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Posts posted by chediavolo

  1. 12 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

    The Phoenix couple, where did she get that voice at the beginning of the episode?  Yes, she’s from the UK, but it sounded so fake, so clipped.  But he was also a pain in the butt, thinking he’s the cock of the block, which he’s definitely not.  God, he really thought he was wealthy royalty.  I don’t know, but I can’t help but think they’re totally fake.  And why did he need “something much bigger, much more grand”?  After living in the Phoenix area for 10 years, I can tell you that housing in Mesa is strange. You can have a $900,000 house, but then on either side there are houses for $250,000. We saw that all the time.  I didn’t think the third house fit with the Southwest.  It looked more East Coast and to be honest, it looked cheap.  And believe me, you do not want carpet in Arizona.  You learn that when you step on your first scorpion that’s burrowed into it.  My aunt had a 6200 sqft house, and her utility bill was $1400 per month in summer.  

    Asshole just needed to show off how much money he makes by buying an ugly McMansion.. Didn't like either of them.


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  2. On 7/27/2020 at 7:29 PM, scorpio1031 said:

    It should be on CBS.com by now.

    I must be one of about 5 people left in the world without unlimited broadband or fiber optic or whatever. So I am not able to watch streaming tv, apps, etc etc etc like 99% of the world. I am furious. We are still waiting in my area to be served. Verizon "unlimited " is 15gb then slows down. Phone data gets used up quickly too. I feel so left out besides feeling furious that unlimited high speed broadband is not a utility. 

    • Love 1
  3. On 7/26/2020 at 12:15 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    Oh God I knew it. I knew that it would happen THIS year.

    But you know what? I'm not sad. I mean, I'm a little sad but she made it to 104. She had a long full life, a stellar career and left this horrible year with all the class and dignity she had in life. A legend to the very end.

    So rest in peace Olivia de Havilland. You deserve it. Hope you finally made peace with Joan on the other side.

    No need to be sad though, she was 104. Living to 104 is a nightmare for most people. I don't know how Ms. De Havilland's  health was up till the end.  Still, I love old time Hollywood actors and farewell to her.  It's hard to feel sad for such an age when your mom dies at 40. 

    • Love 8
  4. I can't believe I missed Sebastian Maniscalco because of a funeral!!!!😧 And DOOL...Why do they do this? Put in on as a special on one of the many many cable channels. No need to interrupt 3 hours of tv time for those of us who rely on our Dishes, no broadband. Why couldn't it have been any other show? DAMM IT>>>>>>.

    • Love 1
  5. On 7/9/2020 at 11:00 PM, NYGirl said:

    There are no words to describe the 2 episodes of tonight.  First the girl in Colorado with the annoying mother.  The mother was worried about her view when she comes to visit;  That poor girl didn't know the mother planned on coming for an extensive visit in the future.  She ended up with the right choice for her even though she didn't want to do any work at all...even changing out a shower curtain was considered work to her.

    The beautiful scenery in Oklahoma!  However, we have an idiot House Hunter with vocal fry who only wants to go to wineries and restaurants while living in a vacation home near the lake...and only wants a 1 bedroom house even though she has a baby.  I'm sure they will have more in the future... maybe they can sleep on the front porch??  She thinks a loft is "awful" and doesn't understand the concept.  The realtor was hard to understand and she looked like Roseanne Barr.  I'm not a fan of log cabins with wood walls all over the house. 

    At least they picked the one that they can make the nook a guest room.  I don't think they planned on taking the baby with them when they went to the lake .. 

    Colorado's girls mom was super annoying. I wanted her to take a condo and not cave. Good. How far away did the mother live that she wants to spend weeks with her daughter? I missed that part. Being so short statured, I was wondering how comfortable it is for her (and her mom too) to cook and do dishes. Also, they never show enough of the cats on these shows! I was enthralled. 

    • Love 2
  6. 12 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    The stairs thing does crack me up. I’m 55 & we had stairs growing up. As did, all my friends. Um, no one ever died from having them that I recall.

    YES! Another irritation! What is with parents these days? Separate bedrooms for each little darling, no stairs, no pools, their own bathroom. Talk about spoiled and coddled.  We played on the stairs all the time. Slide down the stairs on a pillow, slide down the bannister, see if we could climb down from the top of the stairs to the bottom. Sure we COULD have gotten hurt. It's a good thing kids today don't know what play is and all they do is look at their phones and computers. We had fun outside and in!

    • Love 7
  7. 17 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

    What is it that so many HH talk about being creeped out by bathrooms not being new.  Sheesh, so you haven’t ever been to a hotel or used a toilet in any public building?  Scrub the toilet and floors and you’re just fine. 

    The Palm Coast husband and that stupid soul patch made it look like he had a huge piece of chewing tobacco in his mouth. It was unattractive. 

    P's me off too. Some of don't have the $$ or want a new build which are many times nowhere near the quality of older homes. But the bathroom. Yes, bleach is a godsend. Change the toilet seat for sure, even get a  new one if you want, pay someone for a day to do a thorough cleaning, but otherwise, some people are crazy germaphobes.

