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Everything posted by LetsStartTalking

  1. My gosh, Dan Abrams looks like a ghost on the show. Who's idea was it to make him monochromatic from the neck up ? He used to be so handsome on MSNBC (a decade ago).
  2. If it's Tuesday, it's Meganutz's "Slippery slope" day ! I lost count on how many times she used that phrase in her two minute response about the police officers in the NY GPP. 30 minutes in and all they've discussed is the tennis player and the NY GPP. I guess a rather slow news day today ?
  3. Looks like the voters wanted fresh shows - 'GMA 3: What You Need to Know' , 'Red Table'. 'Tamron Hall'. I guess they want to prove they're still relevant.
  4. Not to get too off subject, but I wonder when they will return to the studio and have a live audience once again ? Wendy Williams is returning to a live audience on Tuesday, June 1 (she's been in the studio since September, but her staff has taken up the seats in the audience, not the public). I wonder if 'The View' will stay remote for the rest of the season (June and July) and go back to the studio in September ? Or will they let WW 'test the waters' in her NY studio first, and then decide in a few weeks ? These remote telecasts are really dragging the show, IMO.
  5. Yes, "The View", "The Talk" and even "Wendy Williams" were all snubbed this year by the Daytime Emmy voters -except for a very few 'low key' nominations. They've been long-time nominees and winners...wonder who voted for the noms this past season ?
  6. I know we've shared a lot of laughs over Meganutz's janky hair extensions, but ... Have you ever seen the janky wigs and extensions Elaine Welterworth and Sheryl Underwood wear on 'The Talk' ? They make Meganutz look sensible.
  7. And this interview will happen on Friday, when Whoopi won't be there to defend Prince.
  8. This show can't survive with the JV team.
  9. A lot of 'book promoting' this week. Everyone seems to have a book to sell for the summer.
  10. WOW! I don't remember this happening at all. Joy was let go because they wanted a younger host on the panel to attract a younger audience and talk about 'fluff topics' like they were doing on 'The Talk'. That's when they brought in Jenny McCarthy for their disastrous season.
  11. The May 2021 'ratings sweeps' ends this Wednesday. I believe the results will officially be released the day after Memorial Day next week. It will be interesting to see where this show stands in the last important 'sweeps period' for this current season. I have a feeling they will remain #1 in daytime talk show ratings, as it won't matter how many long-time viewers tune out. #1 in daytime talk means they will attract more advertisers paying high prices to viewers sticking with the show and new viewers it attracts.
  12. It's not a clash of political beliefs - it's a clash of personalities, and 'The View' has had their fair share way before McCain was brought on the show. (Read 'The Ladies Who Punch' for more). Some examples over the years: Elisabeth's blow-up over the 'day after pill', based on her religious beliefs. She threatened to leave the show that day, but audiences loved the explosion between EH and Joy. The infamous blow-up between Rosie and Elisabeth on May 23, 2007; a season of tension erupted like a volcano. The animosity and tension between Joy and Star in the first eight seasons. Audiences picked up on it, and felt very uncomfortable to watch these two each day. They took Joy's side, and Star was fired (her contract was 'not renewed') in 2006. The disrespect, tension and animosity between Rosie and Whoopi in 2014 -15 before Rosie up and quit mid-season (and to this day, Rosie said it was all because of the horrible treatment she received from Whoopi on the show each day). Those two hated each other on the show, and they didn't cover up their animosity - making it another uncomfortable season. McCain's behavior on the show is nothing new. It's different, but certainly not new. And this time around, the EPs know how to turn it into a ratings bonanza.
  13. Here is the sentence which I was addressing from your original post: That's why I explained there is no comparison to our jobs and their jobs, and what they are contracted to do each day. If any of us acted the way she did today (especially to her cohorts), yes we would be fired. But that's because it's not expected of us to act that way to our coworkers, as it's expected of her.
  14. The ratings that Nielsen has presented here has more to do with where America was in May, 2020 (in lockdown at their homes, during a deadly pandemic) as to where they are now ('back to normal' and out and about, once again). It has little to do with each show's popularity, and a drop in demo ratings is more than expected for this year. In total viewership, 'The View' is still the #1 talk show in daytime television. 'Ellen' has lost a third of her audience blamed on the behind-the-scenes controversy from last summer, and has decided to leave after next season (she know she won't ever recoup that 33% loss). And as for 'The Talk', they are still embedded in last place - just where they began in September, and are struggling on 'life support'.
  15. 'Our jobs' are quite different from the jobs of the five hosts on the show. Each of them is doing what is required of them - to discuss, share their views, get emotional, become passionate, etc. Can't compare anyone's job in the private sector to their jobs on a television talk show called 'The View'. The only comparison I can see to today's show was Sharon Osbourne on 'The Talk' back on March 10. Again Osbourne and her cohosts were doing their job.
