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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. Amen! First off, why couldn't she be honest on the application? She clearly knew it was wrong which is why she confessed it to Binh. Binh may have erroneously thought you can't be an RN without a bachelor's, but he basically was confronted with: the stranger I married just told me she lied on the application. What else did she lie about? A normal person would chalk it up to a misunderstanding that was catapulted by the confession and also assumed some blame. Well, I did lie on the application, even if it was a technicality, and he made an incorrect assumption based on my telling him I liked on the application. Most people would've given him a little grace knowing that he's paired with a stranger and the lie reveal would probably have most people wondering: who did I marry? She takes ZERO blame. And then she has the gall to talk constantly about her inability to trust him. Why didn't the show ever hold her the slightest bit accountable? Instead, Binh sounds like a battered spouse. I've said it before but given before she ever met Binh, she was already accusing him of lying about having COVID, she can't trust anyone because she knows she's not trustworthy.
  2. Good points. It just seems like she constantly talks about having this other side to her that's crazy. If i had someone constantly telling me oh you haven't seen me at 10...I would be pretty concerned. It seems like she's either power tripping on it, proud of it, or it's so insane she's trying to ease him into it so he's not surprised. Miguel might be an awful person but I find Lindy to be very passive aggressive and disingenuous. And I think she's got some major issues.
  3. How on earth is this Miguel being scared about her being unstable something to knock him for? If Miguel kept telling Lindy about going to 10 angry and that he's never seen this, would we be blaming the potential victim of a loose cannon? He's got every right to be concerned about how bad she could possibly get especially when he's seen the instability, but not yet the this one goes to 10 instability.
  4. Clearly whatever the discussion was initially led Binh to think she was indeed lying. He was confused on what, but the initial lie was all on Morgan. But let's go back several episodes: She floated the theory that Binh lied about having COVID to get out of the wedding. Before she ever met him. You don't make a leap like that unless you're paranoid. Likely paranoid because she knows she's capable of lying during this process because she herself lied on the application. To me, that's very telling about who she actually is. She lied, she knew it was wrong , she confessed to Binh. And yet despite that, she took zero responsibility for her own lie while chastising Binh. I doubt Binh ever would've made the leap that she wasn't a "real" (as in degreed nurse) if it wasn't for her telling the deep dark secret which of course is being touted as just a technicality. She's got no leg to stand on.
  5. That's because Morgan has probably been on the hot seat for years about her own mistruths -- she lies so she can't trust anyone else. I'm sure she calls all her lies "technicalities."
  6. As cute as she is (personally I find her irritating so she isn't even cute to me anymore), Lindy strikes me as inauthentic and mentally ill. There is a lot of stuff under the surface.
  7. I've moved on from my intense irritation of her because Morgan and Alexis. But I think Lindy's whole cutesy little girl act just that -- an act. She's probably had men think she was the cutest thing ever with her baby girl act, but in reality she's quite passive aggressive. Miguel seems smitten now but I'd bet they don't make it after saying "yes" on D day.
  8. Morgan needs to take a hard look at herself. No one has to keep a secret in which you lied. This one might not been a whopper of one, it might have been a technicality. But she clearly knew it was wrong which is why she confessed it as some deep dark secret to Binh. She's clearly capable of lying about other things. She's very paranoid about lying to the point where before she even knew Binh's name, she already had it in her head he was lying about having COVID. That's not a normal reaction and to me very telling -- she's quite clearly capable of pulling a stunt like that, probably has, so she knows other people are as well. Binh was wrong, clearly misunderstood that she could be a nurse w/o a bachelors. I can understand her being upset that he was telling people that she wasn't really a nurse. But would he have made that leap without her deep dark secret/lie? Nope. In my experience, the people that go on and on about being someone "lying to their face" are always the ones that do that routinely to other people. I can understand if Binh's knee jerk reaction impugned her character (well, when it comes to her actually being a nurse) would be a sore spot. That the therapist didn't even try to understand how and why this happened and just accepted Binh's Stepford Wives type of responses of everything is his fault without prodding further disturbs me, particularly when he opened up about his own father's way of shouting at him creating triggers for him. Unless it's just editing, it bothered me that there seemed to be zero questioning of Morgan for why Binh walked away thinking SHE was the major liar.
  9. YES. Every now and then BF and I are super silly and make dumb jokes during sex. It makes it that much better!
  10. The fact that she even thought that to be a possibility told me that she's capable of pulling stunts to get out of things too.