    • Love 4
  8. 17 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

    What is it that so many HH talk about being creeped out by bathrooms not being new.  Sheesh, so you haven’t ever been to a hotel or used a toilet in any public building?  Scrub the toilet and floors and you’re just fine. 

    The Palm Coast husband and that stupid soul patch made it look like he had a huge piece of chewing tobacco in his mouth. It was unattractive. 

    And they want to gut the vintage tile! I just renovated one of my bathrooms with vintage fixtures. I love that look. plus I am against gutting original features if they are not crumbling. I am staunchly on the side of , keep the house to the time it was built. ( that's why I love Restored) Whenever I see a vintage home that has been updated, I want to cry. Because 99% of the time it is destroyed. If you want a new house, buy one or renovate a home that had no class to begin with. 

    • Love 8
  9. My husband walked through the room as I was watching on Friday and said "look at the "boobs" on that girl! They are really out there. I have to agree, I don't know if they are fake or not or just young and firm enough to be pushed up so that they look like cantaloupes. I have to say I was never one for looking sexy, alluring, whatever in a wedding dress. At least not at the church. Respect in a place of worship, well that's what I was taught. I'm not young but I'm not old, I've been to weddings where the bride wore a little coverlet at the church and then took it off after the church. It just seems wrong to me to have your breasts out on display in a Catholic church. I sound like a frigid old fart. I assure you I am not in the least!

    • Love 6
  10. On 7/18/2020 at 1:55 AM, Cheezwiz said:

    This was a bit of a meandering documentary, but interesting to get perspective from child actors of many different generations. My takeaway from this and from watching entertainment media in general is that usually nothing good comes from involving young kids in showbiz. If I were a director or casting agent in the business, I think I'd feel pretty conflicted about casting kids in my production.

    It sounds as if people's experiences range from rote workplace mistreatment to horrific abuse. And the sexual abuse is so much more prevalent than anyone imagined. After seeing the scandals involving people like Kevin Spacey, and Bryan Singer blow up. I now understand that the narrative I grew up with - that kid actors were spoiled, didn't know how to handle success, and blew everything on drugs - had something much more sinister going on underneath. From what I've heard networks like Disney & Nickelodeon are magnets for pedophiles, and abuse is still swept under the rug. Horrifying. I have no idea who Evan Rachel Wood was referring to when she was at the Golden Globes (they briefly flashed on Bryan Singer), but I could feel her distress coming through the screen.

    And even if the kid somehow dodges bullets and escapes mistreatment and abuse, if they're successful and work steadily, they don't develop proper life skills. It seems like a no-win situation. Kids should just be kids.

    I had no idea Henry Thomas had such a difficult time as a kid, and I didn't understand why he didn't become a big star like his co-star Drew Barrymore. He was recently in The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix, and is very talented - hopefully he will find his way back to work he enjoys - I've always liked him. I was really impressed with how intelligent Mara Wilson & the silent actress who played Baby Peggy were.

    Milla Jovovich was (and still is) incredibly beautiful. She released an album when she was still a teenager, and I really liked it. She definitely could have pursued music instead of acting had she chosen that path instead.

    I really did not care for the present-day kid they were following around on the audition circuit with his Mom. He seemed to be always "on" and was straight-up unappealing because of it. I thought it was very telling when he was filmed with just the acting coach - he did not seem anywhere near as enthused as he had previously claimed. It seemed this was Mama's dream he was living out. 



    I could not stand that "present day kid" either, what ever his name is. I doubt we will ever know. He doesn't seem to be anything but annoying. I hate to say it but I did not care for Cameron Boyce either. Was sad to see he passed of course even so. This could have been a limited series. From Baby Peggy's time to now. It could have been very interesting if they had interviewed more actors over the spam of films. Is there a book? 

    • Love 2
  11. Just saw this on Direct tv. What a piece of crap. Yes Emila Clarke is adorable, the eyebrows though can be distracting. Figured out the twist very early on. This could have been on Lifetime or Hallmark.  What schlock.  Remember at one point she says to her boss something like "so your name isn't Santa".. Really, did she think the woman's name was Santa. It was so contrived. Can't believe someone got the $$ and go ahead to make this. 

  12. 19 hours ago, scrb said:

    Could it be that Patton overlooked the things Michelle was into because he was still the moonstruck schlub still awestruck that the greatest girl in the world chose him?

    Did he try to confront her about the drug use?  If she was using heavily, she might have been slipping in taking care of the child and other things when he was on the road.

    He really did seem to put her too high on a pedestal and overlooked things that were probably clear. Like asking for her mothers prescription. 

    • Love 4
  13. 14 hours ago, Vella said:

    When the brother said that there were no crime scene clean up companies back then and how it was left to family/friends to wipe blood off walls and scrub out of carpets, I just shook my head in disbelief. How he and his fiancee took on the task of spending hours cleaning off his sister-in-law's blood off the bed frame and such, that would be such a trauma by itself.  Even in the case of a murder, it appeared there were few resources for people to use to help them.  I was so relieved when the wife of the couple interviewed said she wasn't diagnosed with PTSD until she went to therapy, it was like finally! someone was mentioning THERAPY.  I also found it interesting that both seemed very career oriented and after the home invasion and rape, they were both so fundamentally changed by it that their course altered entirely. Yet it makes complete sense, as Michelle described it, it doesn't just hurt and traumatize YOU, it destroys your world because the attacks happened in the home.  So tragic, but also so interesting.

