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YES!! That was one of the best eliminations on this show EVER, right up there when CT carried Johnny like a backpack! Goodbye Ashley! I am so glad Hunters team won, I was literally jumping up and down and cheering, lol. On the flip side, I now completely and utterly dislike Zach. He's a total douche. Treating Jenna like that was so wrong. Can't wait for next week. 🙂
Seems this is the week for my shows getting on my nerves. First a contestant that I love on a different show that I watch did not win. And now, we have to wait ANOTHER week to find out who won on this one. Don't get me wrong, I love this show and the reunions. However I truthfully feel they could of at least let us know who to hell won. I for one would of still watched the rest of the reunion. Ugh.
I'm so glad I came here instead of watching this on my dvr. I love Khrys and the fact she didn't win just rankles. I know in a way it's a good thing. Still.
S10.E01: Twenty Years to Life / S10.E02: Dress to Impress
Jwd replied to tessaray's topic in Roseanne [V]
"Cereal you say" LMAO!! I couldn't be happier this show is back on. Welcome back Roseanne and all. :) -
never mind lol
I Lol'd at that. Too funny. Tony may be an idiot, but he is one Fiiinnnnneee idiot. LOL Shallow I know, but there I said it. :)
After watching the longer video (thank you rereader 2) I like the last 2 collections. I too don't really like Brandons prints, however, his collection and the last one are a lot better imo than the others. I think the first two collections in that video are hideous.
I wonder how that is going to work out now that both of them, CT and Jordan, are both at the redemption house. Either 2 guys and 2 girls come back from this second redemption house or the spoiler is wrong. I'm hoping for the latter, with the hopes CT pulls out the win. :)
WAIT!!! Did anyone hear that? I swear it was a collective cheer from the entire Challenge watching world!!! LOL :) WTG Wes.
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Upon re-watch, Louise re Johnny, ignore him, he has the iq of a banana. LOL hehe
Yike the Pros are Scary! lol
Stranded With A Million Dollars - General Discussion
Jwd replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Stranded With A Million Dollars
While they did not share, they gave the others the opportunity to purchase what ever they wanted. They could have gotten food but they chose not too because of greed. Which I find ironic as all we hear from cody is about them taking money out of his mouth and his families mouth, yet each and every time there is a luxury reward he has no qualms about spending their money. cody and makani are evil rotten pos that are consumed by greed. I can't believe production hasn't stepped in here. First they take the pot so that Alex and Gina can't boil water to drink and then "poison" the only water they can drink. Nasty. And yes, they should have given them some food. For Christs sakes, they've had 1 meal in 4 days, cody and makani had the luxury meal, they have peanut butter (I honestly don't care that they were able to hoard it, that may be because they had a luxury meal and didn't have to use their peanut butter) therefore when they won that extra food they were no where near hungry and there's 2 people who are STARVING. While I get that it's a game and you want the others to quit, if they haven't quit after starving for 4 days, odds are they are going to hang tough any way so why not be a decent human being and do the damned right thing? Ugh. -
Stranded With A Million Dollars - General Discussion
Jwd replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Stranded With A Million Dollars
cody and makani two low life pieces of shit. And not to damned bright. Admitting on national tv they are trying to murder (by poisoning the water) their competitors isn't too damned bright. Can you say murder 1 if they die? And then to win food and NOT give them any knowing they're starving? Besides pedophiles I have never seen two lower scums of the earth. IMO -
Although I think the 2nd team was a clusterf*ck, and John most likely should have gone home, I am doing a happy dance now that they sent Katsuji home. Dude seriously got on my nerves. Yes!
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I thought the group dance was amazing. I think it was one of the best group dances since this show began. :) I also loved the little girl who did the dainty and dangerous dance. She was great in that dance. It was beautiful. I feel bad for the little girl who did the Charlie Chaplin dance. Between her mother and Abby that poor kids going to need psychiatrists for life. :( :(