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Everything posted by batesj

  1. We KNOW that they are not allowed to cut up the 10x10 tarp and nobody ever HAS cut up the 20x20, in spite of the obvious need to do so. Therefore you must bring the 12x12 tarp and it should be a reflective tarp. Barry had one custom made. It's more versatile/useful by far than the sleeping bag. you dont need the ferrood, either, if you know the 5 easy ways to make fire without it. Bow drill sucks.! The bow, axe, saw, belt knife, paracord, and gillnet are all inferior picks. to the Cold steel shovel, modified to have 8" of saw edge, the modified Crunch tool, the slingbow, the 3 lb block of salt, the cotton rope hammock, the snarewire,, the big roll of duct tape, Take the fishing kit as a big sewing needle, bent into the shape of a hook and 24 of the largest single hooks allowed. Cut them in half, reshape their ends, and use the fishline to bind them into treblehooks. Set them as trotlines. The only pick everyone else takes that I agree with is the cookpot and ASAP, you need to make 3 of the baked clay 1 gallon pots, with lids, and 50 clayballs for use on small game with the slingbow. You need to make the pontoon outrigger raft from (as of yet) un-needed clothing, make the three 100m each long chumlines, with a tarp/tape bait bag and a float tied to the lines every 5m. You need the tarp to make clothing, make food storage bags, make a dry bag for tinder, make a lean-to reflector for a fire on stilts out in the lake, to attract fish at night,before your middle of the night "run" with the seine. You can make 4 baited net traps and a seine out of the hammock. use the raft and the seine to "chivvy" the fish into the baited net traps, then close the gate on each one. After you've got them all, use a small seine, dip net, spear to bank your catch, roll up the seine, open the gates again. rebait as needed. Fish are dumb, more will be back the next 7 hours.
  2. agreed. To hell with the IRS and SS people, too, who'd take half of it. it's lump sum. Fowler's got a yt vid about the IRS immediately getting in his face and wanting 30% of it, and SS wanting 12% and the state got a piece of it, too. He ended up with half, and then his wife ran off with the kids and took half of it, too.
  3. not a chance. That cheapskate outfit would just have you split the million with any who made it that far. However, this means that 3-4th place will now pay off pretty well, which is a much better deal than before. Here's what they should have used for a shelter until the ground started to freeze hard. They can also fold the 10x10 tarp in half, tie the edges, stuff the 5x10 with 12" of dry grass and have a nice blanket. Lay on a 2 ft high pile of debris and pull the blanket over you, and you'll be fine until the ground freezes. Make an 18" high box of poles, 8x5 ft. Take a few hours, done at your leisure. Also make a triangular pole frame . 4x4x7 ft. When the single thickness tent is no longer warm enough., fill the box with debris, and center the pole frame on it. Fold the 20x20 tarp in half, and stuff 15ft of one end with 6" of dry grass. Drape the stuffed end of the tarp over the little pole frame. Use cracks in the pole box to guy out the bottom edges of the tarp. Guy out the top ends, too. Lay poles on each side and across the un-stuffed foot end of the tarp, and pile debris between the poles and the shelter, sealing those bottom edges. The unstuffed end of the tarp is left draped on the ground, used for storage. Tie poles to the sides and bottom of the head-end's "door flap", so that you can prop it up with 1-2 poles. Stuff the 5x10 blanket into the shelter. Unstuff 2 ft of one end of it, and fold it back under your feet. At that point, youlll have 18" of compressed dry grass all around you when you get under the blanket.. Stuff debris between all layers of your clothing. Size the clothing to allow this, while wearing all of it at once. ditto the 6 pairs of wool socks. Cut up your 12x12 reflective tarp, using it and the duct tape to swiftly make an anorak, booties, mittens, leggings and breechclout. When you go into your little sleeping shelter, move the anorak down around your thighs. You're allowed to take 5 layers of clothing for your legs, and 7 for your torso. Stuff the backpack with debris and have it under the blanket, where it can go around your feet and lower legs, wearing all 6 pairs of socks and the booties. With the anorak and leggings and grass in between them, you'll sleep fine without any external heat source, down to -20F. I was unable to test it at lower temps. but if need be, you can have hot rocks in ashes-lined pits under your debris-bed.
  4. ha. 5 years ago, age 63, I started serious body building. at age 67, I could push 1000 lbs on the 45 degree leg press. It might be true at 70, as Jack Lalanne claimed, but it's certainly not true at age 60 Jordan gained 20 lbs for the show, lost 20 lbs before he got the moose and 5 lbs thereafter. So he was only 5 lbs below his normal weight and that was probably due to the cold and the half arsed shelter than he (and all the others) had If your shelter needs a fire inside of it, it's not worth a hoot.
  5. you are mixing up callie from season 3 with callie from season 7. Season 7 gal was pulled because of a frost bitten toe, she had no spider bites.
  6. the women were tough, no doubt, but pretty clueless about how to feed themselves. Since you can't have barbed hooks, trotlines are worthless, UNLESS, you know to cut the 24 big hooks in half, reforge their ends and then use the fishline to wrap them into 16 treblehooks. Then they're much more likely to retain a fish that's taken the bait. if 2 or more of the hooks got into him. Run your fishline thru all 3 of the hook's eyes. Then it wont matter if the three hooks somehow get separated, you see. 16 hooks fishing for you is a lot better than just one and it frees you up to do other things, like spin cordage made from the rope hammock's internal threads and weave netting. out of your spun strands
  7. batesj

