  15. This is re Alyssa. I think she shares 1/5 the time to present her points. Four others "mostly" present a united-ish front. Mimicking Sunny, she has learned that she HAS to jump right in...HAS to keep talking...no matter what. No matter what point she makes, Whoopi loves to swoop in and shut her down. I am not a Republican.
  16. He came back to the U.S. believing it was the only way he could support her financially. SHE stayed in Indonesia. Oh, wait! She did not. I think she likes the Reality TV aspect and wants to hang on as long as possible. I hope their story is not continued. They won't have this extra money and will have to figure out things on their own.
  17. Adam Kinzinger. His face looked so puffy today--almost like someone taking Prednisone* or another medical steroid. Has there been anything about his health lately? He sure is appealing. *I know it too well.
  18. Political views weren't really featured during Barbara's tenure. Major elections would be covered, but there wasn't so much Yankees vs. Confederates. How can ANY parent truly say they wouldn't do the same. It's sad that he even answered a first question about a Pardon. Perhaps that was apart of a re-election strategy...having NO IDEA he wouldn't run. Miscarriages of justice all around... the charges, the dropping of charges, the renewed charges. These political games are not for the weak.
  19. Yet another reason why Whoopi is NOT a good fit for this show. Alyssa has been an "opposing view," while remaining kind, interesting and entertaining. I'm often surprised (don't know why) at how RUDE to Alyssa Whoopi is allowed to be. Sad IVF situation...in my day (I'm 84) not getting pregnant for a year and a half wasn't long--even for all my Catholic friends. We actually considered ourselves somewhat lucky! She's probably considering the "age" of her eggs; we had no clue in our Dark Ages. This information won't make Whoopi any kinder to Alyssa...although she'll pretend it will.
  20. I'm not a Sunny fan, but this seems to describe Whoopi more than Sunny (who's also annoying).
  21. Hooray, KittyQ !!! I'm watching sporadically (watched every day for YEARS!) because Whoopi's antics are beyond annoying. I DVR the shows and decide if/when to watch one or two. I'm SO tired of her antics and rude behavior. Someone has given her the power; it's time to dilute it! Tonight I watched today's and yesterday's show. Whoopi should! Today she said, "As a Democrat...." Yesterday she said, "I'm not a Democrat; no one knows what I am." PULEEZ! Stop treating us like idiots--especially Alyssa; she'll always know more about the political scene and its players than you can. It's her interest, her education, and her work experience. Whoopi is wrong on many topics, but is so loud, pushy, and coddled that her "here's the thing" gains the last word on most topics. She does NOT know better than every panelist/guest and the show would be better without her. Joy has what it takes to be the moderator--letting everyone have a chance to speak and respecting their opinions.
  22. Because I'm a "rarely watcher," I've wondered EVERYTHING about Erika. Some of these scam artists, whether "top attorneys," burlesque performers/reality "stars," lived/live a higher lifestyle than most us can believe. And...when one gets knocked down, they seem to come back even richer. Maybe THAT'S the American Dream we all hear about.
  23. Thanks for spelling his nickname phonetically. Do those who write "Mau," know we say "MAO" to ourselves at first? I appreciate all you MO and MOE posters.
  24. I stopped watching (even irregularly) several years ago, but try to catch the reunion shows. NOW every season-ender has people I've never seen or heard of. Don't know much about the "recent" Kyle and Dorit activities, but still love your comment. I'm so behind I was thinking Erika should be the first to fall and drag those two with her ... might as well rent a fan and take the pretty Asian and the blond sitting next to her. Didn't miss Rinna at all.
  25. Because James is needy and pathetic, I decided he was bragging for all of us --like we would BELIEVE butter works. James is definitely not a sexpot and no match for the power of Angel the Meanie. If "Tata" simply moves to Bali with her sister; all problems would be solved.
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