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Everything posted by Arynm

  1. That baby is a superstar! Not everyone can poop on command when on camera, but that baby did and looked good doing it.
  2. That happened to me once when the botox went wrong. They fixed it fast but I looked like Spock for a couple days.
  3. How can they have Mike and Natalie on, they don't even seem to like each other.
  4. She is truly awful. Dr. Now is a saint. And she just admitted that she abuses drugs. That's not the way to get drugs Ang
  5. She could go to rehab. No, she would rather sleep in a park than have to admit she has a problem.
  6. Ummm is that commercial really showing me a singing vagina? What the actual fuck? Did anyone else get the singing vagina commercial?
  7. Who the hell is David? Is that her old boyfriend that stole all her drugs?
  8. Had my second Moderna shot, thought I was dying for 12 hours but now I am back and ready for the gloriousness that is Angela. My son got the shot (Moderna) and has broken out in a rash that covers his entire body. Dr said it's a side effect but it's a rare one.
  9. I listen to the Delta Flyers podcast with Robbie Duncan McNeil(Tom Paris) and Garrett Wang (Harry Kim). They say that there is no hard feelings between any cast members, excepting the Kes actress who they don't talk much about, so I can't say. Kate has been on the podcast more than once as has most of the cast and there does not seem to be any bad blood at all. Jeri Ryan has not been on, but they are only in season 3 so we have not gotten to her seasons yet. From what I saw of the interview about this show, Mulgrew's character is a training hologram left behind in the Delta Quadrant so the rest of the cast would not necessarily be involved.
  10. Unless Sara is divorced she is going to deny,deny,deny that they had sex. She is not going to blow up her marriage for a TV show. Her head nod when asked if he slept on the couch was hella suspect.
  11. Yara is the superstar of this tell all. I love her too.
  12. I am going to need a post from all of these people apologizing for not believing Amira because they did not have all the info at this time about the situation. I will hold back my scorn for them believing Andrew for a few days. He has been showing his ass everywhere, so they have to know now that he is a bad guy.
  13. He is trying to control the narrative because he is a huge asshole, acted like a huge asshole and is trying to keep everyone else from finding out he is a huge asshole. Don't think it's going to work.
  14. I am getting my second Moderna shot tomorrow! I will let y'all know how it goes.
  15. And here we have Minty! Maybe next season she will have a foreign fiance.
  16. I turned this on early so that I could see the baby fit that Andrew pulls again.
  17. I think Zied makes bank on Cameo. That's how he paid for the car. If I were to buy a Cameo it would be from him. Or Dan Jones but that is an entirely different genre.
  18. She's like "damnit, I am 600 pounds! Something has to be wrong with me to score me pain meds!"
  19. sounds like a UTI. That would suck to live with for a month. could also be an STI. What has David been up to.
  20. She must give a mean blowjob. That's all I can think of, it's not her personality and she doesn't have any money
  21. OK, looks like she has detoxed. Maybe she will turn it around?
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