    S06.E10: Thin Ice

    what's shocking is none of these fools take the 2 person rope hammock and make 1700 sq ft of 3" mesh netting out of it. and make the pontoon outrigger raft in a day. Just doing that much would feed you pretty well , You can make 200 sq ft of netting per day, by fire light, in your shelter, and you can have a very nice shelter, raised bed, debris insulation, Siberian fire lay,etc, all in one day,
  8. they split it, those cheapskate producers would never cough up more than that. I"m 68, dont do any of that, cause I'm not a scared little wussy.
  9. there's a law vs killing the foxes, it seems, or at least, it's in the contract History has with the natives of that area. a rabbit is just 700 calories. They need to eat 4 of them EVERY day if that's all the food that they have. Small game is a waste of time. You have to burn a lot of calories checking those snares twice a day, Jordan set over 100 snares to average one rabbit per day. He burned more calories checking the snares than they provided. I'd not bother with such stuff, were it not for the need to check the big game traps/snares and the baited treblehoooks and traps for predators and raptors. If you have to check the big game traps, might as well have some small game snares set along the same route. but the fish nets are what will feed you.
  10. they are all stupid for not making and using trekking poles constantly. Falls have injured 5 people in 7 seasons. You'd think that they'd learn to use a rope tied to something solid for going up and down steep slops, and that they'd learn to boil all food until it falls apart. and all water, too, of course. Bad food and bad water have taken out 4-5 people. Cuts have taken out 3-4 and messed up several others. Kid stuff. 60 years ago, any Boy scout would have known better.
  11. joe was never anything but a weak link who did nothing and clearly never intended to do anything, Keith, and shotgun finder never had a clue how to feed themselves adquately. Roland is an ahole for only having one arrow and not trotting 10 minutes back to base camp. they are STUCK in a 12 mile radius of their drop off locations, guys. He could also have cut a pole, used a bit of his boot laces to lash his knife to the pole, used the rest of the laces and some rocks to make a bola, entangled the ox's legs and then speared it, instead of making it suffer for 5 hours, like the coward that he is.
  12. not true at all. the double layered, debris stuffed tarp shelter, sealed with tape and similar sleeping bag, suffice just fine. No need of a fire, or more shelter than that. Their location doesnt go below 0F for more than a month and barely freezes the first month.
  13. means nothing. He wasted so much time and energy on his stupid "shelter" that he could barely draw his bow. VERY few people will even see an animal. They should be setting traps for big game and mainly be using lots of netting, made from the 2 person rope hammock.
  14. batesj

    S05.E10: Cold War

    they CAN get food, if they take the right stuff, know anything and aint lazy. they've all had large bodies of water that will provide them with LOTS of fish, with a few days spent making netting out of the 2 person rope hammock and a day spent making a pontoon outrigger raft.
  15. batesj