  16. Where are you getting information that their ratings are down ? Can you please share your source ?
  17. Oh for frogs legs Meganutz! Why is Whoopi cutting you off ? Because she's the conductor of this train and she has every right to throw passengers off the train and onto the tracks. Especially when they go off on a crazy tangent like you did! Anyone else notice that Meganutz is wearing a blouse which matches the flower arrangement behind her, so it looks like the flowers are going off on a crazy rant. I guess she pissed off her wardrobe assistant today.
  18. Grandma and the Grandson - How many times have cases like this been presented on Judge Judy for the past 25 years, where people are suing for money owed by a dead person (estate) and JJ has said time and time again "When a person dies, their debt dies with them." As a matter of fact, thanks to JJ this advice came in handy last year for me when my elderly dad died (though he left no estate, but had a few small credit card bills). Why didn't JJ tell the plaintiff that she was out of luck - the debt died with the son-in-law ? Alvin and the Chipmunks - I think Alvin was telling the truth. 100%. I believe he got the home out of foreclosure, and I believe everything else he said. He was living with his mother for about a year, his mail and his license had her address on it - so he was legally living there, as he said (and proved). JJ doesn't like when someone gets one over on her (how many times has she asked a litigant where their mail was going, and what address was on their license just to tell them 'that's your address!'. JJ didn't like Alvin because he was calm, cool, collective and presented professionally. He had all his ducks in a row, and no matter how many times JJ tried to play 'Gotcha!' she failed. It makes no difference why the car was parked on the side of the house - it wasn't blocking anyone or interfering with anything. The brother Michael didn't own the house either, so he had no right to have it towed. JJ failed to tell them this. She was so wrong on this one - all because she lost at 'Gotcha!' BTW, for 66 years old, Alvin was a sexy guy. So was his brother in a 'bad boy' way.
  19. Why in the world would they wait until the very end of the month to bring awareness to National Brain Tumor Awareness Month ? Shouldn't they have done this the first few days of the month, to make people aware ? Are they aiming for 'unawareness month' ? And I bet you Meganutz will do a tribute to her father. Maybe bring in the Long Island Psychic and see if she can communicate with him on the show.
  20. A few take-aways from the show on Friday... 1. The "Cuomo" incident is one of the biggest non-incidents the media has covered in a long time. What Andrew and his brother Chris do in their private time, off-air, is no one's business. Who cares if Chris is advising his brother ? As for Meganutz pretending that she would openly discuss any trouble her family was in on "The View" because that is her job, let me remind her of the national trouble her mother was in two years ago, for accusing a woman at an airport for 'child trafficking'. Not a word of it was mentioned on the show, even though the media covered it. 2. As for the non-issue of the D-list celebrity child dating another D-list celebrity 17 years her senior ? Who cares ? And for the record, her mother and father have 12 years between them, and no one ever cared. Friday's show was careening into no-man's land until Greta stopped by and sold more crap from her garage. That killed the last ten minutes of airtime, since nothing seemed planned.
  21. OK, I'll tell you why Meganutz hsa such animosity for Dr. Fauci (I think it's apparent to everyone, but no one made the connection): For over a year, Fauci has made hundreds of appearances on television; interviews, press conferences, etc. Correct ? And NOT ONCE - NOT ONCE - has he ever mentioned Saint John McCain, the late Senator of Arizona. NOT ONCE. I mean, a few times he talked about the pandemic numbers in Arizona. Did he ever mention Saint John McCain when referring to Arizona ? NEVER ! Did he ever say: 'In all my years of working in Washington, DC, the best part of my day would be running into Saint John McCain, and sharing a smile or a nod of 'hello' in a hallway. Or sharing the stall next to him in the restroom, and later reminding him he should wash his hands before leaving the facility. ' ??? NEVER. Not once in over 15 months. And now he suffers the wrath of Meganutz McCain !
  22. Past experience: She has a history of contributing nothing important. I can enjoy the show much more without listening to her comments.
  23. I usually take a bathroom break or go grab another coffee when Sara is talking when watching live. When I DVR the show, I FF right through Sara's responses. I find she brings very little to any conversation that's worth paying attention to these days.
  24. OMG, when did he die ? Why has she kept it a secret for so long? I always wondered why she speaks so little of her father on the show.
  25. Before Sarah had kids she was doing fluff on GMA, similar to what she's doing now. She was the weekend 'pop news anchor' for GMA, which is why ABC moved her to 'The View' to do the same fluff news (and why she drowns in political discussions). She started her family while on 'The View', as she bounced back and forth from GMA and The View since 2016. Not sure with what she meant they treated her differently when she held the same job duties.
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