  11. Haven't there been other cast members that were going to school? I would bet lying about her BSN is just one of many she's told all throughout her life. She can't trust anyone because she can't be trusted. No one is this paranoid unless they have a reason to be paranoid.
  12. I literally gasped when Dave gave Tash the ultimatum that he was going to reveal their secret which of course wasn't much of a secret. And then when the word "slut" came out I had chills. This guy seems unhinged. That said, I feel like Tash used him for sex. I don't believe for one minute that she wanted to keep their relationship a secret because OMG I cheated on my BF. I think Dave is her dirty little secret -- she has an attraction to him sexually but doesn't want others to know. Maybe it's the excitement of the secret. Maybe she doesn't think he's hot enough to be public with? I don't know but she definitely sent a shit ton of mixed messages as it seems he thought they were in a relationship. Wasn't she basically wanting them to room together initially? Thought she basically directed him to the cabin to room with her. But then she already seemed tuned out on Dave and he was picking up on it and confused. Then after he got weird with man bun boy, and she seemed turned off again, she ends up demanding sex from him again? Then is back to ignoring him. Not that he would've behaved any differently, but if she should've been clear about what she wanted and didn't want. And I would bet if this was a female crew member that was dealing with a guy dicking them around, we'd probably cheer him being called a fuck boy in a text. I bet Tash, for all of her beauty, is deeply insecure and needs someone, anyone to validate her attractiveness all.the.time.
  13. OMG watching Morgan right now stoned is both frightening and hilarious at the same time. I think she's the worst person yet.
  14. Anyone as paranoid as Morgan and as dramatic as Morgan about being talked about has a lot of skeletons in the past. She started off by being shady with the deep dark secret of not finishing her bachelors degree but lying about it on the application. Now she's protesting loudly about him lying to her face. She's full of shit, this one. I don't know what else she's hiding but I'm going to guess she's the one who has issues with the truth.
  15. I like, respect you, like, soooooo much. Like, how many times does like Lindy talk about respect? It's like, her like favorite like throwaway work other than like.
  16. Maybe that's because she's high strung and insecure and it gets incredibly irritating to be around 24/7. She's cute to look at, seems sweet (although I think she's actually extremely passive aggressive and child-like in a not good way), so I'm sure he's conflicted. But the bottom line is she's high strung and insecure and that is HARD to be around. (Totally co-sign the Mitch comments)
  17. Mitch is absolutely the worst and yet I'd still rather be around him than Lindy whose every word annoys the fuck out of me particularly the way she says things.
  18. $35? Unless he works for the government, it would likely be far more than that. And given that she doesn't carry her own insurance, didn't care to, wasn't pressed about it until being legally married, I'm pretty confident she wasn't looking to pay the difference.
  19. Sarah is so fucking annoying to me. Doesn't she realize that there are modern female Arabs before her? She's not any sort of trailblazer in keeping traditions and yet trying to break away from some.
  20. Right, but as the poster above me noted, she doesn't have an objection to changing her name, just not yet. So if it's too soon for her to change her name, but ultimately she would I suppose when she feels like their marriage is legit, why the fuck is she guilt tripping him over wanting to wait to see if the marriage is indeed legit before adding her to his insurance? She's not an uninsured child. She's an adult that has a doctorate in her field, which is in HEALTH CARE, but would rather work part time and travel than pay for her own insurance.
  21. Ah true. It's ironic that she's using the "but we're married" card for insurance, but it's too soon for her to change her last name to his.
  22. And that's exactly why her pouting about it, then laying on the heavy guilt trip about her getting hit by some bus or whatever other bullshit she was spewing is ridiculous. As I said before, she clearly must be able to afford it if she can afford to work when she wants, travel when she wants but she just wants to spend her money on fun things.
  23. I would bet that he doesn't really care all that much about the name change but knows that this is something she feels strongly about. He also knows he doesn't feel strongly about adding a stranger he just married to his insurance plan and she's going to continue to hound him. So he can hang the name change over her head as a reason why he's not adding to her to his insurance yet. I mean, she went apeshit over his comment about the 8 weeks.
  24. If I were Miguel, I'd be particularly concerned that she actually works in health care and still doesn't have insurance. If you have money to not work full time, money to travel, then you're intentionally not carrying insurance. It's not because you can't afford it. You just consider it SOMEONE ELSE'S PRIORITY TO PAY FOR IT.
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