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Everything posted by ShellsandCheese

  1. Love that they didn’t drag out the whole Faith finding out about Jeremy. I am guessing she’ll change her mind on the partner switch. I also noticed that Angie is back to wearing the neck scarfs. Marion will definitely need to be more forceful and aggressive (for lack of a better word) in certain circumstances for things to work with Will. Will and Angie are toxic AF but when you know someone else that deeply, it’s very hard to a) transition back into a strictly platonic relationship and b) not resort to old patterns and behaviors.
  2. Another Black contestant on the Bachelor franchise picks a white person. How shocking! This is exactly why myself and most of the Black people I know were never hyped about this show having Black contestants. I don’t think Grant and Julia ever had any serious difficult conversations; conversations that are a must when getting into this type of interracial relationship in particular. That being said Grant gives me total fuckboi anxious avoidant attachment vibes. It’s all fun and games now but I’ll be surprised if he actually marries Julianna. Honestly, I think she’ll dump him when he passively aggressively checks out on the relationship and forces her hand. Like he lives in Houston! He’s still single because he wants to be.
  3. I’m all about Black love because there’s not enough of it on TV and in movies but I am here for Faith and Ormewood, lol. And I think it’s happening.
  4. Not yet. But people have been speculating/wondering if the guy from Grimm is Roman. And he’s about as white as they come. Also, I miss Grimm. LOL.
  5. The finale felt a bit rushed to me, and after getting through the season, I think this is missing some of the charm and quirkiness of the original. Ava (or should I say the actress who plays her) is also very obviously either a light-skin Black young lady or mixed race. There’s no way that Morgan and another white person would have made that child. LOL.
  6. I’m starting to think that Sinatra thinks she’s in control but it’s actually a secret cadre of folks controlling everything; it’s the people with that damn flower logo. Or Sinatra is a part of it but she’s being usurped; perhaps that was the plan all along to get rid of Sinatra. Hmmm.
  7. I noticed something and it could be nothing or it could be a clue, lol. When Gabriela and Sinatra were talking and Sinatra demanded they reboot the sky to get rid of the messages, Gabriela made this comment: ”Absolutely not. A shutdown would be like reliving everything all over again. The sheltering protocols, the illusion of world being broken.” But she may have been talking about breaking the current reality but it sounded like she was talking about the initial arrival when people believed something catastrophic had happened and their world as they knew it was no more.
  8. I can’t imagine Atlanta of all places being a first target for a nuke attack; or even a target. So for me that’s the first thing that’s not adding up and making me suspicious. Colorado is actually a more likely option because of NORAD and US Northern Command and just the sheer number of strategic and tactical points located there.
  9. It’s too late to edit! The ending was fitting. Little disappointed that they turned Mike into “that guy”; the one who can’t handle his girlfriend/wife’s success and while I’m not shocked, what was the point of the last six episodes only for Camille and Ian to end up together. It would have been nice to show that people can successfully coparent and have other romantic relationships. I really liked Eva, she ended up being my fave this season and she’s better than me — I don’t think I wouldn’t have taken Tye back. But maybe that’s why I’m single. LOL. I guess the season was pretty much what I expected once we got to episode two; it was obvious where things were heading. But it’s sad to see so many naturally beautiful women screwing up their faces. Meghan. I almost didn’t recognize Robyn Givens and then there’s Jasmine Guy. Lawd. And that baby was at least two-to-three months old. I can’t believe they tried to pass her off as a fresh out of the womb newborn.
  10. Am I the only one who thinks the BIL is too obvious of a suspect? Maybe it’s the sister? She gets mad at her husband because he flirts with and is a dirty-old-man to young women and with her misplaced anger, kills the women instead. That would be interesting at least.
  11. So who was responsible for the fire/explosion at the Keller plant?
  12. Faith and Ormewood have way more chemistry than Will and Marion. Do they not screen test anymore? Was Gina R. added to the show simply because her other show got cancelled and she’s liked by the brass at ABC? I am not knocking her or her talents but there is no romantic chemistry between her and Will. None. Cricket is missed! Susan did an amazing job with her two episode cameo and really made an impression. And her and Roman/Will had some crackling chemistry.
