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Everything posted by iwantcookies

  1. How are cysts removed? Surgery right? The worst is not knowing.
  2. A goose has better parenting skills than some of the Duggars.
  3. Don’t have any paperwork. And wasn’t told anything after my test. The place was busy!
  4. I think Creed is his middle name.
  5. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 bwaha haha snort bwaha haha pay $ to listen to the creator of Jill Rod and her servant future brood mare #3. No thanks. Too bad she couldn’t get ANNA Duggar or Michelle Duggar!
  6. @Zella girl you make me laugh/howl with your wonderful comments! Thanks a lot! David feels real good/proud to do the sorry mailings that don’t feed his family. Real man that is 🙄🙄🙄. Waste of ink and paper.
  7. I plan to call on Monday after lunch if I don’t get anything. Wouldn’t surprise me if they forgot about me.
  8. Thanks all I’m teary eyed from your lovely posts. NOT knowing is the worst. I don’t have a support system at all. I was shocked at my friends indifference. I’m not saying anything to my extended distant family until I know the facts. I will update you all with the results. If I ever get them. Love you all.
  9. I did not get the results today. Met with a friend today. Her birthday is this month we wanted to celebrate a little. Told her of my situation. She seemed so disinterested it made me so sad. She couldn’t even fake concern for me. I’m not going to tell anyone anything period anymore.
  10. Read it as Craigslist ad for a mare! Which is basically what Kay is. What a sad existence she has.
  11. @rue721 whoop whoop hooray! Congratulations!!! Best of luck on CPA exam!!!
  12. Poor Lux is the unattractive one! Creed is really adorable!!!
  13. Too bad he isn’t vaccinated
  14. What pisses me off JillR got a whole shelf of teddy bears. Her kids should be playing with them instead!
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