    S05.E10: Cold War

    haha. funny. quality man, did nothing but live off of his body fat, stayed 4 days longer, in better conditions, not as much rain, wind, etc. big deal. 60 days. they were GONE before it hit below 20F and within 2 weeks of it first dropping below freezing temps. Bunch of wimps this is hilarious. Millions of men have been locked in solitary confinement for MUCH longer, and believe me, it's MUCH harder on you than being in the bush with lots of stuff, making $5000 per day! In WW2, tens of millions of men did not see their families for 4+ years, dude. 2 months is NOTHiNG.
  16. the axe, saw, whetstone, canteen, bow ferrrorod, sleeping bag, belt knife, gillnet, paracord, all pointless or inferior picks. You left out Fowler's E-tool, which is VERY superior, IF it's set up to remove/replade the handle without tools, and IF one edge has been altered into 8" of real saw teeth. and IF you know how to swiftly construct, the very superior, small, insulated, double layered, tape-sealed reflective tarp shelter, so you dont need a warming fire. Dont waste 2-3 weeks processing and hauling firewood, or a week on a non-portable shelter. With my tarp shelter, you can move camp to a big kill in 2 hours, You wont be risking the meat at all in such a short time, if you wrap the chunks in the skin, put them up in a tree, away from the gut pile. the animal would rather have the guts anyway. But leaving the meat exposed for 1-2 days, at both ends of your hike, that's NUTS! You can easily come back to find half of it eaten by a wolf pack, with their saliva and piss all over the rest of it.
  17. I've applied for every season so far. I've read books and mags and done a lot of experimentation. It just takes a certain type of mind set to gather such info and add some tweeks here and there.
  18. they do put on the weight, but it's cheating to do so. wth would GO someplace if they knew that they'd just starve? they' should be eliminated if they have not few themselves adequately for at least a week, at the 30 day mark and at 60 days if they dont have 100,000 calories stored up.
  19. you dont need a fire place, or a fire inside at all. You need a supershelter tarp set up for the first 6 weeks, until you get the 2 inches of snow you need to make an igloo.
  20. you wont lose more than 2 lbs per day, and the shelter is stupid. All you need for the first 6 weeks is a Kochanski supershelter, even if you dont take the sleeping bag. Then you'll have the 2 inches of snow that is all you need to make an igloo and the igloo is well proven to be the ideal winter shelter.
  21. so where's the skills? I've seen nothing so far, Their shelters have all sucked, had t have fires inside of them, choking them with smoke and catching the shelters on fire, taking much too long to build, not being warm, etc. An igloo only takes one day to build is MUCH warmer and needs no fire, just hot rocks, debris, nsulation, your clothing, a raised wooden bed. dont even need the sleeping bag.
  22. no, it woudn't. You can scrub things just fine with hardwood ashes, sand and water. There is not enough income from this show to keep the medical teams, liability insurance, etc, in place for more than a few months. You're never going to see a warm climate or spring start. 100 days makes it easier and more likely to go longer, cause they know that if they get that far, they will at least get a piece of the million. In all previous seaons, second place gets nothing at all.
  23. IF he knew to take the 12x12 as 1/4 clear material, and 3/4 reflective material, he could set up 100 sq ft of it as a Kochanski supershelter, and with hot rocks inside of it and a Siberian fire lay "aiming' its one way projeccted heat at the clear, vertical side of the lean-to, he'd be fine until he got the 2 inches of snow that is all you need to build an igloo in one day. If you've already got the pile of branches that you need, you can finish the igloo in half a day. The Supershelter is capable of raising the temps inside of the tarp shelter by 70F degrees compared to the outside temp. the igloo can raise the temps by 50F degrees just with your body head, if it's a small igloo. Even if it's -30F outside, all you need is hot rocks under the raised wooden bed, debris, and your clothing to sleep ok, even without a sleeping bag The rock house was a stupid waste of time and calorie. All the boulders do is suck the heat out of your shelter. The guy is dumb as a rock, hunting with just one arrow, not going back for more arrows, take 40 minutes, tops. Instead, he lets the animal suffer for FIVE hours. Then he's too dumb to move camp to the kill, and too dumb to have an ice-caches, for the meat, just 10m from his shelter, so he could hear any animal attempting to get his food, come out and arrow them. Baited treblehooks and baited junglewhips will guard your cache, too.
  24. they dont know what to take and do. If they'd not waste a week or more on a shelter, and immediately made lots of 3" mesh netting out of the rope hammock, unraveling it, then unraveling the rope into smaller strands, making baited net weirs for waterfowl, they could grab up to 50k calories before the fowl all migrate. Then local vegetation can be woven into the 3" mesh, converting it to net-weirs for fish. You can make a pontoon outrigger-raft in a day and 500 sq ft of 1.5" mesh seine in 5-6 days. So in a week, they can be harvesting 30 or more lbs of fish in a day. Make some perforated tarp bait-bags, put fishheads and guts in them, attach them to wooden floats, all attached to a long line strung out into the lake and "chum" fish in to your baited few feet of shoreline, where you encircle the feeding fish with the seine., using the raft to pay out the net as you addle around the baited area, Tie each end of the seine to a big stake and start hauling in the net to the shore, first one end, then the other. Do this 3x per day. At night, set the seine as a giant baited net weir.
  25. there's a youtube video about it. They bring them hot soup, bananas, chocolate, almonds, and dont let them eat much at first. Just cause you hear a boat or a chopper does not mean you've won. It might mean others made it to 100 days. or on previous seasons, it can mean that they are doing the med-check and battery/video exchange.
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