  13. Lord. When Xavier told Robinson you were dating the murder victim so my circle of trust is staying put for now……all I could think was how hot and sexy SKB is. 😂😂 I too feel like Gabriela may actually be the villain or one of the villains. She was a counselor and grief is a powerful thing; she could have absolutely manipulated Sinatra. Or it could be a case of two complimentary horrible people finding each other and making each other worse. And I’m guessing it’s not intentional but there are some interesting and scary parallels to what is actually happening right now in the US. The billionaire class never has the best interests of the society at heart. NEVER. I love James Marsden as an actor, so I’m glad to see Cal is a decent guy at heart and wasn’t in on most of the shenanigans.
  14. Do you mean Sinatra? Robinson is the agent that was sleeping with Cal; she was most definitely not responsible for the underground community.
  15. Did they catch Juanita?
  16. I knew Billy was dead as soon as he left Sinatra’s office. It’s unfortunate that it was Jane, the one person he gave love a chance with.
  17. I’ll miss this show, but not as much as I miss Run the World. Also, I can’t stand Camille; and Meghan Goode really needs to quit tweaking and messing with her face.
  18. I like it so far, even though I don’t find the actor who plays Rupert particularly attractive, LOL. And right now I’m not finding him particularly charismatic either, he seems like an ass. I don’t care for Maud either. She strikes me as being jealous and resentful of Taggie; it’s an odd mother-daughter dynamic - it’s like she’s competing with her own daughter. Yikes. I am interested in what they do with Cameron, right now she seems to be getting the sassy angry Black woman edit and that gets tiring real quick. ETA: Beattie is played by the same actress who Lauren on Being Human and who was turned into a vampire by Mitchell (Aidan Turner). Which, all the Aidan Turner makes me want to do a Poldark rewatch.
  19. It’s sooo good BUT like with most of their international content, especially the ones featuring Black people, MAX has done nothing to promote it. Nothing. And the algorithm isn’t going to suggest it most accounts. It’s a shame.
  20. This show was awful. Of the three or four women, the only one who didn’t come across as completely messed up and thus messing up other people was Maggie. Lina had her moments and I get her trauma and being sexually frustrated; but that woman was so obsessed and dickmatized that she ignored and neglected her kids. Sloane came off as a caricature and stereotype of a hyper-specialized Black woman; the Jezebel. A woman that was hyper sexual to the point that she clearly was using sex as an escape in an unhealthy manner and lied to and manipulated her own husband and the secret lover she had too. This show was the anti-feminist/manoshere/incel wet dream. It made all women seem crazy and unhinged and hormonal. What the fuck?
  21. After finishing the show, I’m convinced this show was made by a narc to get people to hate women. Women are complicated. We all know that. Why? Because we’re human. But this show: Lina is so distracted waiting to hear from her booty call that she ignores her kid, and then isn’t around when her kid falls into a pile of shit. Sloane wasn’t a slut, but she was a huge dick. Manipulating people for her own sexual pleasure; Gia was a total lunatic when it came to jerking around the man she got pregnant by twice!!! Lina had her moments but the only real relatable character was Maggie. The other ones seemed like caricatures. And were we supposed to dislike Sloane’s mom? Because she was great.
  22. People are just jumping on the bandwagon and are about two years behind the rest of us who have watched from the beginning. Co spidering the long wait for season four, I expect some of the hype to die down - especially when people have some time to digest it all and start to recognize that nothing is really happening in the show. Because boy did season three drag. I found it boring and tedious. As others have stated, this season had so much filler it was ridiculous. It could have been condensed into a two hour movie.
  23. I think Lynch is doing a great job. Bianca is just that unlikeable because in her effort to find The Jackal she doesn’t care how many people die or are harmed. She’s a fanatic. I’ll be pissed if she gets any type of happy ending though.
  24. Bianca is going to get hers for being responsible for Emma’s death and then lying to her poor mother. This is exactly what’s wrong with these intelligence offices; always thinking the ends justify the means and that collateral damage is just not a big deal.
  25. Lenu was writing about her brillliant friend Lina. The series did a wonderful job staying true to the books. It just sucks that there large gaps between season and that after really pushing it the first two seasons MAX basically released the last two seasons with hardly a peep. Bizarre.
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