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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I'm lucky that my stylist is DIRT CHEAP. And younger than me, so she'll be around for as long as I need her. πŸ˜€
  2. Ugh. I can't wear eye makeup, so I guess I will have to color into perpetuity. Oh well. I do it at home, and it's cheap, but if I am going to look all washed out when I go mostly gray (my stylist says I am about 30% now), I will soldier on. 😊
  3. Now Jill is claiming she's going to PT for her "bum knee." It's only like six months too late. πŸ™„ She was forced to wear a mask though. πŸ˜‚
  4. Well, I did my part. Hashtag #begonesprinkles. 😁
  5. And it will be a really shitty one. I haven't seen Sidney Dingus mentioned in quite some time. IIRC, she made Nurie's cake.
  6. I just assumed that if you're on a show that honors Julia, you're enough of an uber to know the major points in her biography. πŸ™‚
  7. I was surprised that some of them didn't know of Julia's history with the OSS. It's where she met Paul! I just figured any fan of Julia's would know this. πŸ˜€
  8. Oh that's right! I forgot to reverse them. The Hills have 9 boys, 4 girls. πŸ™‚
  9. They were at a Mediterranean place. I just can't picture Jessa eating hummus and lamb kabobs.
  10. Jill edited the post to compare herself to Nurie, fertility-wise. Because that's what Jill does. πŸ™„
  11. I was right. Nurie's knocked up again. eta 13 month age gap. She's got Jilly's fertility.
  12. Her ends are scraggly. I have Jill's pale coloring. I won't go lighter than honey blonde.
  13. Yes, he gets credit for time served at the county jail. It'll be about six months at sentencing.
  14. The bride is oldest sister Lisa's daughter. Lisa's oldest son is in the military.
  15. Yeah, I am picked up on that after I made my announcement post. That points to it being Nurie, since she can't be there live.
  16. Jessa told Ben that he looked like a biker. How would she know without some outside influence? I mean, that's a very specific reference.
  17. I've maintained the entire marriage that Duddy hasn't found the right hole. 😁
  18. Jill's going live tonight at 9ET with a very special announcement. She's listed the usual suspects as possibilities, plus she added Nurie #2 or a Kaylee wedding date.
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