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Posts posted by chediavolo

  1. I have this recorded and will watch it later. I really hope that makes sense because I love and I am beyond. And I love cats and I’m hoping they are shown a lot in the sitcom!! If last Man standing, probably the most egregious sitcom on TV today,  can last all those seasons let’s give this one a chance!!

  2. On 12/30/2020 at 11:37 AM, DanaK said:

    Very interesting American Masters documentary on author Laura Ingalls Wilder of "Little House" fame. I knew a little about her because of the Little House on the Prairie tv series, but I learned a lot from the doc. It appears that despite the racism in her books, the books are still pretty popular to today's kids

    I don’t think I would like reading about that time in history, It doesn’t interest me. I did watch Little House on the Prairie years ago. The documentary was pretty interesting seems like her daughter did most of the writing. It was interesting to see the different viewpoints from people of different nationalities.  The one woman who was giving opinions,  I don’t know what her name was, that laughed every time she finished  a comment  was driving me crazy. She wasn’t even saying anything funny I was just disturbing. 
    seems like Pa was a bit of a loser! And not much like he was portrayed in the series. I can’t believe how many times they moved. I still can’t understand why anyone at that time would leave the East Coast to go live in the wild west but that’s just me🙂

  3. 11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    Jake, when you have a guest in your room, please put on a shirt or robe or something. No one wants to see you half-naked. How convenient that as Abigail was leaving Jake's room that she was still in her robe. Jake, maybe Kate is used to the more executive type. There is nothing wrong with a high-powered woman dating a mechanic.

    Yes and we don’t want to see his flabby body either. Yuk. Agree, Any woman should be able do you date any man regardless of their professions. 

  4. On 12/31/2020 at 3:34 PM, BuckeyeLou said:

    Just Random thoughts today:  Jake's hair seems to get higher & bigger every day, I guess he hasnt had time for a hair cut 🙂  Why is Chad acting SO Stupid?!  Ugh, complaining about his wife being mentally ill & then insinuating that she is faking it, ugh.  Gwennie: you are a bad, bad girl.

    That hair is ridiculous. Looks horrible. Not having hair and make up on the set is really showing how much they are needed. Again, Maggie’s Way too large and youthful looking wig, will be  falling down over her eyes soon. 

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  5. 10 hours ago, tessaray said:

    Posts can't be deleted by users. If you have something that needs attention, you can either  PM one of the forum mods or report the post with a brief description of what needs to be done. 

    The mods for The Conners are @Pallas, @statsgirl and @tessaray (me).

    Thanks for the info. What is the reason for this? I’ve never been to another forum where you can’t delete your post.  

    10 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

    I believe they will pay out if a suicide occurs more than a year after the policy is bought.

    That’s news to me. Paying out that way seems wrong in principle and uncharacteristically generous of the evil insurance companies. 

  6. On 12/5/2020 at 2:58 AM, Yeah No said:

    Yeah, my husband and I fall into that category.  He owns and operates his own limo. and has had virtually zero work since March.  I am unemployed.  He will be 65 in March.  I am 62.  We have not yet decided to collect Social Security - both of us will have to be at least 66 to collect the full amount and we don't want to take the lower amount.  We have had the rug pulled out from under us at a really bad time in life.  Although we are not in as sorry shape as Dan in some ways (we will be able to collect Social Security and I have a pension and 401Ks), in others his situation is all too much like our lives.  My husband never saved much for retirement, thinking he'd just work part time driving the limo. as he hates being idle anyway.  He will probably be able to go back to that but not for a year or so yet until the vaccine makes people start traveling again.

    Is it true that Dan never paid into Social Security?  I'd find that hard to believe, unless he worked "off the books", although I don't know as much about this show as many here do because I never really watched it much back in the day.  Even self-employed people pay taxes and can get Social Security.  Even people that never worked can get SSI or whatever it's called when you never paid into Social Security.  It's less but it's still something.

    Oops never mind. If we make an error  can’t we delete a post here?!


    On 12/7/2020 at 1:45 PM, TheLastKidPicked said:

    Leave it to @needschocolate to come up with a clever connection!

    Unfortunately, I think the answer is a little sadder.  Dan knew that if he had life insurance, at least he would be leaving something behind when he died.  He didn't even have that, and now it was too late.


    And another idiot “plan” from Dan. Life insurance would not pay if he killed himself. 

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  7. On 12/4/2020 at 5:38 PM, readster said:

    Yep and as I mentioned above. Dan finally got a really good job with benefits and a pension, then blew it all to take his family to Disney World and take the prison job with Chuck. 

    Idiot move. Typical trash decision. You reap what you sow. It’s maddening because I see it all the time in surrounding areas.  They need to teach finances in school every single year because I can’t believe how clueless and ignorant some people are. 

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  8. On 12/3/2020 at 10:00 AM, TattleTeeny said:

    I laughed at Harris just immediately up and leaving for the protest right then and there! Abrupt!

    I always thought Becky's outrage at Dan & Roseanne about the college money was warranted. I dealt with something similar and it sucked. I mean, I didn't run off and elope (or scream at everyone), but I was mad!

    A  college fund always makes me laugh !! I had no college fund, my child had no college fund. I know there are times and people where it’s hard enough to pay the bills month to month , keep a roof over your head, a running vehicle , food, etc. never mind putting aside money for children’s education unfortunately. 

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  9. On 12/2/2020 at 10:39 PM, SHD said:

    Were we supposed to be surprised that Robin is trans?

    This show’s relationship with Covid is puzzling. It relies so much on current events that they can’t pretend they’re in a world where Covid doesn’t exist, but their choices of when they use masks and when they don’t makes no sense.

