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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. She just posted another one. She's really milking this for all it's worth.
  2. Nurthan seem to announce before the pee is dry. Nemo's pregnancy seemed to go on forever.
  3. Jill's IG post hashtagged Derelict as a public service attorney. I wish she wasn't so vague. I want to know who he's helping.
  4. Amy is on a tear. From Twitter: "Dear Anna, How can you call your husband loyal and faithful? Did you forget his Ashley Madison account? Danica Dillon? Did you forget he has had a huge porn addiction for years? No loving, honest, committed husband would ever disrespect their wife like that."
  5. Jill probably cozied up to Kelly at one of the many Duggar weddings she attended before she was blackballed. I am pretty sure that I've seen pictures of Jill with various Bateses, but it's been years.
  6. Jill's "old fashioned" bullshit usually emerges when she's butthurt about something. This time, it came out on the day after Lawson Bates' wedding. The bride wore a sleeveless gown with a slit halfway up her thigh. A perfect time for her to natter on about how HER children are better.
  7. Does the UBE exam override the 3-5 years of practice that OK generally requires for reciprocity?
  8. Just saw the cross. Looks like they nailed together a couple of 2x6s and threw some flowers on it. Lame.
  9. I don't see the tabs running with the Was Smuggar Framed? narrative. Their eggs are in the "sex pest" basket. They will happily report his sentence come the 25th, the more years, the better.
  10. I recall more names on the pass list than people at the swearing-in.
  11. Not so fast, Oklahoma! https://www.instagram.com/p/CdhfjADqTcd/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  12. "...an altar that included a 9-foot wooden cross made by the groom's brothers..." 🙄
  13. Emily D. Baker is rolling through the memos. She's on the defense memo now. She does not like Smuggar. Like at all. She's snarking at almost every sentence by Gelfand. Can't wait until.she gets to the letters. 😂
  14. Some pics from the yacht. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdg8hCmADNb/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  15. I hope baby (Ashley) Madyson is past the age that Smuggar is attracted to when he's released. I want all the remaining children at home to be safe.
  16. Oh please be true! The scumbag deserves to serve every second of his sentence.
  17. Yeah, I totally side eye the $2000/mo to Mrs. Clark. How much money can one receive before one has to report to the IRS?
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