    The last victim, Janelle Cruz, was just a haunting story. Not only what the GSK did to her, but how a few years earlier she had been raped at a sleepover by the other girl's father and how it had never been reported.  I wonder if anything ever came of that. Probably nothing.

    I just kept thinking. Why clean? Throw it out. Is he going to actually live there still, let alone sleep in that bed?!

    2 hours ago, marny said:

    I wish that instead of just asking for a deadline delay on her book that Michelle had just told her publisher that the book isn’t happening. It’s clear that her passion was solving the case and that the book was both a distraction from doing that and an added time pressure on her. Without the book looming over her, she could have gone through those boxes at her own pace instead of what she was doing because she obviously felt terribly pressured to get through it all thoroughly but quickly. Unfortunately, if she had backed out of the book deal, she probably would have felt like a failure since publishing a book was a longtime dream. But the reality is, she wasn’t an author. She was an investigator who had a talent for writing well about her findings. Her heart was in solving the case, not the book. 

    I’ve had a hard time finding info about what Michelle McNamara did for a career before starting her true crime blog (and the documentary doesn’t really talk about this). Does anyone here happen to know? 

    And it's obvious she had  a drug problem. I wish we knew more about her life also. Something just feels off to me. Also seems like she had little regard or time for her husband and child. 

    • Love 6
  14. This was disappointing. Loved Jacksons catio. I was hoping he would introduce us to all his pets. Kinda icked out about the rooster in the house. I was just not into either family or their problems. When is this show coming back for real? It did not look like the larger family could afford to do any catification, although there are ways of doing it cheaply if you are the least bit handy. No A/C in California. Yikes, made me want to send them a window unit. 

  15. On 7/18/2020 at 1:14 PM, LittleIggy said:

    Dallas: Another woman who needs to tone down the make-up! She was pretty and didn’t need all that spackle. I guess that is what female Texan realtors are supposed to look like. Why on earth did they need such a huge house? The second house made me laugh when they walked into that enormous paneled room with the fireplace and columns. They were, like, what is this? I was thinking, “Why it’s your Great Hall for when your vassals come to banquet with you!“ 😆

    I thought the same thing. The makeup was horrible. Who did it? A mortician? Yuk. Why 5 bedrooms? What the hell is wrong with people? They have to have the biggest and the best or what they think is. Because they were all ugly.

    • Love 2
  16. On 7/11/2020 at 5:02 PM, EdnasEdibles said:

    This is going to sound terrible because the show is riveting and horrifying but . . . I really can’t stand Michelle’s overly dramatic writing/narration. I know it’s not her narrating it. But “I hunted a killer with a laptop!” Makes me 🙄 a little. I feel that with so much of the narration and then I feel bad. 

    There is something about her...well, besides that we see she was obsessed. Remember how she said at one point something like "at least I have drugs". Just little things I hear her say, ...I understand what you are saying. 

    • Love 2
  17. I've always disliked Jenna and fast forwarded her parts. Who am I kidding, I ff'd 99% of this shitshow disguised as a 30Rock special. So disappointing. A couple of funny lines from Jack Donague . All it was was an ad for Peacock. Which is what, reruns of past shows? Looks like crap. And I am tired of the Covid, so we are at home shows. All it does it make me more anxious. I want to forget about this not have to watch social distancing, masks, zoom on my tv. 

    • Love 1
  18. 13 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    I agree, I wish there were another word. "I like" lacks enthusiasm due to the fact everyone uses love. I am sorry about people not reaching out to you. I'm sure you're not a loser and perfectly lovely. 🙂 Deep down I always felt phoniness from certain individuals despite the "love you's" and crap.

    Thank You...😌

    • Love 2
  19. On 7/7/2020 at 2:53 PM, RealHousewife said:

    I found the love discussion interesting. Sharon has a point about how the word is thrown around so loosely. I'm guilty of this. I love this candy. I love this dress. I love this, I love that. Now I've never been someone who used it loosely with people. I've definitely experienced being not the receiving end of phony I love you's. It's a pet peeve of mine. I have a friend who started saying I love you early into our friendship. I think she "loved" going out and having fun with me. She has not checked on me once during the pandemic. 

    I'm with Sheryl on McDreamy! I don't care if I'm healthy as a horse, Patrick Dempsey is welcome to give me house calls anytime. 🙂

    Ugh, Sharon. What a pill. Interesting about the use of the word Love though. There should be another word for different kinds of love. I think this is done in other languages. BTW, I have friends and relatives who purport to be so fond , love?, me. No one reached out to me during the pandemic either. Actually, I reached out to quite a few people and I don't know how much people even appreciate it. I feel like a loser sometime. 

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