    That made Becky look like a fool. It is obvious she might be trans.  And since I am not educated on the subject, why would the boss not want to take the Pee test because of that? Would the results show that she was formerly male before her transition  or was it some thing else?

  10. Hey why did everybody stop posting here? This was fun! 
    Not clothes but what happened to Maggies wigs?! Is she putting them on herself? Besides the styles being waaaay too young for her, they are ill fitting, slipping down her forehead. I’m embarrassed for her. I keep getting distracted during her scenes. I can only concentrate on the dead animal devouring her head.  

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  11. On 11/12/2020 at 10:49 PM, BuckeyeLou said:

    I had some laugh out loud moments during tonight's episode.  All the inter-actions between the various employees were funny.  And Jonah is funnier without Amy.

    I am glad Amy is gone. 

    On 11/13/2020 at 1:32 AM, Cotypubby said:

    I’d be lying if I said I haven’t done that exact same thing. 😂 

    I just wait till the he aisle is clear & pull it down.  If I can’t smell it I don’t buy it

  12. 14 hours ago, madhacker said:

    Hey at least today we got a sample of the *Absolved via softcore nudity* with Charlie today. Wow, those shirts were hiding an awesome body. BTW in case anybody's interested Mike Manning is openly bisexual and has done several gay themed movies including nudity. Just sayin'

    That scene had me 😂. Then  I ff’d and only caught a glimpse. But from what I saw I much rather see Xander shitless😀. I also can’t stand the character and can’t wait for him to be gone, hopefully. 

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  13. 15 hours ago, preeya said:

    He's not very believable as a powerful gangster boss.

    Question: were they eating dinner (gazpacho) in a restaurant, or was that their palatial mansion? I didn't see any waiters and the wife took the soup to get it heated.

    He played Arnold Rothstein in boardwalk empire. I thought he was pretty believable in that, different era, kind of gangster though I guess

    • Love 1
  14. On 12/27/2020 at 1:46 PM, Bluesky said:

    Why is the grandmother the same age as her son-in-law?  Horrible casting, I assumed it was his sister in law. 

    She is a few years older, maybe three or four.  Hollywood is notorious for doing this to women. Well especially women who aren't plastic surgeried to death and look at their actual age. Did they ever show a photo of his wife? I have been paying perfect attention. I bet if they did she looks 20 years younger than him. Another  “fuck you” to women from Hollywood. 

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  15. That was the worst Christmas episode days has ever aired. If it weren’t for Steve and Kayla, occasionally Marlena and John, although I think it’s just me remembering the old them, I would have stopped watching this already. I said it before I wouldn’t mind if they stopped producing new episodes and just started airing the old ones from the beginning maybe one episode from each week because I don’t think I’ll live long enough to watch them all  😀

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  16. 7 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    Not that I know anything about kids, but I just assumed that twins normally came early and were premature. Lani was a pro throughout the birth, she didn't seem to have any meds or an epidural and her hair and makeup looked great. And no mess to clean up after. No taking the babies away for a bit to weigh and measure them, see if they are okay.  Yep.

    The annual story and Santa were early. We usually don't see that til Christmas Day.

    Valerie looked like she just came from some fancy holiday party. Can't imagine that the grandparents would be able to see the babies until they were examined and then it would be through the maternity ward window.

    Bye, Joey. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. You will be much happier in Seattle. Who is going to pay for his plane ticket? Mom and Dad? Stephanie?

    Roman, you have a big mouth and the Brady Pub sure had a sad party. Hi Sami! Nice to see you again. Roman really should not have told you anything. It was up to Allie to talk to you and 'fess up. Allie's story is still hazy.

    Lucas, why show up at Ava's/Tripp's apartment?

    Tripp, wouldn't you find it a bit odd to find all those unsent Christmas cards? At least you are reporting that Ava has been missing for 48 hours.

    The little noises she was making while pushing had me rolling!🤣very unrealistic birth, for twins no less.  But we really don’t want visual reality either🤢 I didn’t even know it was SO easy to deliver twins naturally. 
    So do the kids at the hospital think Santa has an eye patch now? Also, I usually ff’d the reading but is that what they usually read to the sick little children? Kind of heavy and WAY over their heads. I was WTF?! 
    Holy shit Valerie must have made quite an impression on the plane. Between her breasts spilling out and her hair needing its own seat. I feel sorry for the person sitting next to her. 
    Roman does have a big mouth and that whole scene was incredibly badly s as cited. ( bad actor!) why would he start spewing something like that in the middle of a video call? Moron. 


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  17. Agree about dementia for Frank and the utter nerve of Tami asking if the Gallagher’s would chip in. Especially Debbie’s truck. Lip is whipped. 
    Can’t help but notice that Debbie’s girlfriend has the greasiest most disgusting looking hair🤮 She looks like she smells and never bathes. Also looks like she is going bald, which with the right style can be hidden.  Why do they let the actress look this unkempt? She had access to a shower and shampoo. 

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  18. 12 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

    Are they going anywhere with the “John’s personality is different from the aneurysm” shit or?  🤷‍♀️ 

    it feels like filler. 

    These front burner story lines are boring. 

    The Kiriakis mansion set looked nice (Jennifer Aniston paid to have that built so her dad who plays Victor could work from home). Since she’s such an A List star I’ve always wondered if at awards shows when she sees Julia Roberts, who is a big Days fan, ever fan girled over her dad.  

    Wait so all the actors at the Kiriakis mansion are actually filming in John Anistons actual house? Wow. 

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