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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. Right?! He is pretty doughy for 27 and it is all downhill from here mister. Dad bod is incoming fast.
  2. I am obsessed with this ship. Did you know there is a ship waiting to go through that is filled with LIVE animals? I hope they are ok and the boat got more food for them. I watch every day for an update on that damn ship.
  3. Rebecca is going to pass out, that dress is so tight!
  4. My daughter made cat ear headbands for her friends in middle school and made bank. They sold like hot cakes. No idea why. I guess they are back in fashion since that was 10 years ago
  5. And her boobs look huge! I think there are shenanigans going on with the timeline.
  6. Mike is making an impassioned plea for Natalie to stay, because her border is closed and he is stuck with her so he will go ahead and marry her...because he has to. It's all very romantic
  7. Why is Mike talking to her like she is a child? He is so gross. What he did was terrible, and i just know she is going to take him back.
  8. I can't stand Brandon's face. I just want to punch him in the throat. He is the worst. right after Andrew but before Mike. Maybe tied with Mike
  9. Hazel is marrying a man, so I am going to assume her family will watch. They will think she is "cured" of her bisexuality. If only they can get Zoom to work.
  10. I think this Tamara person is taking Natalie for a ride, literally and figuratively. She is super suspect to me. She should know the rules of a hotel stay
  11. This "shirt" is even worse! I didn't know that was possible, but it has happened. Her entire boob is about to pop out of the side.
  12. One of my most favorite moments was when Nicole got super mad are her boyfriend and threw a subway sandwich at him which then ricocheted around the van. I laugh every time I think about it. Those were the good old days
  13. I am going to take a wild guess and say that his relationship with his dad is not great either. His relationship with his mom is going to take a hit when he processes that she stayed with a man that was molesting his sister.
  14. I thought it was "my brother's dad" but I am not a lip reader. And Damn, if that is right, the brother will be pissed
  15. 611!!! She must have lost a lot of blood from the massive injury to her finger.
  16. That was a very dramatic elevator scene. Her finger was so bad!! Needed a bandaid and ice and a kiss from mommy. These people can't handle any amount of pain. Suck it up buttercup.
  17. If I have to watch Oprah shriek out Super Soul!! One more time,i am going to scream.
  18. If this show is jerking Natalie around like this for the show.... I just can't believe she would go along with all this. She is legit upset, and everyone around her is not acting right. Mike is acting like this is just a little spat. Poor Tamara could pay for the room I'm sure but doesn't so she is suspect. I have no idea where this is going but I don't like it, it is not passing the smell test for me.
  19. OK, so Mike doubles down on the level of asshole and asks for the ring back. Thank God her name is Tamara, I thought I was going insane. Anyway, he would have to saw that ring off my cold, dead hand after the runaround he was giving.
  20. I love that Hazel puts a pillow on her lap like a boy with a clandestine hard-on. He picked a good one for her
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